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Travels in Persia, Georgia and Koordistan I - II - III

Nivîskar : Moritz Wagner
Weşan : Hurst and Blacket Tarîx & Cîh : 1856, London
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 340
Wergêr : ISBN :
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 120x185 mm
Hejmara FIKP : Liv. En.Mijar : Bîranîn

Travels in Persia, Georgia and Koordistan I - II - III

Travels in Persia, Georgia and Koordistan - 2

Moritz Wagner

Hurst and Blackett

Amongst the mass of the Cossacks, three distinct physiognomies can he detected. First, the genuine Russian, with a broad, Sclavonic countenance, a snub nose, and very light brown beard. Secondly, the nobler Cossack type, proceeding from a strong mixture of the Sclavonic race with the Tartar and Circassian tribes, having the nose more curved, approaching the aquili.ne nose of the Caucasian, the face more oval and delicate, the eyes more animated, the beard Dot so light as with the Great Russians, and a character of face which ...

Contents to the second volume

Part I

Chapter XII
The Cossacks-(continued) / 1-25

Chapter XIII
Scenes of Caucasian Warfare / 26-70

Chapter XIV
Prince Michael Woronzoff / 71-105

Part II

Chapter I
From the Crimea to Georgia-The Trans-Caucasian Metropolis and its Curiosities / 106-142

Chapter II
Life in Tiflis-The Georgian and Armenian Women-.An Armenian Marriage - Easter - Street-singing and Story-tellers-Poverty-Social Entertainments at Tiflis / 143-177

Chapter III
Nomadic Life of a Naturalist - Journey from Tiflis to Imeritia-Mzketha, the Ancient Residence of the Kings of Georgia-Gori-The ancient Troglodyte City-Kutais-The Convent of the Catholic Missions in Trans-Caucasia / 178-207

Chapter IV
The Life of a Naturalist-An Episode / 208-213

Chapter V
French Travellers from Persia-Joumey through Imeritia and Mingrelia-Natural Scenery-Beauty of the Colchian Landscapes-Soil on the Phasis-Mingrelian Family Life-Aged Forests of Colchis / 214-235

Chapter VI
Redut-Kaleh-Visit to the Convent of Lugdidi Chopi-Sugdidi, the Residence of the Dadians-The Convent of Martwili-Beauty of the River Landscapes in Colchis-Funereal Grove-Mouth of the Phasis-Homeric Vestiges-Poti / 236-254

Chapter VII
Rellections on Colchis-Present State of Mingrelia-Saïl to Lasistan-Stay at Batoum-The Lasian People / 255-265

Part III

Chapter I
Steam to Trebizond-Colchian Coast-The Circassian Slave Trade-Arrival at Trebizond-Abdullah Pacha / 266-284

Chapter II
Journey from Trebizond to Gumysch-Haneh–Colchian Mountain Landscapes-Dangerous Pass-A sagacious Horse-Comparison of the Scenery with Switzerland-Gumysch-Haneh-Adventures of a Polish Deserter from the Caucasus / 285-319

The Cossacks and the Caucasus

Part I

Chapter XII
The Cossacks-(continued)

Amongst the mass of the Cossacks, three distinct physiognomies can he detected. First, the genuine Russian, with a broad, Sclavonic countenance, a snub nose, and very light brown beard. Secondly, the nobler Cossack type, proceeding from a strong mixture of the Sclavonic race with the Tartar and Circassian tribes, having the nose more curved, approaching the aquili.ne nose of the Caucasian, the face more oval and delicate, the eyes more animated, the beard Dot so light as with the Great Russians, and a character of face which ...

Moritz Wagner

Travels in Persia, Georgia and Koordistan
With Sketches op the Cossacks and the Caucasus

Hurst and Blackett

Hurst and Blackett, publishers
Travels in Persia, Georgia and Koordistan
With Sketches op the Cossacks and the Caucasus
From the German of
Dr. Moritz Wagner

In three volums
Vol. II.

Hurst and Blackett, publishers
Successors to Henry Colburn
13, great Marlborough Street

Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street

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