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Ancient Iraq

Author : Georges Roux
Editor : Penguin Books Date & Place : 1980, London
Preface : Pages : 496
Traduction : ISBN : 0-14-020828
Language : EnglishFormat : 130x195mm
FIKP's Code : Liv. Eng. Rou. Anc. N° 825Theme : General

Ancient Iraq

Ancient Iraq

Georges Roux

Penguin Books

Of the great civilizations which flourished for over three thousand years between the Tigris and the Euphrates, little seemed to remain.
Ages of decline tended to obliterate almost every trace of the art, science, and literature of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. During the last century, however,there has been an unceasing effort on the pa rt of a rcha eoIog ists to u n cover th e monuments and texts which reveal the history and civilization of the region once called Mesopotamia.
Ancient Iraq is the first full political, cultural, and economic history to attempt to cover the whole of Mesopotamia from the days of prehistory to the Christian era. Dr Roux describes the empires, dynasties and religions of each millennium and suggests something of the splendour of Babylon before its capture by Cyrus. That so vast a subject makes such absorbing reading is due not only to the inevitable fascination of the past,butto the light,yet exact,touch of a talented historian.

Dr Georges Roux was bom at Salon-de-Provence in 1914. The son of an officer in the French Army, at the age of nine he accompanied his parents to the Middle East where he lived for twelve years in Syria and Lebanon before returning to France in 1935. He graduated in medicine at the University of Paris and practised in that city for several years; but he had by then become so interested in Ancient Near Eastern History that in his spare time he read assyriology at the Ecole du Louvre and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, subsequently pursuing his oriental studies side by side with his medical career. In 1950 he joined the Iraq Petroleum Company as a medical officer and served for two years in Qatar and seven years in Iraq. His original research work in southern Mesopotamia and the articles he wrote for specialized periodicals such as Sumer and the Revue d’Assyriologie have won him admission to the restricted circle of professional archaeologists and assyriologists.
Dr Roux now lives in Paris.


Foreword To The Second Edition / 12

Introduction To The First Edition / 13

I. The Geographical Setting / 19
The Twin Rivers / 22
Regional Variations / 26
Trade Routes / 29

2. In Search of The Past / 34
The Buried Cities of Iraq / 35
Dating the Past / 39
Archaeological Research in Iraq / 44

3. From Cave to Farm / 49
The Pcdaeolithic of Iraq / 52
Mesolithic and Neolithic / 55

4. From Village to City / 61
The Hassuna Period / 62
The Samarra Period / 65
The Halaf Period / 66
The Ubaid Period / 69

5. Birth of a Civilization / 75
The Uruk Period / TJ
The Jemdat Nasr Period / 82
The Sumerian Problem / 85

6. The Gods of Sumer / 90
The Sumerian Pantheon / 91
Tales of Creation / 96
Life, Death and Destiny / 101

7. An Age of Heroes / 106
From ‘Adam’ to the Deluge / 106
The Great Flood / 110
Dynasties of Supermen / 114
The Story of Gilgamesh / 118

8. The Early Dynastic Period / 122
The Sumerian City-States / 124
Early Sumerian Rulers / 130
Outline of History / 134

9. Semitic Interlude / 14O
The Semites / 141
Sargon of Akkad / 145
The Akkadian Empire / 148

10. Sumerian Renaissance / 154
Ur-Nammu and Gudea / 155
Shulgi, Amar-Sin and the Sumerian Empire / 161
The Fall of Ur / 165

II. The Amorites / 169
Isin, Larsa and Babylon / 171
Eshnunna, Assur and Mari / 175
Shamshi-Adad I and his Sons / 179

12. HAMMURABI / 184
The Statesman / 184
The Lawgiver / 189

13. In The Days of Hammurabi / 195
The God in his Temple / 196
The King in his Palace / 200
The Citizen in his House / 204

14. New Peoples / 208
The Indo-Europeans / 209
Asia Minor and the Hittites / 213
Hurrians and Mitannians / 216
Syria and Egypt / 218

15- The Kassites / 223
Hammurabi's Successors / 224
Iraq under Kassite Rule / 227

16. Kassites, Assyrians And The Oriental Powers / 233
Egypt versus Mitanni / 233
The Time of Suppiluliumas / 236
Assur and Susa versus Babylon / 240

17- The Time of Confusion / 246
Israelites and Phoenicians / 248
The Neo-Hittites / 251
The Aramaeans / 253
The Dark Age of Mesopotamia / 257

