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Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State

Auteur :
Éditeur : State University of N.Y.P Date & Lieu : 2004-01-01, New York
Préface : Pages : 204
Traduction : ISBN : 0-7914-5993-4
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 152x228 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. 2673Thème : Histoire

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State

Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State

First and foremost, I would like to express my profound gratitude to my teacher and friend Stephen Dale for his support, encouragement, and guidance throughout the long years of this research. I feel truly fortunate to know him and privileged to call him a friend.

This book would not have been written if I did not have at my disposal the guidance and expertise of friends and colleagues at the University of Chicago including John Woods, Robert Dankoff, Cornell Fleischer, John Perry, Heshmat Moayyad, and Bruce Craig. At different stages of this work, I also benefited from the knowledge of Victoria Holbrook, Jane Hathaway, Selim Deringil, and Resat Kasaba.

I am also grateful to Yurdanur Serhat for introducing me to several Kurdish families through whom I collected much needed oral information about the previous generation of Kurds. Without her help, I would still be searching for the location of these people, let alone be able to convince them to sit down for an interview. With gratitude, I must also mention that the American Research Institute in Turkey partly funded this research. I am also indebted to Cambridge University Press and to Taylor-Francis Press ( for allowing me to utilize my previous articles in preparation of this book. In closing, I would like to thank my wife and daughters for providing me with the emotional support that enabled me to cope with the vicissitudes of such a long commitment. Needless to say, I accept full responsibility for the shortcomings of this book.

Table des Matières


Acknowledgments / xi
Note on Transliteration and Translation / xiii
List of Illustrations / xv

1. Introduction / 1
The Role of Kurdish Nationalism in the Emergence of the Turkish Republic / 2
A Brief Discussion of Nationalism / 3
Different Interpretations of Nationalism / 4
Ethnicity, Nationalism, and the Development of Identity / 7
Nationalism in the Kurdish Case / 10
Nationalism and Notables in the Ottoman Empire / 11
Boundaries of the Research / 13
Organization and General Arguments of the Chapters / 14

2. Evolution of Group Identity: The Kurds and Kurdistan in Historical Texts / 21
Origin of the Kurds / 22
Kurds and Kurdistan in Medieval Sources / 27
Serefhan Bitlisi / 27
The Seventeenth Century: Ahmed-i Hani / 31
Evliya Çelebi: A View of an Ottoman Traveler / 33
Kurds and Kurdistan in the Late Ottoman Period / 35
Kürdistan: The First Kurdish Newspaper / 35
Semseddin Sami / 37
The Post-World War I Period / 38
Conclusion / 40

3. State-Tribe Relations: Ottoman Empire and Kurdish Tribalism Since the Sixteenth Century / 43
Tribe, Emirate, and the Kurds / 43
Theoretical Framework / 44
Definition of Kurdish Tribes / 45
Kurdish Tribalism Prior to the Ottoman Conquest / 46
Ottoman-Safavid Relations and “Kurdistan” / 47
Ottoman Administration in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries / 51
Classical Ottoman Administration / 51
Ottoman Administration in Kurdistan / 53
Decreasing Level of Autonomy / 57
Ottoman Administrative Policies in Nineteenth-Century Kurdistan / 59
Conclusion: Consequences of Ottoman Rule / 63

4. Kurdish “Protonationalism”?: The Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries / 69
The Nationalist Dimension of Kurdish Militancy / 70
Bedirhan Pasha and His Revolt of 1847 / 70
The Naqshbandi Semdinan Family and Sayyid Ubeydullah / 72
A Transformation to Nationalism: Two Kurdish Cultural and Political Organizations, 1908–20 / 77
Kürt Teavün ve Terakki Cemiyeti, or the Society for the Mutual Aid and Progress of Kurdistan (SMPK) / 78
Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti, or the Society for the Advancement of Kurdistan (SAK) of 1918 / 81

5. The Role of Preexisting Ties and Notables in the Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism / 87
The Naksibendi Semdinan Family / 88
Sayyid Abdulkadir / 88
The Bedirhani Family / 95
Emin Ali Bedirhan / 95
Celadet Ali and Kamuran Ali Bedirhan / 100
Other Members of the SAK in the Bedirhani Family / 102
The Cemilpasazade Family / 103
Ekrem Cemilpasa / 104
Kadri Cemilpasa (Zinar Silopi) / 106
Shaykh Sefik Efendi / 108
Mehmet Serif Pasha / 110
Bediüzzaman Said Nursi / 113
Hizanizade Bitlizli Kemal Fevzi / 115
Conclusion / 117

6. Concluding Remarks and Suggestions for Further Research / 121
Directions for Further Research in the Republican Period / 125
Notes / 131
Bibliography / 159
Index / 179

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