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The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq

Auteur :
Éditeur : Princeton University Press Date & Lieu : 1978, Princeton
Préface : Pages : 1284
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 145x225 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. Bat. The. 1067Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq

The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq

Hanna Batatu

Princeton University Press

It has often been maintained that the classic sociological class analysis-an analysis that draws essentially upon the insights of Karl Marx and Max Weber-is inapplicable to Arab societies, or that in Arab societies there are no such things as "classes." This is a generalization apart from the evidence, at least as far as post-World War I Arab societies are concerned. Obviously, an attitude one way or the other on this question cannot be taken in the absence of specialized factual studies on modern Arab social structures. To reject class analysis out of hand, merely on account of contingent ideological associations, is, from a scholarly point of view, inadmissible.

It is necessary to underline at once the tentative nature of the present inquiry. A concrete analysis of classes is an extremely difficult undertaking. It presupposes, on the one hand, a grasp of the objective tendencies and constraints of the social structure or structures of which the classes are integral parts; and, on the other hand, the mastery of a wealth of details, especially as regards economically and politically effective individuals and families and their interrelationships, details that are seldom within easy reach.

Table des Matières


Preface / xxi
List of Tables / ix
List of Illustrations / xvii
List of Maps / xix

Book One the Old Social Classes

Part I Introduction
1 The "Old Social Classes": Practical and Theoretical Clarifications; Applicability of Concept; Difficulties of Analysis / 5
2 Of the Diversity of Iraqis, the Incohesiveness of Their Society, and Their Progress in the Monarchic Period toward a Consolidated Political Structure / 13
3 The Geographic Distribution of the Principal Racial-Religious Groups and Relevant Causative Factors / 37
4 Some Religious-Class and Ethnic-Class Correlations / 44

Part II The Main Classes And Status Groups
5 The Mallaks or Landowners / 53
6 The Shaikhs, Aghas , and Peasants / 63
7 The Sadah / 153
8 The Old "Aristocracy" of Officials / 211
9 The ChalabTs and the Jewish Merchants and Merchant-Șarrefs / 224
10 The Crown and the Ex-SharTfian Officers / 319

Book Two The Communists from the Beginnings of Their Movement to the Fifties

Part I Beginnings in the Arab East
11 The Earliest "Levelers"; the Armenian Hentchak; the Jewish Communists; and the Communist International / 367

Part II Beginnings in Iraq
12 Husain ar-Rahhal, aș-Șahifah Group, and at-Tadjimun Club / 389
13 Pyotr Vasili and the Bas rah and Nii~iriyyah Communist Circles / 404
14 The Founding of the Iraqi Communist Party / 411
15 Two Iraqis -Three Sects / 434
16 Beginning, again; or the Communists in the Period of the / 434
Coups d'Etat (1936-1941) / 439

Part III Causes
17 Of the General Causes That Made for the Increase of Communism in the Two Decades before the July Revolution / 465

Part IV Fahd and the Party (1941-1949)
18 Fahd / 485
19 Toward a Tightly Knit, Ideologically Homogeneous Party / 493
20 New Situations, New Approaches / 523
21 The Arrest of Fahd and after / 537
22 Al-Wathbah / 545
23 The Disaster; the Death of Fahd on the Gallows; the "Children Communists" / 567
24 Fahd, the Communist International, the Soviets, the Syrian Communists, and the People's Party / 574
25 The Communists and the Question of Pa les tine / 597
26 The Character, Scope, and Forms of Party Activity / 604
27 The Organization, Membership, and Social Structure of the Party (1941-1949) / 628
28 The Finances of the Party / 653
Part V The Party in the Years 1949-1955, or the Period of the Ascendancy of the
Kurds in the Party
29 Baha'-ud-din Nuri Rebuilds the Party / 657
30 The Intifadah of November / 666
31 More and More Extremism, Less and Less Sense / 671
32 A Defeat for the Party, or the Birth of the Baghdad Pact / 679
33 A Bit of Forgotten History, or the Tragic Occurrences atthe Baghdad and Kut Prisons / 690
34 A Debate. on Religion / 694
35 The Composition of the Party (1949-1955) / 699

Book Three The Communists, the Ba'thists,
and the Free Officers from the Fifties to the Present
36 The Communist Helm Changes Hands, the Communist Ranks Close / 709
37 The New Ștrong Men of the Communist Party: Husain Ahmad ar-Radi, 'Amer 'Abdallah, and Jamal a l-Haidari / 712
38 The Ba'th of the Fifties: Its Origins, Creed, Organization, and Membership / 722
39 The Arabization of the Communist Party's View and the Risings at Najaf and Hayy in 1956 / 749
40 The Formation of the Supreme National Committee, February 1957 / 758
41 The Free Officers, the Communists, and the July 1958 Revolution / 764
42 "Sole Leader," Dual Power / 808
43 Mutual Antagonism, Mutual Defeat / 861
44 Mosul, March 1959 / 866
45 The Flow / 890
46 Kirkuk, July 1959 / 912
47 The Ebb 922
48 The Self-Flagellation / 926
49 The Recovery / 931
50 The Bogus Party / 936
51 From Pillar to Post / 942
52 The Ba'thists Make Preparation, the Communists Give Warning / 966
53 "The Bitterest of Years" / 974
54 The Composition and Organization of the Communist Party (1955-1963) / 995
55 The First Ba'thT Regime, or toward One-Party Rule / 1003
56 The Younger 'Aref, the Na!llirites, and the Communists / 1027
57 Under the Elder 'A.ref, or the Rift in the Communist Ranks / 1062
58 The Second Ba'thi Regime / 1073

59 Conclusion / 1113

Appendix One
Earliest Bolshevik Activities and Contacts
A. "0 Moslems! Listen to This Divine Cry!" / 1137
B. The Bolsheviks and the 'Ulemii' of the Holy Cities / 1141
C. The Bolsheviks, the Comintern, and the Arab Nationalists / 1148
D. An Overture in Teheran / 1156

Appendix Two. Supplementary Tables
Bibliography / 1231
Glossary / 1253
Index I: Names of Families and Tribes / 1259
Index II: Personal Names / 1262
Index III: Subjects / 1272

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