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West Kurdistan

Nivîskar : Salah Bedredin
Weşan : Kombenda Kawa Tarîx & Cîh : 1999, Hewlêr
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 228
Wergêr : Ahmad ShawkatISBN :
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 150x215 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. Ang. Bad. Wes. 539Mijar : Siyaset

West Kurdistan

West Kurdistan, Syria the Silenced Kurds

Salah Badruddin

Kombenda Kawa

The complete historical and political text which had beers offered by Mr. Salah Badruddin to Hamburg Orientalism institution about Kurds, their national case and national movement in the western part of Kurdistan, northeast of Syria.

Kurds are an ancient people lived in the west of Asia. They appeared since the history started writing the movement of the first human races in this region, historians assure that numerous beings entities had appeared and found by ancient Kurds in 2500 B. C Many other peoples and races passed through Kurdish region, e.g. Assyrian, Sponio, Kurdokh, Krano, Persian, Romanian Empires and the early Arab Islamic conquerors.

The first Kurdish government established in Media in 550 B. C. which had been crashed by the Persian Empire Korsh, therefore Kurds started forming several emirates until the number of these emirates reached about 32 at the beginning of the Islamic conquers.

Ancient Romanians started writing about a people called Kurds - living in a region called Kurdistan - since 400 B. C. as it is mentioned in the book of the famous Zinophone, There is no doubt that the important era ...


It may be the most important work to issue this book about the western part of Kurdistan. The part which had been colonized by the Syrian regime at a time in which efforts were spent to face different attempts of darkening and marginalizing this part and its Kurdish population which is estimated to be about (2.5) million.

The Syrian racial terrorist authority planned since long ago to remove Kurds' existence in Syria by depriving them of their rights, to nationality, to own lands and all other civil rights paralleled with Arabizing the Kurdish regions, expelling Kurds and applying other different means of compulsive treatments that lead to elimination of the Kurdish race and denial to their national ease.

The Syrian authority is still working continually to end the national movement of Kurdish people by the compulsory methods. The injustice imprisonment, spreading terrorists and threatening features among them as we'll as misleading them far away from their correct national way. The practices of which, were the arbitrary operations, dealing with Kurdish groups outside of Syria to achieve plans concerning neglecting the Kurdish existence in Syria and gain a Kurdish cover for their own compulsion of Kurds. So, they have cheated some Kurdish groups abroad to serve their plans to face the Kurdish movement in Syria. Such as forming installable Kurdish organizations to deny the historical, geographical and national Kurdish existence in Syria. Certainly, this will lead to a very dangerous effect on the Kurdish national existence as a whole, not in Syria only, but in all other parts of Kurdistan, as it will justify this scenario in other parts. Specially in which Arabization. Turkinization and Personalization are carried out and going on omitting the Kurdish race to change the demographically structure of Kurdish regions there. Besides, the Syrian authority started, since several years, to accurately follow a new tactic after the deep and wide spread of national consciousness in Syrian Kurdish regions and when the fact that Kurds' national movement has developed its means of struggle and went on several steps towards their unification.

When the Kurdish national movement, supported its national status internationally, started dealing with the public world opinion and built up relations with the world human rights organizations, the Syrian authorities faced a critical situation as facts started to cry loudly among international organizations. This told the Syrian regime to change up mind and declare that Kurds are indeed existing there and they have got their human, citizenship and cultural rights, so the curtains which were covering the Kurdish national ease had been torn out internationally, thus the Syrian authorities started playing down a new plan to face the new situation. The Syrian authorities encouraged, obliged or bribed several writers to publicize yellow books treating the Kurdish existence in Syria. Those authors assured that there is no part of Kurdistan controlled by Syria. They have also denied the existence of Kurdish national and historical rights, just to Serve and justify the political decisions in Syria and to provide the ideological base for the terrorist treatments in the future, such as Arabization, deportation and the alteration of the demographical structure of Kurdish historical lands, to be able to face the general world opinion.

Hence, we have to aware our brothers, members of all Kurdish organizations to avoid involvement in the hidden traps of the Syrian regime and avoid misleading attempts.

