Treaty of Peace With Turkey, Treaty Series No. 16 (1923)
Command of His Majesty
His Majesty's Stationery Office
Les Gouvernements de l'Empire britannique, de la France et de l'Italie, d'accord avec le Gouvernement du Japon, soucieux de rétablir définitivement la paix en Orient, ayant convié d'une part la Grèce, la Roumanie, l'Etat Serbe-Croate-Slovène et aussi les États Unis d'Amérique, et d'autre part, la Turquie, à examiner en commun les dispositions propres à atteindre un résultat également souhaité par toutes les nations;
Ayant estimé, par ailleurs, que, parmi les sujets qui se trouveraient devoir être traités à cette Conférence, la question des Détroits devrait être examinée spécialement, en invitant la Bulgarie et la Russie, Puissances riveraines de la Mer Noire, à participer aux négociations et aux décisions qui seraient adoptées;
Et ayant décidé que la Belgique et le Portugal seraient admis à participer aux discussions des questions économiques et financières résultant pour ces deux Puissances de l'état de guerre en Orient; En conséquence, les Délégués ci-après se sont assemblés à Lausanne:
Summary of Contents
Final Act of Conference / 3 List of delegates / 3 List of instruments drawn up / 7
1.-Treaty of Peace / 11
Preamble / 11
Part I. Political Clauses -
Preliminary Clause (Article I) / 13
Section I- (1.) Territorial Clauses (Articles 2 to :22) / 13 (2.) Special Provisions (Articles 23 to 29) / 23 Section II. Nationality (Articles 30 to 36) / 27 Section III. Protection of Minorities (Articles / 37 to 45) / 29 Part II. Financial Clauses - Section I. Ottoman Public Debt (Articles 4 to 57) / 35 Annex; Schedule of pre-war debt / 47 Section II. Miscellaneous Clauses (Articles 58 to 63) / 49 Part III. Economic clauses - Preliminary Clause (Article 64) / 53 Section I. Property, Rights and Interests (Articles 65 to 72) / 53 Section Il. Contracts, Prescriptions and Judgments (Articles 73 to 81) / 59 Annex I. Life Assurance / 67 II. Marine Insurance / 71 III. Fire and other Insurances / 71 Section III. Debts (Articles 84 and 85) / 71 Section IV. Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property (Articles 86 to 91) / 71 Section V. Mixed Arbitral Tribunal (Articles 92 to 98) / 77 Section VI. Treaties (Articles 99 and) / 81 Part IV. Communications and Sanitary Questions- Section I. Communications (Articles 101 to 113) / 85 Section II. Sanitary Questions (Articles 114 to 118) / 91 Part V. Miscellaneous Provisions-Section I. Prisoners of War (Articles 119 to 123) / 93 Section H. Graves (Articles 124 to 136) / 95 Section III. General Provisious (Articles 137 to 143) / 103 II.-Straits Convention / 109 III.-Convention respecting the Thracian frontier / 129 IV.-Convention respecting conditions of Residence and Business and Jurisdiction / 139 Chapter I. Conditions of Residence and Business Preliminary clause (Article 1) / 141 Section I. Entry and Residence (Articles 2 to 7) / 141 Section II. Fiscal clauses (Articles 8 to 13) / 145 Chapter II. Jurisdiction (Articles 14 to 18) / 149 Chapter IT[. Final Provisions (Articles 19 to 21) / 151 V. - Commercial Convention / 153 Section I. ( Articles 1 to S) / 157 Annex I. List of articles subject to the coefficient 9 / 163 II. Consumption taxes / 163 UL Form of certificate of origin / 105 Section II. (Articles \J to 11) / 167 Section III. (Articles 12 to 15) / 169 General Provisions ( Articles 16 to 19) / 171 VI. - Convention concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, signed at Lausanne January 30, 1923 / 175 Protocol attached to above relative to the release of able - bodied men / 185 VII.-Agreement between Greece and Turkey respecting the reciprocal restitution of interned civilians and the exchange of prisoners of war, signed at Lausanne January 30, 19:23 / 187 Chapter I. Interned civilians (Articles 1 to 3) / 187 Chapter II. Prisoners of war (Articles 4 and 5) / 189 Chapter III. Commission for the execution of the agreement (A.rticles 6 and 7) / 189 VIII. - Declaration relating to the Amnesty / 191 Protocol attached to the above / 195 IX. - Declaration relating to Moslem properties in Greece / 197 X. - Declaration relating to sanitary matters in Turkey / 199 XI - Declaration relating to the administration of justice in Turkey / 201 XII.-Protocol relating to certain concessions granted in the Ottoman Empire / 203 Section I. (Articles 1 to 8) / 203 Section II. (Articles 9 to 13) / 209 Declaration attached to the above / 211
