Pirtûkxaneya dîjîtal a kurdî (BNK)
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Forever Kurdish, destruction of a nation

Weşan : Harith Zahawi Tarîx & Cîh : 1990, USA
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 204
Wergêr : ISBN :
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 215x280 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. Ang. 3878Mijar :

Danasîn Naverok Pêşgotin Nasname PDF
Forever Kurdish, destruction of a nation

Forever Kurdish, destruction of a nation

Shorsh Mustafa Rasool

Harith Zahawi

I embarked on this work to try to document as much as possible the systematic and planned genocide that the Iraqi government is implementing against the Kurdish people.

When one thinks of the mad, destructive onslaught and the permanent scars it has left on the people and the environment, one can only see catastrophic long-term effects. At the same time, one wonders what is happening to the conscience and opinion of the rest of the world.

Is the world prepared to stand by and watch one man destroy this peaceful and ancient nation? To take a passive stand is to encourage Saddam Hussein and indirectly legitimize the use of chemical weapons and mass deportation. Unless collective world action is taken now, a future price in human lives will be beyond imagination!

I would like to thank the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan for all the help and support they have afforded me.


Number of villages, hamlets, and towns destroyed in
Iraqi Kurdistan (collectively): 3,839
Number of schools destroyed: 1,757
Number of mosques and places of worship destroyed: 2,457
Number of hospitals and clinics destroyed: 271
Number of families deported: 219,828

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