We have to tell our brothers that there is no comparison between the Kurdistanians' mottoes to justify leaving any part of Kurdistan, even if that part is so small, geographically that has no considerable population. Because strength is not always depending on human factor but also on right national sense and nationality and its political line as well as how much this line can serve the higher national aims. Therefore, western part of Kurdistan formed the main national source of national movements since the beginning of this century, accurately in the north of Kurdistan. And there, the Khoebon movement formed and rushed in struggle, then issued the magazine -Hawar-and publicized the first Kurdish alphabet. This movement urged, during 1961 Kurdish revolution in Iraqi Kurdistan, and became strategic depth of this revolution and its main source. It also became the “arsenal" from which fighters were brought up on liberation route, despite PKK leadership's deviation from the main stream. Do the people of this part, with their long history of sacrifice, deserve to be ignored by brothers? Is this a proper way of appreciation to their long-term struggle?

Actually, the national movement there began before 41 year, since the beginnings of PDK appearance in Syria, this movement was the main director for national consciousness and source of sacrifices for the Kurds, all over the rest parts of Kurdistan.

Is it possible for those brothers whom we have supported, to claim that there is a political emptiness in Syrian Kurdish regions and that they are going to fulfil this emptiness on account of the Kurdish existence and rights by cooperating with the enemy?

Here, we may wonder: and ask the Kurdish political media in Syria: why the Kurdish national movement in Syria, does not attract persons and groups to its own side from the other parts of Kurdistan and was there ever one single case? And why we find persons and groups from Syrian Kurds that had followed tips or that party, such as PKK in Turkey? We think that there are many factors and reasons for this phenomenon, mainly because of the need of those persons and groups to employ them as fighters, while the second reason is more important, that is because the Syrian authorities don't oppose such a phenomenon, but tend to encourage and support Kurds to do that.

Hence, you are not surprised to see elements of PKK free to move back and forth from/to Syria, inclusive of some who are in important ranks, enough to be easily known.

Another query among the Kurdish political media is:
to we ever find, even one person being "hunted” from other parts of Kurdistan in favour of Syrian Kurdistan?

Concerning this matter, which forms the backbone of the national Kurdistanian relations, we emphasize that we didn't adopt regional ideas but we have grown up on democratic national mentality and its moral extends as whole and we have responded to our duties in all limes, although the duties were very hard. We have received our brothers from both parts of Iraqi and Turkish Kurdistan whole hearted and have offered them all available material and moral support. That was at the beginning of (Shaikh Saed) revolution in 1925 till the revolution of Sep. 1961 in Iraqi Kurdistan. Then the beginning of the organized political work in Turkish Kurdistan, since early sixties when military rule and political immigration.

We are still going on the same program now and did not change or get affected by the international, regional and Kurdistanian changes, but we indeed lend to develop and support these revolutions and criticize faults and remove the results of the wrong practices which formed a serious danger on our national route, to correct the methods and compose a new program for future. Returning to the Syrian authorities plans concerning with Syrian Kurds in Europe, we find that Syrian Security components and other persons and employees of their embassies abroad are seriously working to deform governmental, judicial and cultural Syrian Kurds' references in Europe to mislead information regarding their population, existence, national movement and suffering. That was the reason which encouraged me to write and publish this document and historical work and offer it to whom it may concern with, in Arabic, German and English Languages. On the other hand, falsified reports been offered by the so called Dr. Al Jibaly presented to the Orientalism Institution in Hamburg Germain, from 1990 to dale. Dr. Al-Jibaly submitted live reports about Syrian Kurds, were full of political and historical lies. Those reports were obviously written according to Syrian authorities' directions, and thus, have found myself obliged to correct those lies. So I have presented two memoranda submitted/supported by real evidence and document's -to Hamburg Orientalism Institution. I have also sent other copies to the Interior. Foreign and Justice Ministries of Germany in addition to copies -to immigration offices, lawyers, courts, judges and research centers. We will have. here, to point to a very limited number of the Syrian Kurds, particularity those working at scientific institutions in Berlin -Germany. Who had had any adverse role supported by Syrian authorities, when they presented, as witnesses in some occasions, forgered information, lacking, truth. This has led to the following;

