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Iraq Under Qassem

Auteur :
Éditeur : Israel Universities Press Date & Lieu : 1969, Jerusalem
Préface : Pages : 412
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 160x235 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. Dan. Ira. 1258Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Iraq Under Qassem

Iraq Under Qassem

Uriel Dann

Israel Universities Press

Ever since Iraq attained statehood in 1920, its leaders have had to contend with powerful forces of fragmentation. These have operated in the past and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Their cumulative effect up to the revolution of 1958 will be briefly analyzed in this Introduction.

Iraq is not a geopolitical unit. The country is divided into three sharply defined geographical areas. The valley of the Euphrates and the Tigris, river-irrigated and containing some of the most fertile agricultural soil on earth, opens towards the Indian Ocean; it is from here that British influence, ultimately leading to British occupation, penetrated. The mountains of the north and the north-east, rain-fed and poor of soil, adjoin the Armenian Knot which fans out east and west, towards Turkey and Iran, as well as southwards. The steppes of the west, arid and scarcely habitable, merge by degrees into the Mediterranean hinterland towards the north and Arabia in the south.

There is no “Iraqi nation”, nor is there a tradition of cooperation to cement the various communities. This heterogeneity has had a decisive effect on the political life of the country.

The leading political element in Iraq are the Sunni Arabs who populate ...

Table des Matières


Foreword / xiii
Preface / xv
introduction: Iraq 1958 / 1

Part one: the founding of the republic and
The Nationalist Challenge

1: The  Antecedents of the Coup / 19
2: The  Takeover / 28
3: The  Consolidation / 33
4: The  Social Promise / 54
5: The  Views and Beliefs of Qassem / 62
6: The  Prospect of “Unity Now” / 69
7: The  Role of ‘Abd al-Salam Aref / 77

Part Two: The Communist Challenge

8: The Communist Build-up before Aref’s Arrest / 93
9: From Aref s Arrest to Shawwaf s Revolt the Communist Advance / 108
10: A Nationalist Interlude—Rashid ‘All’s Plot / 127
11: Non-Communist Forces and the Regime / 136
12: From Arefs Arrest to Shawwaf s Revolt-Relations with the Uar / 156
13: The Shawwaf Revolt / 164
14: The High Tide of Communism: The Backlash of the Revolt / 178
15: The High Tide of Communism: The “National” Parties and Organizations / 195
16: The Approaching Crisis / 204
17: Climax and Break / 223

Part three: the constitutional challenge

18: In Anticipation of Party Activity / 237
19: The Attempt on Qassem’s Life / 253
20: The Associations Law / 265
21: The   Communist Movement under the Associations Law / 269
22: The   Constitutionalists under the Associations Law / 291
23: The   Kurds under the Associations Law / 297
24: The Religious Parties under the Associations Law / 300
25: The Government and the Constitutional Experiment / 304

Part four: decay and death

26: The   Political Paralysis / 311
27: The   Kurdish War / 332
28: Foreign Affairs / 348
29: The   Last Stages / 356
30: The   14th Ramadan Coup / 362

Conclusion / 373

Appendix : The Organization of the Iraqi Communist Party / 379

Sources / 381

Index of Persons / 389

General Index / 397

Maps : Iraq

Landmarks of Qassem’s Baghdad

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