18. The Rise of Assyria / 262
Genesis of an Empire / 263
Ashumasirpal 267
Shalmaneser III / 273

19. The Assyrian Empire / 278
Assyrian Eclipse / 279
Tiglathpileser III / 282
Sargon II / 287

20. The House Of Sargon / 293
Sennacherib / 294
Esarhaddon / 299
Ashurbanipal / 304

21. The Glory of Assyria / 312
The Assyrian State / 313
The Assyrian Army / 320
Assyrian Arts 323

22. The Scribes of Nineveh / 328
Mesopotamian Science / 330
Mathematics and Astronomy / 334
Medicine / 338

23. The Chaldaean Kings / 343
The Fall of Nineveh / 343
Nebuchadrezzar / 348
The Fall of Babylon / 352

24. The Splendour of Babylon / 359
Babylon, the Great City / 360
The New Year Festival / 365
Economic Life 369

25. Death of a Civilization / 374
The Achaemenian Period / 375
The Hellenistic Period / 381
The Parthian Period / 387

Epilogue / 391

List of Abbreviations / 396

Bibliography And Notes / 399

Chronological Tables / 457

Maps / 470

Index Of Names / 481

Index Of Subjects / 495


Proto-historic buildings and objects (Drawing by the author)
Harp from the Royal Cemetery of Ur (Courtesy British Museum)
Gold helmet of Meskalamdug, from the Royal Cemetery of Ur (Drawing by the author)
Gold dagger from the Royal Cemetery of Ur (Courtesy British Museion)
Fragment of the Stele of the Vultures, from Telloh (Courtesy Louvre Museum)
Bronze head of Sargon (?), from Nineveh (Courtesy Iraq Museum)
Statue of Gudea, ensi of Lagash, from Telloh (Courtesy Louvre Museum)
The ziqqurat of Ur (Courtesy Robert Harding Associates, London)
Central stairs of the ziqqurat of Ur (Courtesy Robert Harding Associates; London)
Statue of Ebih-Il, from Mari (Courtesy Louvre Museum)
Votive dog, from Telloh (Courtesy Louvre Museum)
Head of a god, from Jabbul, Syria (Courtesy Louvre Museum)
A private house at Ur (Drawing by the author)
The Temple of Ishtar-Kititum at Ishchali (Drawing by the author after a reconstruction by Harold D. Hill)
Relief from Tell Halaf (Courtesy Prof. W. Casket, Cologne)
Assyrian statue at Nimrud (Photograph by the author)
Specimen of Assyrian writing on stone, from Nimrud (Courtesy Iraq Petroleum Company)
Stele of Esarhaddon, from Zenjirli {Courtesy Vorderasiatische Museum, Berlin)
Assyrian scene of war. Relief from Nineveh (Courtesy Louvre Museum)


Mesopotamia: Geography Prehistory Third Millennium B.C.
Sumer and Akkad
The Assyrian Empire
The Near East in the Second Millennium B.C.


Ancient Iraq was written in the early sixties and, despite minor changes and corrections in successive reprintings, was badly in need of a thorough revision, since in twenty years many new sites have been excavated and our knowledge of Mesopotamian prehistory and socio-economic history, in particular, has been considerably enlarged or modified.

In presenting this thoroughly revised edition I wish to acknowledge my debt to Penguin
Books Ltd, who have accepted the burden of this task, and to express my profound gratitude to those scholars who have helped me with encouragement and advice and put at my disposal a number of publications which were not readily available to me; Professor W. G. Lambert (Birmingham); Professor J. B. Pritchard (Philadelphia); Professor J. Bottero; Madame Florence Malbran-Labat, and M. J-P. Gregoire (Paris).

