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Western Kurdistan which is occupied by Syria

Author : Jawad Mella
Editor : WKA Date & Place : 2007, London
Preface : Pages : 86
Traduction : ISBN : 0-9529951-3-1
Language : EnglishFormat : 148x210 mm
Theme : History

Western Kurdistan which is occupied by Syria

Western Kurdistan which is occupied by Syria [English, London , 2007]

Kurdistan and the Kurds [English, London, 2015]


... The subject of this publication is Western Kurdistan and the Kurdish people in that region, and the extermination and discrimination they are subjected to. It is my duty to introduce this important essay of which all the Kurdish people and their friends everywhere should be aware, not only to bring the ruling Syrian Baath regime to justice for the crimes against the Kurdish people in Western Kurdistan, but also to put Western Kurdistan under the protection of the international community and make it a safe haven which is exactly what has happened to the Kurdish people in Southern Kurdistan since 1991...

Dedicated to the pioneering activists and
heroes leaders of Western Kurdistan:
Prince Jaladat Baderkhan
Apo Osman Sabri
Rashid Kurd
Dr Noraddin Zaza
and all the holders of the banner of Kurdaiati
‘the Kurdish movement ideology’ and those on
the path of freedom for the Kurdish People and
independence for Kurdistan


The subject of this publication is Western Kurdistan and the Kurdish people in that region, and the extermination and discrimination they are subjected to. It is my duty to introduce this important essay of which all the Kurdish people and their friends everywhere should be aware, not only to bring the ruling Syrian Baath regime to justice for the crimes against the Kurdish people in Western Kurdistan, but also to put Western Kurdistan under the protection of the international community and make it a safe haven which is exactly what has happened to the Kurdish people in Southern Kurdistan since 1991.

It is well known that the area of Western Kurdistan (Syrian Kurdistan) is half the size of Southern Kurdistan, a third that of Eastern Kurdistan and one tenth that of Northern Kurdistan. However Western Kurdistan remains a part of Kurdistan and it does not matter if this part is located in the middle of the region, at a peripheral location or anywhere else on the map. Its area is also of no significance. The important thing is that Western Kurdistan is a part of Kurdistan that we should not forsake or ignore this in any case; for whoever forsakes one part of Kurdistan, will one day forsake the whole of it.

The Kurdistan National Congress gives particular importance to this ideology, including supporting the Western Kurdistan Association since its establishment in the UK in 1997. This association’s creation is regarded as a huge step in the right direction, as it was the first organisation for the Kurds of Western Kurdistan that was licensed officially by the British government, and also the first organisation to carry the name of Kurdistan rather than the word Kurdish as opted for by other organisations representing people from this region. The purpose of this distinction is to emphasise the existence of Kurdistan in Syria. Also the establishment of a committee to award a prize - named after the late Apo Osman Sabri- headed by the distinguished Kurdish thinker Dr Jemal Nebez, is another step in the direction of the same banner of struggle and truth lifted by Apo Osman Sabri in Western Kurdistan since the start of the last century.

Those who deny the existence of a part of Kurdistan inside the borders of the Syrian state make an argument for the fact that some Kurdish families had moved into there from other parts of Kurdistan. It is true that some Kurdish families came from Northern and Southern Kurdistan to Syria under certain circumstances and that our Kurdish families in Syria left for Northern or Southern Kurdistan.

This happens in all countries everywhere. Can anyone deny that hundreds of families had moved from Hummus or Hamah to Damascus or vice versa? This kind of displacement does not affect the fact that those families remain Syrians, or to put it another way, that Damascus, Hummus or Hamah don’t stop being a part of Syria. The same applies to Kurdistan as well.

There are also agents of the Syrian authorities, who distribute such propaganda that there is no Kurdistan in Syria. Of those we mention Munzir Al-Mouseli, previously a Syrian Intelligence officer and a member of “People’s Council” at the moment, who published a number of books regarding the Kurdish cause.

In his books, he mentions some real facts, accompanied however with a lot of lies. One of the facts he mentions is that there is no Kurdistan in Syria. It is unfortunate that some establishments and Kurdish organisations claiming to support the Kurdish people, repeat the allegations of such agents of the Syrian authorities as Al-Mouseli to name but one.

I would like in this introduction to also emphasise the importance of a higher degree of activities for Western Kurdistan and the rights of our Kurdish people there –about two and a half million people- that leads to freedom and independence. Any effort for this small part of Kurdistan is a national duty. This increase in activity gains further momentum when one realises that there are so many large conspiracies against this part, not less than with those carried out against the Red Kurdistan Republic in the former Soviet Union that lasted for 9 years (1921-1930) and was subsequently abolished completely. However, this time we are aware of the situation and those that oppress others will pay at some point in the future.

Dr Jawad Mella
London 11/11/2007

Dr. Jawad Mella


Published by Western Kurdistan Association
London 2007

Western Kurdistan
Which is occupied by Syria

Dr. Jawad Mella

Published by
Western Kurdistan Association

Paligswick House
241 King Street
London W6 9LP

Tel: 020 8748 7874
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ISBN: 0 9529951 3 1


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