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English-Kurmanji / Kurmancî-Înglîzî Word List

Auteur : Şirîn
Éditeur : Spîrêz Date & Lieu : 2006, Dohuk
Préface : Pages : 362
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : Anglais, KurdeFormat : 165x240 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Kur. Kl. Ber. Siy. N° 381Thème : Linguistique

English-Kurmanji / Kurmancî-Înglîzî Word List

English-Kurmanji / Kurmancî-Înglîzî Word List



a lot (seehave (v); much; many; lots; lots of)
Aarat Errarrat (f)
Aaron Harun
abandon(v) hêlan, bihêle (Babî biçîkêt xwe hêlan. The father abandoned his children.)
abdomen zik (m) (Zikê min di’êşit. My stomach hurts.)
Abel Habîl
Abijah Ebîya
ability (1) qodiret (f) (Xwedê qodiret da me da em bişêîn ferqîê bikîn. Godgave us the ability to make ourown choices.)
(2) zîrek u çespan (Leqman gelek zîrek u çespan e bu şulê xwe. Leqman is very able /has a lot ofability to do his work.)
able (1) zîrek û çespan
(2) çelek u çespan (Leqman gelek çelek u çespan e bu şule xwe. Leqman is very able to do his work.)
able to (v) (see be able to, can)
abolish (v) pîç kirin, pîç bike (‘Îsaî got, “Ez ne hatîme da ez disturî pîç bikim.” Jesus said, “Ihaven ’t come to abolish the la w. ”)


The “Nî Roj” language learning series is for English speakers who are learning the Behdînî Kurmanji language. Write to for an order form for these books and audio recordings.
These are the books (and recordings) in the “Nî Roj” language learning series:

English-Kurmanji, Kurmancî-lnglîzî Word List (Behdînî Dialect), Vol. 1 and 2

Behdînî Grammar Reference Cards

Exercises in Kurmanji Grammar (Behdînî Dialect)

Beginner’s Course
Get Started! Teach yourself how to write and pronounce
Grammar Overview (Behdînî Kurmanji)
A Kurdish Woman’s Rule Book for her American Friends’ Behavior

Book A: Activities for Learners of Behdînî Kurmanji
Language Learning Progress Chart
Making Language Learning Work for You
Pronunciation Exercises
Listening Exercises
Transcription Exercises

Book B: Activities for Learners of Behdînî Kurmanji Stories told in Kurdistan Legends told in Kurdistan Holidays and Weddings in Kurdistan Three Bible Stories Vocabulary Pictures Answer Key to Listening Exercises Answer Key to Exercises in Kurmanji Grammar Writing Kurmanji in Arabic Script
© 1996 by Şirîn; revised and expanded 2002, 2005. Printed in Dohuk, Iraq, February 2006. No part of this “Nî Roj” language learning series may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author c/o < >.

English-Kurmanji Word List

a lot (seehave (v); much; many; lots; lots of)
Aarat Errarrat (f)
Aaron Harun
abandon(v) hêlan, bihêle (Babî biçîkêt xwe hêlan. The father abandoned his children.)
abdomen zik (m) (Zikê min di’êşit. My stomach hurts.)
Abel Habîl
Abijah Ebîya
ability (1) qodiret (f) (Xwedê qodiret da me da em bişêîn ferqîê bikîn. Godgave us the ability to make ourown choices.)
(2) zîrek u çespan (Leqman gelek zîrek u çespan e bu şulê xwe. Leqman is very able /has a lot ofability to do his work.)
able (1) zîrek û çespan
(2) çelek u çespan (Leqman gelek çelek u çespan e bu şule xwe. Leqman is very able to do his work.)
able to (v) (see be able to, can)
abolish (v) pîç kirin, pîç bike (‘Îsaî got, “Ez ne hatîme da ez disturî pîç bikim.” Jesus said, “Ihaven ’t come to abolish the la w. ”)
abort (v) biçîk ji ber xwe birin, biçîk ji ber xwe bibe (Wê biçîk ji ber xwe bir. She abortedher baby.) (Guneh e tu biçîkî ji ber xwe bibî. It’ssinfor you to abort the baby.)
abortion biçîk ji ber xwe birin (Biçîk ji ber xwe birin guneh e. Abortion is sin.)
about (1) teqirîben (teqirîben se’et heft about7:00)
(2) tê heye (Ar) (tê heye se’et şeş about 6:00)
(3) derbarê (Pisîara min kirin derbarê biçîka. She asked me about the children.) (Buçî tu pisîara min dikî derbarê yê baş? Why doyou askme about what is good?)
above (1) li hindav (Tavê li hindav me ye. The sun is above us.)
(2) (li) ser (Risim li ser ‘eynê ye. Thepicture is above the mirror.)
abroad xaric (Ar)JEzê çim xaric. I’il go abroad.)
absent xaîb
accept(v) qebîl kirin, qebîl bike (Min qebîl kir ew dîarîe ji te. I accepted that gift from you.)



Kurmancî-Înglîzî Word List


Spirez Press & Publısher
Kurmancî-Înglîzî Word List
Behdini Dialect
Volume One; 2nd édition

Hafith Al-Qathi

Editor in chief
Moayad Tayib

Copy rights are reserved

Iraq – Kurdistan
Laborer syndicate
building - third floor
Tel. 7225376 - 7222125

- S.N. of issue: (153)
- Title: English-Kurmanji Kurmancî-Inglîzî Word List
- Author: Pirîn
- Designing supervisor:Nazdar Jzeri
- Cover: Bayar Jameel
- Copying supervisor: Zagroos Mahmood
- First issue
- No. of copies: (750) copies
- Deposit No: (172) for 2006
- Education Ministry of Erbil publisher

Spirez Press & Publısher

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