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'W & Torture: Two Trial Observations

Éditeur : Compte d'auteur Date & Lieu : 2002, London
Préface : Pages : 84
Traduction : ISBN : 1 900175 53 3
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 210x295 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Khr. Wan. N° 2257Thème :

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'W & Torture: Two Trial Observations

'W & Torture: Two Trial Observations

Kurdish Human Rights Project

Compte d’auteur

In July 2002 two London based Barristers, Richard Heller and Peter Lowrie, travelled to Turkey as a KHRP and BHRC delegation to attend and observe two important and contrasting trials. Firstly the delegation travelled to Diyarbakir to observe the ‘W’ trial as part of the ongoing reportage of the denial of Kurdish language rights. The defendants in this action are members of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (IHD), an organization with which the KHRP and BHRC have close links. While in Diyarkabir the delegation had the opportunity to hold meetings with unions, the Human Rights Foundation, HADEP, the Diyarbakir Bar Association, the Human Rights Committee and individual Kurdish lawyers. The delegation then travelled to Simak to observe the ongoing efforts of lawyers from the Human Rights Association (including several of those charged in the ‘W’ trial) in their representation of alleged victims of torture. The delegation was one of the first to visit Simak since the unilateral ceasefire declared in 1999.
The delegation was able to observe the pressures on human rights lawyers who were defendants one day and representatives the next. The contrast between the approach of the authorities to proceedings against Kurdish lawyers ...

The Kurdish Human Rights Project (KHRP) is an independent, non-political, non-governmental human rights organisation founded and based in London, England. KHRP is a registered charity and is committed to the promotion and protection of the human rights of all persons living within the Kurdish regions, irrespective of race, religion, sex, political persuasion or other belief or opinion. Its supporters include both Kurdish and non-Kurdish people.
The Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) is the international human rights arm of the Bar of England and Wales. It is an independent body primarily concerned with the protection of the rights of advocates and judges around the world. Tt is also concerned with defending the rule of law and internationally recognised legal standards relating to the right to a fair trial. The remit of the Bar Human Rights Committee extends to all countries of the world, apart from its own jurisdiction of England & Wales.
The Human Rights Association (IHD) was established by 98 human rights defenders on 17 July 1986. IHD strives for the creation of social, political and cultural conditions that are in line with the democratic standards and human dignity in Turkey. During 15 years of existence, the IHD has organised more than 70 symposium/conference and public debates on several human rights issues and more than 15 campaigns on specific issues ranging from freedom of opinion to the abolishment of death penalty.

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