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Two years in Kurdistan

Editor : Sidgwick & Jackson Date & Place : 1921, London
Preface : Pages : 430
Traduction : ISBN :
Language : EnglishFormat : 125x205 mm
Theme : History

Two years in Kurdistan

Two years in Kurdistan: Experiences of a Political Officer (1918-1920)

Wherever possible in the pages that follow the recognised method of transliteration for Arabic and Persian place-names has been followed. It has been necessary, however, to make some variation in the case of Turkish and Kurdish names. The spelling " Koi " has been used throughout instead of the more usual " Keui," as it is simpler and approximates more nearly to the actual pronunciation.

No Bibliography is given, and the only books other than ordinary works of reference which have been consulted are C. J. Rich's "Residence in Koordistan" 1836, and Major E. B. Soane's "To Mesopotamia and Kurdistan in Disguise," 1912. Two appendices will be found at the end of the volume, in one of which a brief account of the administrative system of the Turkish Empire is given, and in the other a summary of events in Mesopotamia from the Turkish Armistice in October, 191 8, to the end of 1920...


I. Introductory / I
II. Geographical: Fauna and Flora / 13
III. The Kurds / 35
IV. The Tribe / 65
V. The Population of the Towns, and other Races / 81
VI. Agriculture and Trade / 95
VII. Altun Keupri, and First Visit to Arbil / 110
VIII. Koi AND Rania / 125
IX. Visit to the Khushnao, and Other Tours / 145
X. Arbil again / 159
XI. Formation of the Arbil Division / 179
XII. Rawanduz and the Gorge / 191
XIII. YusuF Beg / 204
XIV. Three Quiet Months / 225
XV. Visits to Rawanduz and the Persian Frontier / 237
XVI. NuRi : THE Death of Two Great Men / 267
XVII. The Beginning of the Trouble / 281
XVIII. The Storm Bursts / 310
XIX. Khurshid Agha keeps his Word / 325
XX. Reconstruction / 348
XXI. Conclusion / 360

Appendix A.
Administrative System of the Turkish Empire / 369
Appendix B.—Summary of the Events in Mesopotamia from the Armistice to the End of 1920 / 371
Index / 373


Wherever possible in the pages that follow the recognised method of transliteration for Arabic and Persian place-names has been followed. It has been necessary, however, to make some variation in the case of Turkish and Kurdish names. The spelling " Koi " has been used throughout instead of the more usual " Keui," as it is simpler and approximates more nearly to the actual pronunciation.

No Bibliography is given, and the only books other than ordinary works of reference which have been consulted are C. J. Rich's "Residence in Koordistan" 1836, and Major E. B. Soane's "To Mesopotamia and Kurdistan in Disguise," 1912. Two appendices will be found at the end of the volume, in one of which a brief account of the administrative system of the Turkish Empire is given, and in the other a summary of events in Mesopotamia from the Turkish Armistice in October, 191 8, to the end of 1920.

The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance rendered to him, firstly, by Sir A. T. Wilson, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. ,C.M.G., D.S.O., through whose encouragement chiefly this book came to be written; and secondly, by Captain C. A. G. Rundle, M.C., who amongst other things has kindly consented to correct the proofs.

To Captain F. C. de L. Kirk he owes a great debt for permission to reproduce his admirable views of the Rawanduz district. It is regretted that it is only possible to use a few of the magnificent photographs which he took in that neighbourhood. The contributions of Major E. Noel, CLE., and Captain J. A. H. Miller, R.A.M.C.,are also gratefully acknowledged, especially the latter's portrait of Hama Agha. For a few of the illustrations the author is uncertain as to whom he is indebted, and would apologise for using them without the photographer's permission.

The author further wishes to express his gratitude to Miss Sybil Abram, of Reading, for typing his almost illegible manuscript, and to the publishers for the kind consideration they have shown towards him throughout his dealings with them.


Two years in Kurdistan
Experiences of a Political Officer

W. R. Hay

Capitan, attached 24th Punjabis,
Political Dept., Government of India

3, ADA Street, ADELPHI, W.C. 1921

To the memory of
the British officers and non-gazetted officials of
the civil administration of Mesopotamia
who in the years 1919 and 1920
in the service of their country and of the
people committed to their care
laid down their lives this book is dedicated

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