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The Kurds: Essays on History and Culture

Nivîskar : Knyaz Mirzoyev
Weşan : Iscander Tarîx & Cîh : 2003, Almaty
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 288
Wergêr : ISBN : 9965-00-833-7
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 140x195 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. Eng. Mir. Kur. N° 4735Mijar : Giştî

The Kurds: Essays on History and Culture

The Kurds: Essays on History and Culture

Knyaz Mirzoyev


This book by the Academician of the International Academy of the Higher school, Doctor of Philology, Professor K.I.Mirzoyev is devoted to the history, culture, language, literature, traditions and customs, folklore and written monuments of one of the most ancient nations of the Eastern world.
“The Kurds: Essays on History and Culture” is a popular scientific publication intended for philologists, sociologists, historians, culturologists, and also for a wide range of readers, wishing to learn as much as possible about the Kurds, a people of many millions, who nowadays inhabit the territory of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, the countries of the former Soviet Union and other regions.

The Contents

Author’s Foreword / 3
From the Editor / 4
Legends about Kurdistan / 6

The Kurds / 7
The historical and literary theories of the origin of the Kurds / 8
V.Minorsky’s linguistic theory on Median-Scythian
origin ofthe Kurds / 14
N. Marr’s linguistic theory on the Kurd’s origin / 16
Notes on the History of the Kurds / 18
The Knight of the East / 19
The revolt ofthe Badyrkhans (1842-1848) / 27

Settlements / 39
Kurds of Kazakhstan / 57
Kurdistan / 65
Minerals / 66
Socio-economic structure / 70

The position of the Kurds today / 80
The Southern Kurdistan / 80
The Northwest Kurdistan / 87

Abdullah Ocalan / 90
The Eastern Kurdistan / 101
Mekhabadian republic / 107
Modem position of the Kurds in Iran / 113
The Southwest Kurdistan / 121

Religion / 130
Cosmogonic / 130
Magic Views and Customs / 131

Culture / 141
Dwelling / 141
The Family customs / 148
Weddings / 151
Funerals / 154
National clothes of the Kurds. Lady’s wear / 157
National clothes of the Kurds. Men’s wear / 165
National Kurdish food / 168

The Kurdish Language and the literature / 201
The Language / 201
The Literature / 203
Language and style of the Kurdish lamentations / 209
Proverbs and sayings / 212
Entertaining stories / 216
The Kurdish Epos / 220
The written literature / 223
A literary criticism of “Yusuf and Zuleikha” / 235
Kurdish literature of the 17th century / 237
The Poetic circle / 244
Kurdish literature of the 18th - 19th centuries / 246
Kurdish literature of the 20th century / 252

Postface / 276

About the author / 278

Bibliography / 280

To the memory of my mother Balahanum,
my father Ibrahim and my brother Jakub,
who fully experienced all the sufferings of our native people.


All my activities as a philologist-orientalist are connected with the literature of the Middle East, Central Asia, TranscaK.ucasia, and of course with the native Kurdish culture. It is natural, that the majority of my research is devoted to this fascinating theme.

Recently there were some tragic events that have drawn the attention of the whole world to Kurdistan. Everyone remembers the populous demonstrations in front of the embassies of the USA, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Russia, the protest meetings, the hunger-strikes, the cases of self-immolation, caused by the aspiration once again to draw the attention of the world community to the efforts of the Kurds who have had enough civil courage to take these desperate steps in order to support against malevolent forces their charismatic leader Abdullah Ocalan. All this has stirred up a profound interest in the Kurdish people, their history, their religion and their culture both in Europe and the rest of the world.

To satisfy this common public interest I have made up my mind to write the present book “The Kurds: Essays on History and Culture”. This book is a tribute of gratitude to the outstanding sons, prominent political figures and the great thinkers of my people, who have glorified the name of the “Kurds” among other nations and to those who have sacrificed themselves for the sake of Kurdistan. The present monograph is a sign of gratitude to the people of Kazakhstan, who has sheltered the Kurds, as well as many other nations that have been subjected to repression.

I also express intimate gratitude to all of my friends, who morally and financially supported the idea of writing and publishing this book.

Knyaz Ibraghimovich Mirzoyev, the Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School (IAS HS), Doctor of Philology, Professor, a writer and a journalist, had already had numerous merits and achievements when he moved from Armenia to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

His life was developing in three main directions: as a scientist-orientalist, a member of staff of the higher school and a public figure. In 1995 K.I. Mirzoyev headed the Kazakhstan Union of Kurdish Intelligentsia, and he gave all his competence and creative energy to the studying of the Kurdish history, literature and art and to the preserving of the treasures of our national culture.

The prominent researcher and educationalist, Knyaz Mirzoyev is the author of many works on comparative literary criticism.

The monograph “Kurds,’’written by the Academician and published in 2001, has become a notable event in political and literary life of the numerous Kurdish ethnos and this title has a very capacious specification “Essays on History and Culture”. In his Introduction the author writes: “This book is a tribute of gratitude to the outstanding sons, prominent political figures and the great thinkers of my people, who have glorified the name of the “Kurds” among other nations and to those who have sacrificed themselves for the sake of Kurdistan”.

I shall add that as a popular scientific edition this book by K.I. Mirzoyev has become a kind of a textbook for the Kurds; the scientist’s contribution to the preservation of our national memory, and, which is also very important to the education of new generations of the ancient Kurdish people, to the formation of their fidelity to our Fatherland and its history.