Paris, September 1979

Introduction to the First Edition

This is a revised version, substantially enlarged and entirely rewritten, of the series of articles which appeared between September 1956 and January i960 in Iraq Petroleum, the now defunct magazine of the Iraq Petroleum Company, under the title The Story of Ancient Iraq. Written in Basrah with no other source of documentation than my own personal library, these articles suffered from many serious defects and were far from even approaching the standards required from a work of this nature. In my view, whatever merit they possessed resided more in the lavish manner in which they were printed and illustrated than in the quality of their content. Yet, much to my surprise, the ‘ Story ’ received a warm welcome from a large and distinguished public. From Japan to California, a number of persons who, directly or indirectly, had access to the magazine took the trouble to write to the editor or myself asking for back numbers, spare copies or reprints, and suggesting that these articles be put in book form. I have now at last complied with their wish and I must say that, had it not been for the encouragement I received from their indulgent appreciation, I would never have had the courage to embark upon such a task.
For the unexpected success of these articles I can find only one reason: imperfect as they were, they helped to fill a regrettable gap. The Tigris-Euphrates valley - the region once called Mesopotamia and now mostly in Iraqi territory - forms a large, coherent, well-defined geographical, historical and cultural unit. Throughout antiquity, its inhabitants - Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians - shared the same brilliant civilization and played the leading role in Near Eastern politics, art, science, philosophy, religion and literature. During the last hundred years an enormous amount of archaeological research has been carried out in Iraq proper and in the eastern provinces of Syria. Impressive monuments have been unearthed, and museums have been filled with works of art and inscribed tablets recovered from the buried cities of Mesopotamia. No less remarkable results have been achieved in the field of philology: little by little, the two main languages of ancient Iraq - Sumerian and Akkadian - have yielded their secrets, and tens of thousands of texts have been translated and published. In university libraries the number of books and articles devoted to one aspect or other of Mesopotamian archaeology, history and civilization is positively staggering. Yet while several excellent and detailed histories of ancient Egypt, Iran, Syria, Palestine and Anatolia are offered to scholars or laymen, until H. W. F. Saggs in 1962 published The Greatness That Was Babylon it was impossible to find one single recent general history of ancient Iraq in English or, to my knowledge, in any other language.
That professional people are reluctant to undertake such a task can easily be understood. To deal thoroughly and competently with all the aspects of a civilization which had its roots in prehistory and lasted for more than thirty centuries would keep several scholars fully occupied for j ears and would fill many large volumes. Moreover, as almost every new discovery alters our knowledge of the past, even such a work would be in danger of becoming obsolete within a decade. Assyriologists and archaeologists in general prefer to plough their own fields. Most of their works are accessible only to other scholars or to advanced students. Those among these specialists who aim at a wider audience write on the subjects they know best. ‘Popular’ books, such as Woolley’s monographs on Ur, Parrot’s publications on Mari or Kramer’s editions of Sumerian epics and myths cannot be too highly praised, but they are spotlights illuminating small areas in a very large picture. The layman often fails fully to appreciate their value simply because he is unable to place the sites, monuments, events or ideas described in their proper chronological or cultural context. Historians, on the other hand, have adopted precisely the opposite attitude. The works of L. King (A History of Sumer and Akkad, London, 1910; A History of Babylon, London, 1915), Sidney Smith (Early History of Assyria, London, 1928), A. Olmstead (History of Assyria, New York, 1923), B. Meissner (Babylonien und Assyrien, Heidelberg, 1925) and L. Delaporte (La Mesopotamie, Paris, 1923), excellent in their time and still very useful, though on many points outdated, have never been replaced. Instead, the French and Germans and, to a lesser extent, the British have given us, in more recent years, vast syntheses embracing either the whole of Western Asia or the entire Near East (Egypt included), or even the totality of the ancient world. E. Meyer’s Geschichte des Altertums (1913-37), H. Schmokel’s Geschichte des alten Vorderasien (1957), or the chapters written by G. Contenau and E. Dhorme for Peuples et Civilisations (1950), by L. Delaporte for Les Peuples de VOrient Mediterranien (1948) and by G. Goossens for the Encyclopedic de la Pleiade (1956), or again, the monumental Cambridge Ancient History (1923-5), of which a revised edition is being prepared, are invaluable monuments of erudition and lack neither detail nor perspective. But it is the kind of perspective one can expect in an art gallery where even a masterpiece tends to lose its individual character among other paintings. No matter what place they give to Mesopotamia, these books fail to do full justice to the remarkable cohesion and continuity of her history and civilization.
In a modest way, the present work aims at bridging the gap between these two kinds of publications: monographs and encyclopedias. Devoted entirely to Iraq,* it is a concise and in many respects incomplete study of the political, economic and cultural history of Mesopotamia in antiquity, beginning with the first manifestations of human presence in north-eastern Iraq during palaeolithic times, and ending with the ultimate collapse of the Sumero- Akkadian civilization at the dawn of the Christian era. In addition, two introductory chapters purport to acquaint the reader with the geography and ecology of Mesopotamia and with the techniques and results of archaeological excavations in that country.
Ancient Iraq is intended not for scholars, but for laymen and students. Throughout the world there exists a growing number of persons from all walks of life who are deeply interested in history in general and in the ancient Orient in particular. Cultured and eager to learn, these persons have not yet found gathered in one volume of reasonable size all the information they desire on a country which, with very good reasons, fascinates them. It is for this enlightened public that this book has primarily been written. But among those kind enough to look with indulgence upon my articles in Iraq Petroleum were also several university professors. In private letters and conversation they expressed the opinion that a book written along the same lines as the articles would provide their students with a useful working instrument. Inorder to satisfy the requirements of this category of readers, I have enlarged on certain points, perhaps considered by many as of secondary importance, and provided each chapter with rather copious bibliographical and explanatory notes. The thought that this work could be of some help to young students of antiquity will, I hope, render the general public more tolerant to its occasional heaviness.
I have endeavoured to make this work as simple, clear and readable as humanly possible, but at the same time accurate and up to date. Needless to say that this was net an easy task. Writing for non-specialized readers on scientific matters is like walking on a tightrope: one is always afraid of falling into pedantry or triviality, and I am by no means sure that I have succeeded in keeping my balance all the way. In the enormous amount of material available, I had to make difficult, often heart-breaking choices, but I have taken great care to avoid over-simplification and dogmatism. History, especially where antiquity is concerned, abounds in unsolved problems, and the truth of today may be the proven error of tomorrow. I have therefore taken the liberty of discussing at some length some of the more debated problems - such as the origin of the Sumerians - and I have underlined, on almost every page, the provisional character of our knowledge. On frequent occasions I have attempted to correlate historical events with previous events or with geographical and economic conditions. In other words, I have tried to ‘ explain ’ as much as to describe, for I feel that without such ‘explanations ’ - no matter how tentative they are - history would be nothing but a meaningless and tedious collection of dates and data. Finally, I have given archaeology, art, literature and religion more importance than is usually expected in a work of this kind, and I have quoted as many texts as space would permit. The public nowadays wants to know how ancient people lived and what they thought at least as much as what they did, and the best way to make the past alive is perhaps to let it speak by itself.
I wish to thank all those who have helped me in this work, particularly my learned friends Monsieur Rend Labat, Professor at the College de France, Paris, and Monsieur Georges Dossin, Professor at the Universities of Brussels and Lidge, who gave me their encouragement; Mr T. E. Piggott, former editor of Iraq Petroleum, who published my articles and obligingly put the blocks at my disposal; Mr L. H. Bawden, who drew the maps with consummate skill and art; Monsieur P. Amiet, of the Louvre Museum, Dr R. D. Barnett and the Trustees of the British Museum, Professor W. Caskel, of the University of Cologne, Dr G. R. Meyer, of the Vorderasiatische Museum, Berlin, and Dr Faisal al-Wailly, Director-General of Antiquities to the Iraqi Government, who authorized the publication of photographs of the monuments from their respective museums. Above all, I owe a very special debt of gratitude to Dr D.'J. Wiseman, Professor of Assyriology at the University of London, who was kind enough to read the manuscript and to offer much invaluable advice, and to my wife, without whose self-sacrifice, moral support and linguistic assistance I would have been unable to write this book.
London, August 1963

