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Black Book on the militarist

Auteur :
Éditeur : Compte d'auteur Date & Lieu : 1986-01-01, Brussels
Préface : Pages : 410
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 185x260 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. 547Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Black Book on the militarist

Black Book on the militarist "democracy” in Turkey


Compte d'auteur

Info-Turk is a working group founded in 1974 by a number of progressive people with a view to informing world opinion of the political, economic, social and cultural life of Turkey and of Turkish immigration.
Denouncing the repression in that country, it contributes also to the struggle for democracy in Turkey.
Info-Türk has the honour of publishing the only bilingual periodical on Turkey which has been appearing abroad without interruption for more than ten years:
The monthly newsletter Info-Türk.

Table des Matières


Preface / 3

Data on Turkey / 14
Prior to 1980: Background Of The 1980 Coup / 17
Army officers’ class position / 23
A well-planned trap: Oyak / 24
The 1971 Intervention / 27
1977: Escalating terror of Grey Wolves / 28
Bloody incidents of the May 1st and the June 5 elections / 29
CHP leader also under armed attacks / 30
Growth of the MHP’s electorate / 30
Turkey agaain under the repressive rule of the "Nationalist Front / 32
Local elections / 33
1978: Era of social democracy starts / 36
Not a popular government, but a government of conciliation / 36
Controversy on "Counter-guerilla / 37
Ecevit's Government yields to the IMF. . 38 "Grey Wolves" provoke a civil war / 39
New tactics of the political violence / 41
Political terror encouraged with growing US hegemony / 41
Neo-fascist MHP's provocations in Turkey and in Germany / 42
1978: Year of acceleration of the fascist terror / 43
1979: Martial law: A step towards military rule / 46
Grey Wolves change their tactics / 46
DOCUMENT : Disclosures about the Counter-guerilla Organization / 48
Economic austerity measures imposed / 50
Fascist terror hits the leaders of socialist parties / 51
Arrest of workers leaders on May 1st / 52
"The Government stabbed in back" / 53
MHP in flagrante delicto / 54
Turkish "führer" and his "grey wolves / 54
Grey Wolves caught red-handed / 55
Escalation of the Right / 57
New repressive measures / 58
Progressive intellectuals killed one by one / 59
1980: Ultimatum of the army generals / 61
Turning Turkey again into a spring-board of the US / 61
Demirel-Ecevit collaboration of anti-terror measures / 62
Government adopts the drastic measures imposed by the IMF / 62
Popular resistance against new economic and repressive measures / 62
Mass strikes throughout Turkey / 64
Turkish foreign policy makers on a tight-rope / 65
General offensive against the working class / 66
Presidential election / 67
Terror escalated by the government / 67
Towards parliamentary fascism / 69
NATO meeting in Ankara / 70
1980-81: THE 1980 COUP AND
Military Dictatorship / 75
Big business calls for political stability / 76
A US Report on a possible coup / 77
The coup opens a period for dictatorship  / 78
A total submission to the IMF and the NATO / 80
37 out of 76 years under military regime / 81
First European reactions against the coup / 83
Document : Revelations about the preparation of the Coup and the US instigation / 84
First assessement of Human Rights violations / 88
Principal Target: All democratic forces / 91
DISK leaders being tortured / 93
Barrack discipline in prisons / 95
The military regime's state machinery / 97
1981- 82: a New Constitution Made To Measure / 105
Rubber-Stamp Assembly inaugurated, all political parties dissolved / 106
DOCUMENT : Parties outlawed by the military / 108
The junta's timetable for the restoration of "civilian rule" / 110
The growing wrath of generals / 113
"Constitution" being made to measure / 114
Evren's Constitution caught in the act of fascism / 116
Main points of the anti-democratic Constitution / 120
Constitutional violation of human rights / 125
1982 - 83 The Military's Passage To A "Civilian" Regime / 133
A referendum without choicel / 134
European reaction against the new constitution / 136
Political parties of the military / 142
Europe: No certificate of democracy for the coming Turkish Parliament / 146
Evren's One-Man Show during the Referendum / 150
1983 - 85: a Militarist "Democracy" in Europe / 151
Chicago Boys at the head of Turkish economy / 154
Local Elections 1984: a strike at the political scheme / 157
Structure of the militarist "democracy" / 158
...And the Political Parties / 159
Right-wing parties / 160
Diagram of the new State Structure / 161
Left-wing parties / 163
Phenomenon of Ecevit / 164
Extra-parliamentary left / 165
State Terrorism 1 : Mass arrests, mass trials, death sentences / 169
Mass Trials / 174
Distribution of Condemnations to Organisations / 176
Death Sentences / 180
Hidir Aslan's Last Letter / 182
