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International Conference on Genocide Against the Kurdish People

Nivîskar : Fuad Hussein
Weşan : Aras Tarîx & Cîh : 2008, Erbil
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 336
Wergêr : ISBN : 978-952-92-4258-0
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 160x210 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. Eng. Hus. Int. 4631Mijar : Giştî

International Conference on Genocide Against the Kurdish People

International Conference on Genocide Against the Kurdish People

Fuad Hussein


In line with the Preamble of the Iraqi Constitution which echoes the suffering of the Iraqi people, including crimes of ethnic cleansing in Halabja, against the Barzanis, during the Anfal campaign, and against the Failis, and in compliance with the decrees of the Iraq High Tribunal on the infamous Anfal operations, the Iraqi Council of Representatives has unanimously voted for this resolution which identifies the crimes committed against the Kurdish people in Iraqi Kurdistan as crimes of genocide.


Preface / 6
Iraqi Council of representatives’ resolution / 7
Organizing committee Statement / 8
Speech by KRG Prime Minister / 11
Facts and Figures by Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs / 21
Iraqi Council of Representatives’ Letter / 36
Genocide: the Greatest Crime / 40
An "Inconvenient Atrocity’’: the Chemical Weapons Attack on the Kurds of Halabja, Iraq / 58
Anfal / 70
The 1988 Anfal Campaign in Iraqi Kurdistan / 76
Understanding the Process of the Anfal Campaign / 102
Anfal: the Project of Natiocide of Kurds / 116
Constructing the ‘Other’: the Anfal in Comparison / 124
The Future of a People Subjected To Genocide a Comparison Armenian - Jewish - Kurdish Genocide / 140
Anfal of Males; PTSD Effect on the Women Left Behind 18 Years on / 158
The Effect of Chemical Warfare Agents on the Immune System of Survivors in Halabja / 178
Review Article of the 1988 Chemical Attacks on the City of Halabja / 196
Kurdistan Revisited / 212
Examining the Effects of Chemical Weapons: an Investigation of the Impact on Civilians of the Mustard Gas Attack on Halabja / 224
Genocide and US: the Contribution of Primo Levi / 240
From Ba'th Ideology to Ba’th Policy / 258
The Netherlands and the Chemical Weapons of Iraq / 274
The Van Anraat- Case / 282
Terror Was His Means To Our End: U.S.-Western Support of Saddam Hussein’s Genocide of the Kurds / 306
Improving The Prospects of Apprehending and Prosecuting Id-Level’al Anfal Perpetrators / 320

Recommendations / 332


The International Conference on Genocide against the Kurdish people was held in Erbil 26-28 January 2008 under the auspices of Kurdistan Region Government Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani.

In an effort to seek international recognition of the genocide against the Kurdish people and to document and disseminate all available information and research data on the crimes committed against the Kurdish people in Iraq, we have decided to publish all the material presented at the conference.

At the conference, more than 60 papers and presentations were submitted to the conference evaluation board and 53 were accepted. Only 37 papers could be presented during the three days of the conference.
Papers and presentations were presented in three languages Kurdish, English and Arabic. We will publish three books, one for each language.

It is important to point out that the contents of the papers and other information published in this book reflect only the views of their authors.

We are very pleased that one of the main recommendations of the conference has been approved by the Iraqi Council of Representatives (Parliament) on the anniversary of the Anfal operations on 14 April 2008. The Iraqi Council of Representatives recognized the crimes committed against the Iraqi Kurdish people as crimes of genocide and has called for compensation for survivors and the families of victims.

Fuad Hussein
Head of the Organizing Committee


In line with the Preamble of the Iraqi Constitution which echoes the suffering of the Iraqi people, including crimes of ethnic cleansing in Halabja, against the Barzanis, during the Anfal campaign, and against the Failis, and in compliance with the decrees of the Iraq High Tribunal on the infamous Anfal operations, the Iraqi Council of Representatives has unanimously voted for this resolution which identifies the crimes committed against the Kurdish people in Iraqi Kurdistan as crimes of genocide.

Council of Representatives of Iraq
April 14, 2008


Fuad Hussein

International Conference on
Genocide Against the Kurdish People


Aras Press
Organizing Committee the Conferenci
International Conference on Genocide Against the Kurdish People
Erbel, 26 - 28 January 2008
Fuad Hussein

International Conference on
Genocide Against the Kurdish People
Documenting the Genocide Against the Kurds,
(Serial No 03)

First Published 2008
Designed by Asso Mamzada
Printed in Kurdistan Region-Iraq
Aras Press
Copies 5000

Kurdistan Region General Directorate of Public Libraries
Cataloging Publication Data
International Conference on Genocide Against the Kurdish People
No 1858

ISBN: 978-952-92-4258-0

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