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Kurdish Cook Book

Nivîskar : Louisa Attar
Weşan : Kurdish Heritage Institute Tarîx & Cîh : 2009, Sulaimaniya
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 256
Wergêr : ISBN :
Ziman : FransizîEbad : 155x220 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. Eng. Att. Kur. N° 1193Mijar :

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Kurdish Cook Book

Kurdish Cook Book

Louisa Attar

Kurdish Heritage Institute

Louisa Attar was born and received school education in Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan city). She later obtained degree in economy in Baghdad University and start working as high school teacher in Baghdad.
Louisa and her husband left their hometown in 1974 and joined the Kurdish freedom fighters, but she was injured in an airdate by Iraqi Army Forces, and later, was moved to Iran for medical treatments. She left Iran in 1979, and got refugee with her husband and four sons in United Kingdom.

While Louisa was continued with her proficiency as a school teacher, she was involved in Social and Cultural activities for over 40 years. We can Point to a number of more than 20 national and internat ional Kurdish food and Custom Exhibitions, which she was participated or organized in the UK. Within these cultural activities, she received a number of Awards and recognitions Collection of Kurdish Food from deferent parts of Kurdistan may gives an evidence how deeply she was involved in her nation’s culture, while she believed there are still more tens kinds of traditional Kurdish Foods among tribes and remote villagers, which she could not reach to be collected.

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