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Law of Autonomy

Éditeur : Ministry of Information Date & Lieu : 1977, Baghdad
Préface : Pages : 40
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 210x140 mm
Thème : Politique

Law of Autonomy

Text of the Statement made by His Excellency Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr President of the Republic of Iraq on the 11th of March, 1974, Announcing the Resolution of the Revolutionary Command Council Calling for Effecting the Law of Autonomy.
Great People,

Masses of our Glorious Nation,

In confirmation to the ties of the histo-rical citizenship and brotherhood among the nationals of Iraq's Arabs, Kurds and frater¬nal minorities, in compatibility with th democratic principles of the July 17 Revolu tion and in fulfilment to its pledge, in realization of the March 11 Menifesto of 1970 and what is included in the National Action Charter and in consolidation to the common struggle and interests of all nationals of the People and for what all the progressive national and nationalist forces struggle and called upon, The Revolutionary Command Council has decided the applica¬tion of Autonomy to Kurdistan Region....

In accordance with paragraph (a) of Article (42) of the Interim Constitution, The Revolutionary Command Council, have decided, in its session convened on 26 March 1974, upon the following :
(1)    Schools for Kurds living outside the Region, could be established in accord¬ance with the rules and regulations put by the Ministry of Education.
(2)    This Dicision shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr,
Chairman of
The Revolutionary Command Council.

Great People,

Masses of our Glorious Nation,

In confirmation to the ties of the histo-rical citizenship and brotherhood among the nationals of Iraq's Arabs, Kurds and frater¬nal minorities, in compatibility with th democratic principles of the July 17 Revolu tion and in fulfilment to its pledge, in realization of the March 11 Menifesto of 1970 and what is included in the National Action Charter and in consolidation to the common struggle and interests of all nationals of the People and for what all the progressive national and nationalist forces struggle and called upon, The Revolutionary Command Council has decided the applica¬tion of Autonomy to Kurdistan Region.

The application of Autonomy to the Region whose majority of population is from Kurds and on democratic bases shall provide the guaranteed ways for our Kurdish People to exercise its full legal nationalist rights within the framework of the One Homeland and under the relationships of common fraternity, equality and responsibility among its nationals, shall strengthen the national unity and the gains realized by the Revolu¬tion for the masses in all fields and shall ward off the intrigues of colonialism and reactionary forces.
Besides, the full participation of the nationals of our Kurdish People in the national bodies and guaranteeing the cultural rights of fraternal minorities in accordance with the Laws enacted by the July 17 Revolution, under its democratic principles and institutions and within the framework of the common national action of the National and Nationalist Front are the assured guarantee for eliminating the iniqu-ilty, afflicted on the nationals of our Kurdish people and fraternal minories at the time of dictatorial and reactionary regimes and their chauvinist and despotic policies, for establishing a comprehensive economic, social and cultural rise in Kurdistan Region and for opening broad scopes for all nat¬tionals of the People to move forward, in an established faith and in the spirit of confidence and constructive work, on the course of progressive and democratic trans¬formations for achieving the construction of socialism.


In accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) , Article (63) of the Interim Constitution, The Revolutionary Command Council have decided, in the Name of the People, in its session convened on 11 March, 1974, to amend the Interim Constitution promulgated on 16 July, 1970 as follows :
Article (1) :



REPUBLIC OF IRAQ Ministry of Information Directorate General of Information 1977

AI-Hurriya Printing House Baghdad — 1977
Third Edition
Documentary Series
No. (33)

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