DISK'S Triai / 183
A trade union leader
in the shade of the gallows / 185
A trial without defence / 185
Bastürk's alarm-cry / 186
Military prosecutor's retreat / 188
Turkish Peace Committee's Trial / 189
Fatsa Town’s Trial / 192
Prosecution of other organizations / 193
Violation of the right to defence / 194
State Terrorism 2: Never-ending persecution of intellectuals / 197
Aziz Nesin accuses General Complete text of Intellectuals' Petition / 202
Trial of the Writers' Union of Turkey / 204
How a publisher assassinated under torture / 206
Repression of Mass Media / 212
Condemned journalists / 214
Pressure on foreign press correspondents / 217
New repressive press code / 217
Book-hunting / 219
Radio Television / 219
Yılmaz Güney's tormenting ordeal / 220
Ruhi Su's torment / 223
Clamp down on universities / 225
1985: Year of bans for the Turkish youth / 227
Academic bodies headed by the military / 227
Prosecution of Teachers / 228
A Courageous academic: Ismail Beşikçi / 228
State Terrorism 3: Pressures on
the opponents abroad / 231
Info-Turk's editors stripped of Turkish nationality / 233
Suicide of a political refugee / 234
State Terrorism 4: Repression of Kurds and Christians / 235
Turkish Army's Expansionism / 237
Kurdish Armed Resistance and "Sun Operation" / 238
Ideological brainwashing in prisons / 241
Document : The suppression of Kurdish language and literature / 243
Christian minorities in Turkey / 245
State Terrorism 5: Torture and ill-treatment in prisons / 249
Those really responsible for torture / 255
Amnesty International's report on torture / 256
Soldier's word! / 259
Torture team: "DAL" group / 260
Labour and peace leaders'torture allegations / 260
A victim of torture at the EP / 261
Prisoners' acts of resistance / 261
Torture and ill-treatment after theelections / 265
A Grey Wolf's collaboration in torture / 267
A European mission fooled / 268
Torture is still practiced / 269
No amnesty for political prisoners / 271
State Terrorism 6: Grey Wolves start their actions again / 273
Agca and Grey Wolves / 275
Ties with German fascists / 276
Rise of racism / 277
Farce in the Rome Trial / 277
Grey Wolves start their actions again / 279
Economic Situation: Chicago Boys' monetarist dictât / 281
Return of Chicago Boys / 283
Fail of the monetarist policies / 285
Islamic banks in Turkey / 287
Competition between businessmen and brothel-keepers / 288
Foreign debts trap / 288
Golden years for monopolies / 289
Fabulous profits of banks / 291
Big business not yet satisfied / 291
Social Situation: Oppression of the working class / 293
The Law on Trade Unions / 295
Collective bargaining and strike / 297
More restrictions on trade union rights / 298
Impoverisment of wage earners / 300
Workers' rising resistance / 302
Armed Forces: Military-industrial complex / 305
Turkish Air Forces / 307
Bribery concerning F-16 purchases / 309
Land Forces / 310
Naval Forces / 311
Turkey, a nuclear power / 311
OYAK: a new giant / 312
War Industry's new boost / 313
Inventory of the armaments of the Turkish Army / 313
Foreign Relations 1 : Growing US military presence / 315
Turkey of the nuclear frontline / 321
American democrats against the junta / 323
Foreign Relations 2: Cyprus' division officialised / 325
Foreign Relations3: Double-faced dealing with the Third World / 331
Foreign Relations4: "Coexistence" with socialist countries / 337
Foreign Relations 5: Troubled relations with Western Europe / 341
Protest actions by trade union centers / 345
Turkish rulers' reactions against Europe / 347
Turkish delegation excluded from the Council of Europe / 349
Forgery of the Junta's ambassador / 349
Freezing of the EEC's financial aid to Turkey / 350
Suspension of the EEC-Turkey Association /
Turkish Regime before Human Rights Commission / 352
Constitution and elections disapproved by Europe / 353
Turkish "fait accompli" at the Council of Europe / 354
Public hearing on Turkey at the European Parliament / 358
European Solidarity with the Turkish press / 359
Turkish regime readmitted to the Parliamentary Assembly / 364
European trade unions' solidarity with DISK / 367
Contradictory stands of the EP / 369
Turkish withdrawal from the Ministerial Committee / 370
Turkish regime's friends at the European Parliament / 371
The EP hardening its stand again / 372
More concessions from the Council of Europe / 373
Lawyers rebuffed by Ambassador / 379
European Governments' ouvertures to Turkey / 379
Socialists against the Police Law in Turkey / 380
EP's 5 conditions to Turkey / 381
General Evren's anger / 383
Ankara's insulting reaction to the EP Resolution / 386
5 European countries withdraw complaints / 387
ETUC reacted against the surprise compromise / 390
European standards and General Evren / 391
European capitulation in every fields / 391
EEC Commission too gives the green light / 393
Turkey: 13th member of the European Communities / 395

Historical Summary / 397

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