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The history of the Armenian people

Nivîskar : Jacques de Morgan
Weşan : Hairenik press Tarîx & Cîh : 1918, Boston
Pêşgotin : Gustave SchlumbergerRûpel : 430
Wergêr : Ernest F. BarryISBN :
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 135x210 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. En.Mijar :

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The history of the Armenian people

The history of the Armenian people

Jacques de Morgan

Hairenik press

During this seemingly endless war, the worst ever to afflict mankind, Armenia has undoubtedly been the most unfortunate of all lands, the most racked and tortured, more so even than Belgium, more so than Serbia! Victim of the frightful massacres by the Turks, subjected to the crudest horrors, partly delivered by the Russians and then woefully abandoned by them, Armenia has seen her fine and industrious rural population decimated to an unthinkable extent through a most abominable series of slaughters. Not only is she the unhappiest of nations, but no national history is so little known as is hers, despite the fact that this history was once so famous. The reason for this is that for several centuries Armenia has been constantly held down beneath the most unbearable of servitudes, the bloody Ottoman yoke. In our western civilization hardly any but a very few scholars know the early history of the Armenians, those ancient and medieval times when this then warlike race played a most ...

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