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War in the Persian Gulf: the U.S. Takes Sides

Auteur :
Éditeur : Government Printing Office Date & Lieu : 1987-01-01, Washington
Préface : Pages : 60
Traduction : ISBN : Br. Ang. 199
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 155x235 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. En.Thème : Politique

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
War in the Persian Gulf: the U.S. Takes Sides

War in the Persian Gulf: the U.S. Takes Sides

Committee on Foreign Relations

Government Printing Office

Dear Mr. Chairman: At your direction, the staff of the Committee on Foreign Relations conducted a review of the present situation in the Persian Gulf. Toward that end, staff members visited Iraq, the Soviet Union, and all six of the nations on the western side of the Gulf. Staff also visited the United States Central Command in Florida, the headquarters of the Middle East Force in the Persian Gulf, and the U.S.S. Ranger task group in the Gulf of Oman.

The resulting report covers the range of Persian Gulf...

Table des Matières


Letter of Transmittal / v
Executive Summary / vii

I. Overvi.ew: The Stakes in the Gulf / 1
A. Significance of the Gulf as Reservoir and Passageway / 1
B. Comparative Significance for Western Oil Importers / 2
C. Signific.ance of the Iran•lraq War / 2
D. Sign.ificance of the Tanker War / 3
E. Likelihood and Effect of an Iranian Move to Close the Gulf / 4
F. Potential for U.S. Accommodation with Iran / 5

II. The Iran-Iraq War / 7
A. Historical Background / 7
B. Iraq's Military Situatiou / 9
1. General Observations / 9
2. The Southern Front: Decisive Battlefield / 10
3. The North: War and Insurrection / 15
4. The Central Sector: New Vulnerability / 17
5. The Home Front: Iraq Behind the Lines / 18
6. The Ba'ath Regime: Survival Through Repression / 19
C. American Policy / 21
1. General Observations / 21
2. President Reagan's "Strategic Initiative" to Iran / 22
3. The Worst CaSe Scenario / 23
4. The United Nations Option / 24

III. The Geopolitics of the Gulf States / 25
A. A World of Vulnerability / 25
B. The Internal Shi'a Threat / 26
C. Regional Views of the Iran-Iraq War / 27
D. The Gulf Cooperation Council / 28
E. Attitudes Toward the United States / 29
F. Attitudes Toward the Soviets / 31
G. Military Status of the Gulf States / 31
H. Pressure for Arms Sales / 34

IV. The U.S. Role in the Gulf / 36
A. The Traditional U.S. Military Presence / 36
B. Reflagging / 36
C. The Iranian Threat / 39
D. The Expansion of U.S. and Other Forces / 41
E. American Policy: Shifting Rationales / 42

V. Appendix / 44
A. The Attack on U.S.S. Stark / 44
B. Chronology of Major Events / 44
C. United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 / 47

Table l.-Ship Attacks in the Persian Gulf. 1981-87 / 48
Table 2.-Dependency on Persian Gulf Oil, 1986 / 48
Table 3.-Disposition of Persian Gulf Oil, 1986 / 49

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