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The European Union, Turkey and Islam

Éditeur : Amsterdam University Press Date & Lieu : 2004, Amsterdam
Préface : Pages : 176
Traduction : ISBN : 90-5356-692-9
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 160x240 mm
Thème : Politique

The European Union, Turkey and Islam

The European Union, Turkey and Islam

Officially, Islam does not play a role in the decision whether to accept Turkey as a member state of the European Union (eu). Yet many people wonder if a Muslim country such as Turkey would really fit into the European Union. Is Turkish Islam compatible with democracy, human rights and the separation of state and religion? The central question of this report, therefore, is whether the fact that the majority of its population is Muslim forms a hindrance to Turkish accession to the European Union. This report is a full translation of De Europese Unie, Turkije en de islam, that was officially presented to the Dutch government on 21 June 2004 by the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy. The Council is an independent advisory body for the Dutch government which provides sollicited and unsollicited advise on developments which may affect society in the long term (see also:


The European Union, Turkey and Islam
Summary / 5
Preface / 13
1 Introduction / 15
1.1 Background and motivation / 15
1.2 Aims, core question and limitations / 17
1.3 Research approach and structure of the report / 18
2 The European Union and religion / 25
2.1 Introduction / 25
2.2 The values of the Union / 25
2.3 Religion in the European member states / 29
2.3.1 Mutual autonomy and safeguarding freedoms / 29
2.3.2 A European model? / 30
2.4 Conclusion / 38
3 Turkish Islam and the European Union / 45
3.1 Introduction / 45
3.2 The secular state: historical foundations / 45
3.3 Secular state and political Islam / 49
3.4 State-Islam and freedom of religion / 52
3.5 Democracy and political Islam / 55
3.6 Constitutional state and political Islam / 58
3.7 Violence and political Islam / 62
3.8 Conclusion / 64
4 Conclusions / 67
Epilogue / 73
Literature / 77
Searching for the Fault-Line / 83


This report has been prepared by an internal project group of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (wrr) comprising researchers dr. W. Asbeek Brusse and drs. I.J. Schoonenboom.

The analyses in the report are based, in part, on a study conducted by prof. dr. E.J. Zürcher and H. van der Linden at the request of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy. The study, Searching for the Fault-Line. A Survey of the role of Turkish Islam in Turkey’s accession to the eu in the light of the ‘clash of civilisations’, is also published in this volume. The wrr assumes full responsibility for its “Report to the Government”. The authors of the commissioned study are entirely responsible for their own views.


The European Union, Turkey and Islam

Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2004

The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (wrr) was established
on a provisional basis in 1972. It was given a formal legal basis under
the Act of Establishment of June, 30 1976. The present term of office runs up
to December 31 2007.
According to the Act of Establishment, it is the Council’s task to supply, in
behalf of government policy, scientifically sound information on developments
which may affect society in the long term, and to draw timely attention
to likely anomalies and obstacles, to define major policy problems and to
indicate policy alternatives.
The Council draws up its own programme of work, after consultation with
the Prime Minister, who also takes cognisance of the cabinet’s view on the
proposed programme.
This report was completed under responsibility of the seventh Council
(2003-2007), which at that time had the following composition:
Prof. mr. M. Scheltema (chairman)
Prof. dr. W.B.H.J. van de Donk
Prof. dr. P.L. Meurs
Prof. dr. J.L.M. Pelkmans
Prof. dr. mr. C.J.M. Schuyt
Prof. dr. J.J.M. Theeuwes
Prof. dr. P. Winsemius
Director: dr. A.C. Hemerijck
This is a full translation of the Council’s report De Europese Unie, Turkije
en de islam, Rapporten aan de regering no. 69, Amsterdam: Amsterdam
University Press, 2004 (isbn 90-5356-692-9).
Lange Vijverberg 4-5
P.O. Box 20004
2500 EA ’s-Gravenhage
Tel. + 31 70 356 46 00
Fax + 31 70 356 46 85

Illustration front cover: Reza/Webistan/Corbis/TCS
isbn 90-5356-712-7

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