Pirtûkxaneya dîjîtal a kurdî (BNK)
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Kurdistan, n°1 - 8

Weşan : Komela Xwendekarên Kurd li Ewropa Tarîx & Cîh : 1958, Suisse
Pêşgotin : Ismet Chériff VanlyMultimediaRûpel : 242
Wergêr : ISBN :
Ziman : Îngilîzî, Fransizî, Kurdî, TirkîEbad : 205x250 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. Ang. Fr. Mijar : Giştî

Kurdistan, n°1 - 8

Kurdistan, n°1 - 8

Ismet Chériff Vanly

Komley zanistî xwêndikaranî kurd le Ewropa

"L'Association Culturelle des Etudiants Kurdes en Europe" va de l'avant, fidèle aux principes énoncés dans son statut. Son objectif le plus important est d'unir les étudiants kurdes pour mieux servir la culture nationale du peuple kurde.

Le succès de notre Association dépend de votre coopération avec ses comités, locaux et directeur, de ce que fait et fera chacun de nous, qu'il soit ou non membre de ces comités, pour atteindre ses objectifs. Cela dépend des articles que vous avez été invites à écrire et qui seront publiés dans son bulletin, de la régularité dans le paiement des cotisations, du zèle qu'on mettra à exécuter ses décisions et du contrôle continuel et stimulant que vous exercerez sur ses organes en vous montrant activement soucieux de son essor. Elle est votre Association, ce qu'elle vise c'est de vous servir; mettons-nous donc, a notre tour, à son service pour qu'elle s'acquitte de sa mission et puisse vivre et prospérer.



Chers amis!

"L'Association Culturelle des Etudiants Kurdes en Europe" va de l'avant, fidèle aux principes énoncés dans son statut. Son objectif le plus important est d'unir les étudiants kurdes pour mieux servir la culture nationale du peuple kurde.

Le succès de notre Association dépend de votre coopération avec ses comités, locaux et directeur, de ce que fait et fera chacun de nous, qu'il soit ou non membre de ces comités, pour atteindre ses objectifs. Cela dépend des articles que vous avez été invites à écrire et qui seront publiés dans son bulletin, de la régularité dans le paiement des cotisations, du zèle qu'on mettra à exécuter ses décisions et du contrôle continuel et stimulant que vous exercerez sur ses organes en vous montrant activement soucieux de son essor. Elle est votre Association, ce qu'elle vise c'est de vous servir; mettons-nous donc, a notre tour, à son service pour qu'elle s'acquitte de sa mission et puisse vivre et prospérer.

Notre Association n'a pas eu la possibilité jusqu'ici de se mettre en contact avec tous les étudiants kurdes en Europe. Il est du devoir de chacun de nous de faire son possible pour établir ce contact et communiquer aux comités los adresses de tous les étudiants kurdes qui n'ont pu être atteints, quels que soient les passeports qu'ils portent et les pays où îles étudient, afin que s'agrandisse le cercle de nos activités culturelles. Notre union ne s'en trouvère que plus grande et plus apte â durer. Rangeons-nous sous la bannière pacifique de notre chère Association pour mieux servir la culture nationale de notre Peuple, sa langue, sa littérature et son histoire notamment, et pour éclairer scientifiquement les divers aspects de sa vie et les faire connaître au monde.

Notre grand Peuple kurde a besoin de nous, et nous sommes à même d'accomplir notre devoir envers lui, sur le plan culturel, à condition que nous unissions et que nous franchissions le domaine des sentiments passifs pur celui de l'action rationnelle et courageuse.

Etudiants kurdes la où  vous êtes, unissez-vous pour mieux servir la culture nationale de notre Peuple !
Tel doit être notre principe conducteur, notre slogan de tous les jours.

Le président de l'"Association Culturelle des Etudiants Kurdes en Europe",

Ismet Chériff, Suisse.

Appeal to Kurdish Students

Dear friends:

Our "Kurdish Students' Cultural Society in Europe" is going on steadily, faithful to its principal aims as declared in its statute, Its most important purpose is to unite Kurdish students to better serve Kurdish national culture.

The success of our Society depends on your co-operation with its committees, local and executive, on what each of us, whether or not members of these committees, is doing and will do to realize its purposes. It depends on the articles you have been invited to write and which will be published in its bulletin; on the regularity with which subscriptions will be acquitted; on the zeal you will put in carrying out its resolutions and on the control you will exercise over its organs when you prove to be actively interested in its soaring. It is your Society, its aim is to serve you; let us then, in our turn, serve it so that it might fulfill its task and live long and prosper.

