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Wild Life Among the Koords

Auteur :
Éditeur : Hurst and Blacket Date & Lieu : 1870-01-01, London
Préface : Pages : 418
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 115x190 mm
Code FIKP : Lp. Ang. 311Thème : Mémoire

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Wild Life Among the Koords

Wild life among the Koords

HAVING been appointed by an Imperial firman to the command of the troops stationed in Koordistan, I hastened to leave Constantinople, and after nine days' voyage I entered Erzerum, then the headquarters of the army of Anatolia. My stay in Erzerum was but of short duration. Official visits to the commander-in-chief and to the small and big pashas forming part of the staff, some affairs connected with the administration of my troops, all having been settled in fi\e or six days, I set to prepare myself for the journey to Van.

In a country where everything is wanting, everything must be provided for ; the smallest details mustbe taken into calculation, otherwise the traveller is sure of finding himself in a helpless position in the...

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