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Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb

Nivîskar : Johnny Cheung
Weşan : Brill Tarîx & Cîh : 2007, Leiden
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 600
Wergêr : ISBN : 978-90-04-15496-4
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 160x240 mm
Mijar : Ferheng

Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb

Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb

The realisation of this work, “Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb”, started with a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for a project in 2000. This project was part of a larger etymological dictionary project, the Indo-European Etymological Dictionary research project (http://www.ieed.nl), directed by professor Alexander Lubotsky of the Department of Comparative Linguistics (VTW). The task was to compile a database that contained12:57 27/01/2011 all Iranian verbal forms possibly traceable to Proto-Indo-European (in practice, Proto-Iranian) and, in due course, to publish it as a book. The project ended in 2003. Meanwhile, I accepted a position at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. The date for the publication was put on hold, until last year, when Brill Publishers, Leiden, expressed interest to publish this work. This willingness gave me an incentive to scrutinise the database afresh. Naturally, after such a long pause, I discovered many errors and shortcomings in the reconstruction and analysis of forms. I have revised many records of the database and incorporated (recent) literature that I had overlooked sofar. Although I do not have the illusion that the present work is now free of inconsistencies, not to mention mistakes and omissions, I do hope that it will still prove useful for Indo-Europeanists and Sanskritists, for whom many Iranistic publications are often inaccessible or simply unknown, and Iranisants, who may not have detailed knowledge about the huge strides that Indo-Europeanists have made in the past forty years...


Foreword / vii
Introduction / ix
1.0. Overview and aim / ix
1.1. Scope / x
1.2. Challenges and obstacles / xi
1.3. Methodology / xii
1.4. The reconstructed phonemes / xii
1.5. Presentation / xiii
1.6. Semantic and formal aspects / xiv
1.7. Stem formations / xv
1.8. Denominatives / xv
1.9. Origin and substrate / xv
1.10. Transcription / xvi
Symbols and abbreviations / xvii
Symbols / xvii
Abbreviations of languages / xvii
Grammatical terms / xx
Other abbreviations / xxi

Dictionary / 1
References / 477
Indices / 505
1 Indo-European languages / 508
1.0 Proto-Indo-European / 508
1.1 Iranian / 510
1.2 Indo-Aryan / 573
1.3 Albanian / 576
1.4 Anatolian / 576
1.5 Armenian / 577
1.6 Baltic / 578
1.7 Slavic / 579
1.8 Celtic / 580
1.9 Germanic / 581
1.10 Greek / 584
1.11 Italic / 586
1.12 Tocharian / 587
2 Non-Indo-European languages / 588
English – Iranian index / 589


The realisation of this work, “Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb”, started with a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for a project in 2000. This project was part of a larger etymological dictionary project, the Indo-European Etymological Dictionary research project (http://www.ieed.nl), directed by professor Alexander Lubotsky of the Department of Comparative Linguistics (VTW). The task was to compile a database that contained12:57 27/01/2011 all Iranian verbal forms possibly traceable to Proto-Indo-European (in practice, Proto-Iranian) and, in due course, to publish it as a book. The project ended in 2003. Meanwhile, I accepted a position at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. The date for the publication was put on hold, until last year, when Brill Publishers, Leiden, expressed interest to publish this work. This willingness gave me an incentive to scrutinise the database afresh. Naturally, after such a long pause, I discovered many errors and shortcomings in the reconstruction and analysis of forms. I have revised many records of the database and incorporated (recent) literature that I had overlooked sofar. Although I do not have the illusion that the present work is now free of inconsistencies, not to mention mistakes and omissions, I do hope that it will still prove useful for Indo-Europeanists and Sanskritists, for whom many Iranistic publications are often inaccessible or simply unknown, and Iranisants, who may not have detailed knowledge about the huge strides that Indo-Europeanists have made in the past forty years.

It goes without saying that the completion of the “Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb” was not possible without the help and support from several institutions and persons. It is only appropriate to acknowledge in the first place the financial support given by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Further, I am grateful to the Department of Comparative Linguistics of my Alma Mater, Leiden University. It provided me with a congenial environment in which I was able to work and exchange views with its staff members. The physical finalisation of these years of toil and labour must be credited to Brill Publishers, who have kindly agreed to publish it in their “Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series”. Also, I would like to warmly thank the Ancient India and Iran Trust (Cambridge, UK), which, at the final stage of the work, became an extremely convenient place for consulting books and articles from its very well-stocked library, at practically any time of the day. Only rarely could I not find a particular reference...

Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb
Johnny Cheung

Edited by
Alexander Lubotsky


This publication has been made possible by the financial support of the
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), and Leiden University.

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A C.I.P. record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISSN 1574–3586
ISBN-13: 978 90 04 15496 4
ISBN-10: 90 04 15496 5

© Copyright 2007 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands
Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill,
Hotei Publishing, IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP.

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