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Role of the Kurdish Diaspora in Developing the Kurdistan Region

Éditeur : Defence Academy of the UK Date & Lieu : 2008, Swindon - England
Préface : Pages : 58
Traduction : ISBN : 978-1-905962-64-8
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 210x295 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Ema. Tra. N° 2050Thème :

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Role of the Kurdish Diaspora in Developing the Kurdistan Region

Role of the Kurdish Diaspora in Developing the Kurdistan Region

Ann-Catrin Emanuelsson

Defence Academy of the UK

The termination of the political institutions of Baathist Iraq in spring 2003 filled most Kurds with new hope for democratic processes in the aftermath of human rights violations and war. The political and economic limbo, imposed on the Kurdistan Region in 1991, has also finally been broken. As far as the Kurdish diaspora is concerned, these changes have refreshed the dream of returning for many Iraqi Kurds. Following the establishment of Kurdish de facto self-rule in 1991, many Kurds returned to socialise with families and friends, get married or engage in the reconstruction process. Expectations for a secure and stable future in ... 

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