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Perspectives About the Kurdish Question

Author : S. Tawfiq
Editor : Compte d'auteur Date & Place : 1999, Erbil
Preface : Pages : 68
Traduction : ISBN :
Language : EnglishFormat : 145x200 mm
FIKP's Code : Liv. Eng.Taw. Per. N° 5587Theme : Politics

Perspectives About the Kurdish Question

Perspectives About the Kurdish Question

Dr S. Tawfiq

Compte d’auteur

The international policies are currently undergoing a radical revision with regard to the democratic values and the promotion of human rights. This concept became an international concern, after the collapse of the Soviet block and the emergence of new international relations. In showing commitment to this issue the international community has set out new criteria and demands in adhering to the international law and standards in dealing with the human rights issue and minorities problems. With respect to this matter, I have decided to make a revision, concerning the concept of the right to self-determination to the Kurds in order to give a new aspect accordingly. It will incorporate new ideas and information, concerning the implementation of the very fundamental rights of the people to self-determination, which will be in harmony with new tendencies of international development and a New World order. Basically ...

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Formation of the Kurdish Nation
Chapter 2: The origin of the Kurdish question
Chapter 3: The Kurdish Question in International
Relations and Treaties
Chapter 4: International Law and the right to self-determination of the Kurds.
Chapter 5: Long-term Solution for the Kurdish Problem

Chapter 6: Conclusion


The international policies are currently undergoing a radical revision with regard to the democratic values and the promotion of human rights. This concept became an international concern, after the collapse of the Soviet block and the emergence of new international relations. In showing commitment to this issue the international community has set out new criteria and demands in adhering to the international law and standards in dealing with the human rights issue and minorities problems. With respect to this matter, I have decided to make a revision, concerning the concept of the right to self-determination to the Kurds in order to give a new aspect accordingly. It will incorporate new ideas and information, concerning the implementation of the very fundamental rights of the people to self-determination, which will be in harmony with new tendencies of international development and a New World order. Basically this new version of my concept, is aiming at making a relevant improvement, as well as to promote a new perspective, which I consider very significant in the process of internationalisation of the Kurdish issue and eventually to find a fair settlement for this problem. The bottom line in this exposition is to concentrate on the juridical point of view and means, and to lay emphasis on the effectiveness of international instruments in the process of seeking a fair constitutional settlement for the Kurds problem. In connection with that purpose, I would like to make a disposition of the main points in this article in the context of historical and juridical development of the notion and putting recent international events in the spotlight.

The map of the world was changed after each of the great conflicts: The First World War, the Second World War and the Cold war. During the first war, the great powers allocated territories and permitted the creation of new states on the basis of Wilson's principles of self-determination, and the right of every nation to have a state of its own. As far as the Kurds were concerned in this process, the Kurdish nation had became a victim, of so-called peace settlements. The Kurds national aspirations were recognised by the international treaty of Severs, which addressed the deposition of Ottoman Empire. The treat was never ratified and it was replaced by the treaty of Lusanne. which ignored the right of the Kurds to self-determination and to create a state of it's own.

In the present circumstances, the great powers are confronted once again with the national question and ethnic conflicts, which are threatening world peace and challenging international security in many parts of the world. Those new challenges may require to be considered within the framework of New World order and a new arrangement is needed, where the Wilson's principles failed to achieve. In a new international environment where a political climate is more favourable, a good case can be made for the Kurdish democratic movement and for the principle that every nation should have a state of its own; and to run its own political affairs in other words, to provide the right to the Kurds to uphold a territorial and political entity in the enclave to which it is entitled to by international conventions.

In today's international system, with a New World order, the peaceful dismemberment of repressive multinational states is desirable. When new entities and other forms of statehood, have become more liberal and democratic in character and their political organisation elevated to the value of territorial independence and national sovereignty.
In accordance with Dayton Agreement, the status of Bosnia Herzegovina, for instance have become subject of international concern and a good example of this new system.

In countries where democracy is not deeply rooted. The rights of minorities have been violated by the dominating majority and the policy of assimilation and ethnic cleansing has become a daily practice. Consequently, nationalism is emerging as a new …

Dr S. Tawfiq

Perspectives About the Kurdish Question

Compte d’auteur

Compte d’auteur
Perspectives About the Kurdish Question
The Forma Tion of the Kurdish Political
Identity Can Be Realized Only Within the
Framwork of Juridical Recognition of the
Right to Self- Determination
Dr S. Tawfiq

The Article Has Been Written as An
Individual Project and Presented to E.U
Social Found Organized Course

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