First; Deepening the humanitarian crisis of Syrian Kurds who offered political, humanitarian and economical refuge requests to the German and other European countries. Then were later forced to wait for a long time without a result or response. As a result, they found huge hardships sending their children to schools, securing a good life for their families and themselves. All this suffering was due to the wrong information offered about the Syrian Kurds.
Second; Direct effect on the European Governments, their NGOs and scientific institutions, urging a bad attitude against the Kurdish people in Syria, their existence and national democratic rights.

Third; An adverse effect on attempts of Syrian Kurds' independent national personality abroad, union and their cooperative work in addition to their needs to gain sympathy and support from other Kurdish organizations, even on the account of the political situations.

We can numerate the lies of Dr. Al-Jibaly's reports as the following:
1 - He denied that there is a part of Kurdistan in Syria on which Kurdish people live. Me claimed also that there are Arabs from a Kurdish origin! Such as Germans from a Polish origin!

2 - There is no Kurdish national case in Syria so, there is no ethnic discrimination and terrorism or suffering and deprivation.

3 - Dr .Al Jihaly showed false information about Kurdish parties and their organizations and about their leaders, history and struggle in Syria.

4 - Me said that the author of this book is living in Damascus, he is a member of the Syrian Government and he had studied in Moscow, Russia, on the account of Syrian Government ... etc.

Therefore, and because of these flagrant lies, the author of this book was obliged to publish a personal bibliography to clear out the scientific and historical facts, although he was interested in this begs pardon from readers. However, the author considers his life belonging to the national case for which he had sacrificed.

He believes that there are many ideal and hard duties that should be responded to and achieved for redefining Kurds' history history, case, and crisis to the international opinion. We have to do that according to the historical and practical right events and evidences. This, certainly, requests our union, cooperative work among all the members of the Syrian Kurdish Organizations which exist abroad as well as the efforts of all the independent national workers al cultural organizations and all the social and Creative characters of our people in western Kurdistan and all other parts of Kurdistan.

Salah Badruddin

The first part

A historical Approach

The complete historical and political text which had beers offered by Mr. Salah Badruddin to Hamburg Orientalism institution about Kurds, their national case and national movement in the western part of Kurdistan, northeast of Syria.
Kurds are an ancient people lived in the west of Asia. They appeared since the history started writing the movement of the first human races in this region, historians assure that numerous beings entities had appeared and found by ancient Kurds in 2500 B. C Many other peoples and races passed through Kurdish region, e.g. Assyrian, Sponio, Kurdokh, Krano, Persian, Romanian Empires and the early Arab Islamic conquerors.

The first Kurdish government established in Media in 550 B. C. which had been crashed by the Persian Empire Korsh, therefore Kurds started forming several emirates until the number of these emirates reached about 32 at the beginning of the Islamic conquers.

Ancient Romanians started writing about a people called Kurds - living in a region called Kurdistan - since 400 B. C. as it is mentioned in the book of the famous Zinophone, There is no doubt that the important era in the Kurdish history is that Kurds appeared at both periods (282-1086) of Dostic state which included the most parts of Kurdistan. This state centred mainly in Kurdish regions in Syria. Another Kurdish period was during the Ayoubian Empire ...

Salah Badruddin

West Kurdistan

Kombenda Kawa

Kombenda Kawa bo Çanda Kurdî
West Kurdistan
Syria the Silenced Kurds
Salah Badruddin
Translated by Ahmad Shawkat


Title: West Kurdistan
Author: Salah Badruddin
Translator: Ahmad Shawkat
Subject: Social, Political and Historical Study
about Kurds in Syria

Published by:
Kawa- Verband Fur Kurdisch Kultur e V.
Adenaer - Alle 54
53113 Bonn-Germany
Telefax: 0049228212494

Serial No. In Kurdistan National Library
225-1999 Hawler

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