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International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics

Éditeur : Routledge Date & Lieu : 2005, Oxon
Préface : Pages : 202
Traduction : ISBN : 0-203-56981-4
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 140x215 mm
Thème : Politique

International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics

International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics

Rey Koslowski

Jet airliners, international telephone services, satellite television, fax machines and the Internet have made it easier for emigrants to maintain contact with their homelands and participate in homeland politics. Increasing international migration, the information revolution and democratization have propelled a globalization of the domestic politics of many states that is similar to the globalization of national economies. Just as firms may have an integrated production system with factories and research facilities in states other than the state in which corporate headquarters is located, polities may have a political system with significant participants spread across several states other than that of the homeland. Just as even small firms use fax machines, Federal Express and the Internet to market their products globally, political movements and parties reach beyond state borders in organizational and fundraising activities. As the Internet provides relatively inexpensive international communication with vast potential for political organization, emigrants have developed extensive networks of electronic bulletin boards and web pages through which members of diasporas communicate with one another as well as with political actors in the home country.

This globalization of domestic politics is part and parcel of the larger phenomenon of the politics of diasporas and transnational communities formed through recent or past migration (as well as the break-up of multinational states). Classical diasporas include the ancient Greeks, Jews and Armenians, and, as I will demonstrate below in chapter 1, emigrants in diasporas have influenced the domestic politics and the foreign policies of their home countries throughout history. Migrants have also become politically active in the host country to which they migrated, often in order to influence the foreign policies of their host countries toward their homelands. Governments of the homeland or “mother” country may engage their emigrants to further political agendas, view their emigrants as traitors for leaving, or simply ignore them. Diasporic politics in its many forms is not new. However, the scope and scale of emigrant political participation in homeland politics is increasing in today’s world, as growing ranks of migrants from an increasing number of source countries living in a greater number of host countries produce ever more and increasingly varied diasporas...


List of illustrations / ix
List of contributors / xi
Acknowledgments / xiii
Introduction / 1

1 International migration and the globalization of domestic politics: a conceptual framework / 5

2 Immigrant organizations and the globalization of Turkey’s domestic politics / 33

3 Mobilizing ethnic conflict: Kurdish separatism in Germany and the PKK / 62

4 Israelis in a Jewish diaspora: the dilemmas of a globalized group / 83

5 Migrant membership as an instituted process: transnationalization, the state and the extra-territorial conduct of Mexican politics / 105

6 Politics from outside: Chinese overseas and political and economic change in China / 130

7 Opposing constructions and agendas: the politics of Hindu and Muslim Indian-American organizations / 148

8 A marooned diaspora: ethnic Russians in the near abroad and their impact on Russia’s foreign policy and domestic politics / 173

Index / 195

International Migration and the
Globalization of Domestic Politics

Edited by Rey Koslowski

First published 2005
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN

Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada
by Routledge
270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group

This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005.

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© 2005 editorial matter and selection, Rey Koslowski; individual chapters,
the contributors

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or
utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
International migration and the globalization of domestic politics/[edited by]
Rey Koslowski.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Immigrants–Political activity–Case studies. 2. Emigration and immigration–
Political aspects. 3. World politics–1989– 4. Globalization–Political aspects.
I. Koslowski, Rey.
JV6124.I68 2005
325'.1–dc22 2004013104

ISBN 0-203-48837-7  Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-203-56981-4  (Adobe eReader Format)
ISBN 0–415–25815–4 (Print Edition)

Asher Arian is Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, a Senior Research Fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, and Professor of Political Science at the University of Haifa.

Amy L. Freedman earned her PhD at New York University and is an Assistant Professor of Government at Franklin and Marshall College. She is the author of a number of articles and a book on ethnic politics in Asia and is working on a project that looks at the 1997 economic crisis and democratization.

Rey Koslowski is Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University, Newark, and a recent fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He is the author of Migrants and Citizens: Demographic Change in the European States System and co-editor (with David Kyle) of Global Human Smuggling: Comparative Perspectives.

Prema Kurien is Associate Professor of Sociology at Syracuse University. She is the author of Kaleidoscopic Ethnicity: International Migration and the Reconstruction of Community Identities in India (Rutgers University Press, 2002) and is completing a second book, Multiculturalism and Immigrant Religion: The Development of an American Hinduism.

Gallya Lahav is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and Visiting Scholar at the Center for European Studies at New York University. She is the author of several articles on migration and the book Immigration and Politics in the New Europe: Reinventing Borders.

Alynna J. Lyon is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of New Hampshire. Her research focuses on international organizations, ethnicity and political violence. Her recent publications include “International Influences on the Mobilization of Violence in Kosovo and Macedonia,” in the Journal of International Relations and Development (2002), and “Policing after Ethnic Conflict,” in Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management (2002).

Nedim Ögelman received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Texas at Austin.

Robert A. Saunders is an instructor at Wagner College (Staten Island, New York), where he teaches courses on Soviet and Eastern European history and global politics. He is also a PhD candidate in Global Affairs at Rutgers University, where he is completing his dissertation on the impact of the Internet on national identity.

Robert C. Smith is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Immigration Studies at Baruch College, City University of New York. He is the author of Mexican New York: Transnational Worlds of New Immigrants (University of California Press, 2005), and co-editor of Migration, Transnationalization and Race in a Changing New York (Temple University Press, 2001). He is a co-founder of the Mexican Educational Foundation of New York.

Emek M. Uçarer is Associate Professor of International Relations at Bucknell University. She holds a PhD in International Studies from the University of South Carolina. Her research interests include cooperation on immigration and asylum matters in the European Union, the role of EU institutions in cooperation, human trafficking and smuggling, and political mobilization of ethnic diasporas in host countries.

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