XIII.-Protocol relating to the accession of Belgium and Portugal to certain provisions and instruments signed at Lausanne / 213 Declaration by Belgian delegate / 213 Declaration by Portuguese delegate / 215 XIV.-Protocol relating to the evacuation of the Turkish territory occupied by the British, French and Italian forces / 215 Declaration attached to the above / 219 XV.-Protocol relative to the Karagatch territory and the Islands of Imbros and Tenedos / 223 XVI.-Protocol relating to t.he Treaty concluded at Sèvres between the principal Allied Powers and Greece on August 10, 1920, concerning the protection of minorities in Greece, and the Treaty concluded on the same day between the same Powers relating to Thrace / 225 XVII.-Protocol relating to signature by the. Serb-Croat-Slovene State / 227 Letters exchanged between Isiuef Pasha and Sir H. Rumbold respecting the exemption of Allied nationals, who suffered from the Smyrna fire, from the payment of the arrears of temettu tax due for the financial year 1922-1923 / 229 Letter addressed by the delegates of the three inviting Powers to İsmet Pasha in connection with the suppression of Article 70 of the original draft Treaty of Peace (financial operations of the Council of the Ottoman Debt after October 30, 1918) / 229 Footnote: Copy of draft letter referred to in above document. Letters exchanged between Ismet Pasha and Sir H. Rumbold respecting the treatment to be accorded by the Turkish Government to British religious, scholastic and medical establishments and charitable institutions in Turkey / 231 Letters exchanged between Ismet Pasha and Sir H. Rumbold respecting cabotage / 233 Letter addressed by Ismet Pasha to Sir H. Rumbold enclosing copy of letter sent by Ismet Pasha to Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. and Messrs. Vickers, Limited; together with copy of acknowledgment sent by Sir H. Rumbold / 237 Letter addressed by the Turkish delegation to the President of the Third Committee in regard to certain railway and port concessions in Turkey / 239 Convention regarding compensation payable by Greece to Allied nationals / 239
Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.
Traité avec la Turquie et autres Actes, signés à Lausanne, le 24 juillet 1923.
Les Gouvernements de l'Empire britannique, de la France et de l'Italie, d'accord avec le Gouvernement du Japon, soucieux de rétablir définitivement la paix en Orient, ayant convié d'une part la Grèce, la Roumanie, l'Etat Serbe-Croate-Slovène et aussi les États Unis d'Amérique, et d'autre part, la Turquie, à examiner en commun les dispositions propres à atteindre un résultat également souhaité par toutes les nations; Ayant estimé, par ailleurs, que, parmi les sujets qui se trouveraient devoir être traités à cette Conférence, la question des Détroits devrait être examinée spécialement, en invitant la Bulgarie et la Russie, Puissances riveraines de la Mer Noire, à participer aux négociations et aux décisions qui seraient adoptées; Et ayant décidé que la Belgique et le Portugal seraient admis à participer aux discussions des questions économiques et financières résultant pour ces deux Puissances de l'état de guerre en Orient; En conséquence, les Délégués ci-après se sont assemblés à Lausanne:
Pour L'empire Britannique: Le Très-Honorable George Nathaniel, Marquis Curzon de Kedleston, K.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., Secrétaire d'État pour les Affaires étrangères; Le Très-Honorable Sir Horace George Montagu Rumbold, Baronet, G .C.M .G., Haut-commissaire à Constantinople;
Pour La France: M. Camille Barrère, Ambassadeur de la République française près S. M. le Iloi d'Italie, Grand -Croix de l'Ordre national de la Légion d'Honneur: M. Maurice Bompard , Sénateur, Ambassadeur de France, Grand Officier de l'Ordre national de la Légion d'Honneur; M. le Général de Division Maurice Pellé, Ambassadeur de France, Haut-commissaire de la République en Orient, Grand Officier de l'Ordre national de la Légion d'Honneur;
Pour L'Italie : L'Honorable Marquis Camille Garroni, Sénateur du Royaume, Ambassadeur d'Italie, Haut-commissaire à Constantinople, Grand-croix des Ordres des Saints Maurice et Lazare et de la Couronne d'Italie; M. Jules César Montagna, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à Athènes, Commandeur de l'Ordre des Saints Maurice et Lazare, Grand Officier de la Couronne d'Italie; .....
Command of His Majesty
Treaty of Peace With Turkey
His Majesty's Stationery Office
His Majesty's Stationery Office Treaty of Peace With Turkey, and Other Instruments Treaty Series No. 16 (1923) Command of His Majesty
Signed at Lausanne on July 24, 1923,
together with Agreements between Greece and Turkey signed on January 30, 1923,
and Subsidiary Documents forming part of
The Turkish Peace Settlement.
[With Map.]
Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
London: Printed & Published By His Majesty's Stationery Office To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H. M. Stationery Office at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and 28 Abingdon Street, London, S.W.1: York Street, Manchester; 1 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff ; or 120 George Street, Edinburgh.