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The Economic Development of Iraq

Nivîskar : IBRD
Weşan : The Johns Hopkins Press Tarîx & Cîh : 1952, London
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 466
Wergêr : ISBN :
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 150 x 220mm
Mijar :

Danasîn Naverok Pêşgotin Nasname PDF
The Economic Development of Iraq

The Economic Development of Iraq


The Johns Hopkins Press

"The Mission will be expected to undertake a general review of Iraq’s economic potentialities and to submit recommendations designed to assist the Government of Iraq to formulate a long-term program for the further development of the country’s productive resources"

Operating under this general instruction, the Bank's field mission made a comprehensive survey during the first half of 1951. This hook contains its report and recommendations.
The principal task of the Iraqi government, the Mission found, will be to discover ways and means of spending the rapidly increasing revenues from its oil industry in a manner which will contribute most effectively to the long-range development of the country. Accordingly, the Mission's report emphasizes the importance of effective methods for carrying forward Iraq's development.
The first part of the report contains the major findings and recommendations of the Mission — to which are attached three appendices listing specific recommendations, summarizing the suggestions for technical assistance, and outlining a statistical organization. Part Two consists of a series of monographs dealing with particular subjects. The first is concerned with the basic factors and conditions in the economy of Iraq which the Mission has considered in framing its recommendations. The others set forth in greater detail the Mission’s views on flood control, irrigation and drainage; agriculture and livestock; industry; transport; public health; education; and community planning and community facilities.

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