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Devil Worship. The Sacred books and traditions of the Yezidiz

Nivîskar : Isya Joseph
Weşan : The Gorham Press Tarîx & Cîh : 1919, Boston
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 226
Wergêr : ISBN :
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 125x165 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Lp. Ang. 497Mijar :

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Devil Worship. The Sacred books and traditions of the Yezidiz

Devil Worship: The Sacred books and traditions of the Yezidiz

In the Name of the Most Compassionate God !
With the help of the Most High God, and under his direction, we write the history of the Yezidis, their doctrines, and the mysteries of their religion, as contained in their books, which reached our hand with their own knowledge and consent.

In the time of Al-Muķtadir Billah, A. H. 295, there lived Manşûr-al-Hallaj, the woll-carder, and Šeih 'Abd-al-Kadir of jilan. At that time, too, there appeared a man by the name of Šeih ‘Adi, from the mountain of Hakkari,* originally from the region of Aleppo or Baalbek. He came and dwelt in Mount Lalis, near the city of Mosul, about nine hours distant from it. Some say he was of the people of Harran, and related to Marwan ibn-al-Hakam. His full name is Šaraf ad-Din Abu-l-Fadiil, 'Adi bn Musafir bn Ismael bn Mousa bn Marwan bn Al-Hasan bn Marwan. He died A. H. 558 (A. D. 1162-63). His tomb is still visited; it is near Ba'adrei, one of the villages of Mosul, distant eleven hours. The Yezidis are the progeny of those who were the murids (disciples) of Šeih ‘Adi. Some trace their origin to Yezid, others to Hasan-Al-Basri.

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