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Scar of tongue

Auteurs : | |
Éditeur : DİSA Date & Lieu : 2011, İstanbul
Préface : Pages : 160
Traduction : ISBN : 978-605-5458-02-7
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 195x270mm
Code FIKP : Liv. En.Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Scar of tongue

Scar of tongue: Consequences of the ban on the use of mother tongue
in education and experiences of Kurdish students in Turkey

Vahap Coșkun,
M. Șerif Derince,
Nesrin Uçarlar


Beginning in the 1960s, when the political, cultural and economic demands of various social groups began to be more strongly reflected in the public sphere, the totalitarian policies of nation-states began to falter. In particular, authoritarian practices aimed at creating a common national identity and a single national language began to meet with significant objections. Groups that had been at odds with the prevailing majority on ethnic, linguistic and religious grounds and that had up to that time been kept at a distance from the administrative centre began to demand the preservation and protection of their identities and cultures.

These demands were also reflected in Turkey. The concept of ...

Table des Matières


Preface / 9

Chapter one: nation-state, education and language / 11
A. “nation-state” and “national identity” / 12
B. Role of education and language in the building of a nation / 13
1. Language / 13
2. Education / 15

Chapter two: nation-state, education and language in turkey / 18
A. Role of education and language in building the turkish nation / 20
1. National Education / 22
2. Language: Turkish / 25
B: language policies implemented in Turkey / 29
1. The Period 1923-1950 / 29
2. The Period 1950-1980 / 35
3. 1980 and Subsequent Years / 36
4. Use of the Mother Tongue in the Existing Legislation and in Education / 38

Chapter three: issue of the mother tongue in education and Kurdish students’ educational experience / 44
A. Field work / 45
B. Findings / 45

Chapter four: evaluation of findings and theoretical discussion / 79
A. Issues identified / 79
1. Lack of Communication / 79
2. Beginning life with a 1-0 deficit / 81
3. Failing and Quitting School / 82
4. Stigmatization / 83
5. Violence / 83
6. Keeping Quiet and Waiting for the Bell / 84
7. Informants / 85
8. Distinctions between Villages / Slums, Regions and City Centers / 86
9. To Be a Kurdish Speaking Teacher or Not To Be / 86
10. The Role of Parents / 87
11. Language Shift / 88
B. Attitudes To The Use Of The Mother Tongue In Education / 89
C. Subtractive Educational Practices / 90
D. A Theoretical Approach – The Psycholinguistic And Sociological Principles / 92
1. Psycholinguistic Principles Underlying Academic Development of Linguistic Minority Students / 92
a. Language Proficiency and Academic Development / 92
b. Linguistic Interdependence / 93
c. Additive Bilingualism / 93
2. Sociological Principles Underlying Academic Development of Linguistic Minority Students / 94
a. Understanding Coercive Power Relations / 94
b. Identity Negotiation / 95
E. Recommendations / 96
1. Recommendations Concerning the Educational System / 96
2. Social and Cultural Recommendations / 99

Chapter Five: Right to Education in the Mother Tongue – Country Examples / 101
A. Corsican Language – France / 103
B. Basque Language – Spain / 108
C. Uyghur Language – China / 115
D. Evaluation / 122

Conclusion / 126
Examples From Interviews / 129
References / 148
Subject Index / 154
Author Index / 155

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