K.I.Mirzoyev’s favourite genre is the literary portrait. In this book you will find the most prominent names of Kurdish writers, scientists, politicians, businessmen, simple workers, and they are described as uncommon, attractive people due to artistry of style of the author, richness and figurativeness of his language and his attention to the originality of a person’s soul.

I want to underline that the value of the monograph “The Kurds. Essays on History and Culture” is in upholding historical justice with respect to the distressful Kurdish people, who managed to keep their unity during millennia. In particular, the Academician pays great attention to spiritual values of our ethnos, that is, to culture, literary monuments and folklore.

Knyaz Mirzoyev is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, Armenia and Kazakhstan and the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Having wide experience in journalism and leadership, he propagandizes the original Kurdish culture and literature, being the Editor - in - Chief of the periodic magazine “Nubar”. He is also one of the regular authors of Kazakhstan newspaper “Kurde zane” and Moscow edition of “Kurdistana Azad” (“Free Kurdistan”).

I consider it an honour to present this new edition of the book by Academician K. I.Mirzoyev to the world community. And I am glad that this book will be a notable contribution to the enormous scientific and art bibliography devoted to our people.

The Academician of the Kazakh National
Academy of Sciences. Editor — in chief.

Legends About Kurdistan

Once King Solomon called 500 young genies and ordered them to fly where the sun sets, and not to come back until they had found 500 of the finest maidens from faraway Europe. The genies searched for a long time, deciding carefully and assiduously, and, at last, they managed to choose 500 beauties whiter than the Moon and sweeter than a May night. But by the time the genies together with the maidens had flown back to the imperial palace, King Solomon had already died. The genies were in love with the beauties and married them, and the maidens gave birth to many fine children. And those children had even more children... And so this beautiful legend explains the origin ofthe Kurds.

According to an Armenian legend the Kurds apparently appeared only in the 10th century B.C. “When (in the 10th c.) Arabian sovereignty began to change and, the Scythians, namely the Turks, from the other side of the Caspian Sea, rushed in multitudes to Persia and Media, and seized many areas, and were converted to their beliefs and became a part of them (that is the Persians and the Medians) by religion and language. Many of them, having collaborated with the Median princes, invaded Armenia, to the territories belonging to the Karduhs and the Moks, occupying those countries and settling in them. It is these people who are now called the Kurds. Some of them moved to Armenian and Syrian Mesopotamia, where they settled. Later many of Christians have gradually mixed with them, and were converted to their beliefs.”
In the foreword to the Kurdish historical work “Shereff-nameh”, written in 1596 in the Persian language by emir Shereff - khan Bidlisi, we find a legend about tyrant Zokhhak, who succeeded Dzhemshid on the throne of the Pishdadids and became the fifth king of this dynasty. Zokhhak suffered from a strange illness: on each of his shoulders there was a tumour, which was like a snake. The most skillful doctors could not manage to cure Zokhhak. To get rid of the illness the devil advised him to treat himself with the brains of the young men. Every day two youths were sacrificed to Zokhhak. Meanwhile the man, who carried out these daily executions, was a kind man who pitied his victims. Instead of two people he killed only one, and replaced the brain of the second young man with the brains of ram. Those who were rescued in this way, had to disappear to a wild and inaccessible mountainous area. In the course of time their number increased and it was from these men that the Kurdish people originated and began to engage in agriculture and cattle breeding. They were famous for their fearless, bravery which caused some Arabian authors to name them “alakrad taifatun min algenies,” the “tribe of malicious spirits”. Annually August 31 in Demavend is celebrated as the day of ridding Iran of the tyrant and is connected with the end of Zokhhak’s rule. This holiday is called anid-i-kurdi’, meaning “Kurdish holiday”.

The Kurds
To live in the world means to live in peace.
A Russian proverb.


Knyaz Mirzoyev

The Kurds: Essays on History and Culture


Printing house: “Iscander”
The Kurds: Essays on History and Culture
Knyaz Mirzoyev

Almaty, 2003

ББК 63.3(2)
M 63

Authorized translation: L. A. Balayan
Technical editor: F. L. Delany - (England)

M 63 Mirzoyev Knyaz Ibrahimovich,
The Kurds.Essays on History and Culture. -Almaty, 2003. - 285 p.
ISBN 9965-00-833-7

ББК 63.3(2)
M= 0503020000 / 00(05)-03

ISBN 9965-520-76-3 (Pyc)
ISBN 9965-00-833-7 (Aheji)

© K.I. Mirzoyev, 2001
© K. Mirzoyev, 2003

the Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.Sh.Ishmukhamedov;
the Doctor of Philology, Professor U.K. Kumisbayev.

Editor - in - Chief: N.K. Nadirov
Translator and Editor: L. A. Balayan
Technical Editor: F.L. Delany (England)
Artists: Ospanov B.E., Zhamankarayev S.K.
Imposition: A. B. Rakhmetova
Design: Ye.Isakova

Passed for printing 28. 04. 2003.
18,2 of Registered publicated pages
20,0 of Conventionaly printed pages
Format: 84 x 108 1/32
Set: “Times”
Circulation: 2000 copies

Printing house: “ISCANDER”
Address: Furmanov Street, 103

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