* The fact that all the ancient capital cities of Sumer, Babylonia and Assyria are in Iraqi territory and that Iraq covers about three- quarters of the Tigris-Euphrates valley justifies the title of this work. It must be clearly understood, however, that several important sites mentioned are, in fact, situated in Syria or Turkey. I apologize to the Syrians and Turks and hope that they will feel no more offended than would the Belgians if part of their country was included in a history of Gaul entitled ‘Ancient France’.

Chapter I

The Geographical Setting

Nowhere, perhaps, is the influence of geography upon history as clearly demonstrated as in the group of countries which extend from the Mediterranean Sea to the Iranian plateau and form what we call the Near East. In the great deserts and equatorial forests, or in the vicinity of the poles, man is overwhelmed by a hostile nature threatening his very existence. In temperate areas, on the other hand, man is almost everywhere at home in a favourable and challenging environment. But in the arid, subtropical Near East the balance between man and nature is more delicately poised. Man can live there and even thrive, yet his various activities are largely conditioned by the relief of the ground, the nature of the soil, the amount of rainfall, the distribution of springs and wells, the course and rate of flow of the rivers. These factors exert upon him a profound influence: they mark the paths of his trade and of his military ventures, incline him to settle as a farmer or condemn him to the wandering life of a nomad, contribute to his physical and moral qualities and, to some extent, command his thoughts and religious beliefs. The history of any Near Eastern country therefore must begin with a study of the map, and the antique land of Iraq is no exception to the rule.
Since we possess no ancient treatise on geography, the following description will necessarily be based on present-day Iraq, though there is no doubt that it applies to antiquity with but minor amendments.1 While in some parts of the country the rivers do not follow exactly the same course as they did in the past, and while regions which were once fertile are now sterile and vice versa, the general pattern of mountains, plains and valleys remains obviously unchanged, and a comparison between ancient and modem faunae and florae,2 as well as the evidence obtained from geological and meteorological studies,3 indicate that climatic fluctuations over the last five thousand ...


Georges Roux

Ancient Iraq

Penguin Books

Penguin Books
Ancient Iraq
Georges Roux

Second Edition

Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England
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First published by George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1964
Published in Pelican Books 1966
Reprinted 1969, 1972, 1976, 1977
Second edition 1980
Reprinted 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986

Copyright © George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1964, 1980
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A Pelican Book

ISBN 0-14-020828

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