Our Society has not yet been able to attain all Kurdish students in Europe, You will agree that it is of everyone's duty to endeavour to establish this contact and communicate to committees the addresses of these students who have not yet been attained, whatever passport they might have and in whatever country they might study, so that our activities circle would always be larger and our union more important and more bound to last. Let us range ourselves under our cultural Society pacific banner so that we could better serve the national culture of our People, his language, literature and history and study objectively the different aspects of his life and make them known to others.

Our great Kurdish People needs us, and, indeed, we are able to accomplish our duty toward him, in the cultural fields, if we unite and pass over the domain of passive feelings to that of rational and courageous action.

Kurdish students wherever you are, unite yourselves in order to better serve the national culture of our Peoples
This should be our guiding principle and daily slogan.

President of "Kurdish Students' Cultural Society in Europe",

Ismet Cheriff - Switzerland

An approach to Kurdish music

Bakir. A. Ali


Human nature is musical itself. Birds and certain animals, as low down the ladder of evolution as snakes, also recognise and even 'appreciate' systematic, concordant and euphonious sounds. We all know one or more stories woven around the fact that snakes respond to whistling and similar sounds. However, human being, due to his higher degree of mental development, not only simply recognises concordant and euphonious sounds from the non-euphonious ones, in other words musical from non-musical, but he also knows and understands their nature. He appreciates and discriminates between them, pours his emotions and wistful desires and whims into them, expresses his sufferings and triumph through them.

Archeological excavations in Iraq (Mesopotamia), Egypt and, probably in India, China and elsewhere, prove beyond any doubt that Man, since the early anthropological days, had a recognition and understanding of this 'natural phenomens of music'.

As early as five thousand years ago, music making and instrumentation were well advanced in Mesopotamia, Egypt and, perhaps, elsewhere.

It is not going beyond the truth to claim that music since the early days was regarded not as a luxury but almost as an everyday necessity of human life.

In our age of atomic energy and 'sputniks', Culture is as stable as food, clothing and housing for us to lead a happy life. This may not necessarily apply to the lesser educated ordinary people; yet one wonders what purpose atomic-power and 'sputniks' will serve if they do not mean ultimate prosperity and cultural enrichment of ALL! We are no longer satisfied with the mere requirement of a primitive life. We wish to lead a decent and happy life. Cultural enrichment and intellectual satisfaction are essential for the accomplishment of this happiness.

Man, being social by nature, likes to communicate and express his thoughts, feelings and experience to the others. When he experiences misfortunes and hardships, or is faced with difficulties and disaster, he cries out for help of others. The mere thought of their help, or even their sympathy, will relieve his sorrows and will give him consolation and courage. When he is happy or triumphant he wants to celebrate and does so by expressing his mirth and victory!

Among others, fine arts, sports, literature, poetry and music are foremost in giving strength, elaboration and meaning to these feelings.- Music, as history proves, has always been, and will continue to be, the most effective, elaborate and, perhaps, the easiest way of self-expression.

Folklores, lyrics and dances all the world over, since thousands of years, are best acoustic and phonetic documents of the history of peoples throughout these years.


Ismet Chériff Vanly,
Bakir A. Ali,
Salah Saadalla,
F. M. Resha,
M. Raine,
Fereydun Ergin,
Mm. Pierre Rondot,
Basil Nikitin,
Peter Rondot,
Saadi Amin Dizayee,
Jalal Beytoshi,
T. F. Aristova,
Abdulla Goran,
Eddie Woods,
Kamal Fuad,
Tahsin Mohammed Amin,
Mehmed Bor

Kurdistan, n°1 – 8

Komley zanistî xwêndikaranî kurd le Ewropa

Komley zanistî xwêndikaranî kurd le Ewropa
Kurdistan, n°1 – 8
Ismet Chériff Vanly
Bakir A. Ali,
Salah Saadalla,
F. M. Resha,
M. Raine,
Fereydun Ergin,
Mm. Pierre Rondot,
Basil Nikitin,
Peter Rondot,
Saadi Amin Dizayee,
Jalal Beytoshi,
T. F. Aristova,
Abdulla Goran,
Eddie Woods,
Kamal Fuad,
Tahsin Mohammed Amin,
Mehmed Bor

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