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State-Making, Nation-Building and the Military: Iraq, 1941-1958

Auteur :
Éditeur : Göteborg University Date & Lieu : 1996, Göteborg
Préface : Pages : 178
Traduction : ISBN : 91-628-2310-8
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 165x240 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. Sal. Sta. 1267Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
State-Making, Nation-Building and the Military: Iraq, 1941-1958

State-Making, Nation-Building and the Military: Iraq, 1941-1958

Khaled Salih

Göteborg University

Nation-building, a central theme of nationalism, has been viewed by politicians, administrators and activists as a highly desirable, if not an imperative, goal over the last two centuries. As an academic topic it has attracted the attention of a large number of historians and social scientists for several decades. At times, nation-building was believed to be an easy and automatic process, following universal patterns which originated in the West. Despite time, place, historical and cultural conditions, it appeared that both old and new states had to undergo the Western processes of nation-building and could be analysed in the same terms. Nation-building is conceived and discussed within the perimeters of particular given states. However, over the last few decades political scientists, sociologists and historians have held lengthy discussions on ‘the withering away of the state’, ‘bringing the state back in’, ‘the return of the state’, ‘the limits of the state’, ‘political power beyond the state’, ‘the problem of the state’, ‘the difficulty of ...

Table des Matières


Contents / 3
Acknowledgements / 5

Chapter 1 / 6
Introduction: Bringing a new State and a new nation into existence in Iraq / 6
State-making and nation-building: a conceptual framework / 12
Introduction / 12
State-making and nation-building / 12
Ethnicity, state and nation-building / 16
Military and nation-building / 21
Iraq as a case study in state and nation-building / 24
Introduction / 24
Forging nation models / 25
Analytical limitations, actors, period, events and previous research / 32
Analytical limitations / 32
Actors / 34
Period and events / 34
Previous research / 34
Aim and questions / 35
Method and material / 36
Verification of intentions / 38
Definitions / 40

Chapter 2 / 43
Nation-building in Iraq: intentions and assumptions / 43
Introduction / 43
Nation-building intentions / 43
British nation-building intentions in Iraq / 44
Iraqi nation-building intentions / 49
Nation-building assumptions / 54
Conclusion / 60

Chapter 3 / 61
Reorganisation of the Iraqi army, 1941-1948 / 61
Introduction: University of the Nation / 61
Identifying the needs to re-organise / 63
An efficient force made fit to take the field / 67
Resistance / 76
Conclusion / 77

Chapter 4 / 78
The Barzan question, 1943-1945 / 78
Introduction / 78
The events / 80
Peaceful settlement, calculated or immediate military action? / 82
The British position / 82
The Iraqi position / 89
The military solution / 95
Conclusion / 100

Chapter 5 / 102
Army and external and internal politics, 1945-1958 / 102
Introduction / 102
Part I Army and external politics / 102
A)   The Palestine question and the war in Palestine in 1948 / 102
B)   The Baghdad Pact, 1955 / 110
Part II: Army and internal politics / 113
K)al-Wathba of 1948 / 113
The army and al-Wathba / 115
B) The Intifadha of November 1952 / 118
Army and the Intifadha / 119
Conclusion / 120

Chapter 6 / 122
The coup and the revolution of July 1958 / 122
Introduction / 122
The importance of the revolution of July 1958 / 123
The coup of July 1958 / 125
Two conflicting visions / 129
Attempts to bridge divisions / 132
The role of the army / 133
Conclusion / 137

Chapter 7 / 140
State, nation-building and the military in Iraq / 140
Introduction / 140
Iraqi state-making and nation-building: wataniyya versus qawmiyya / 140
Using the army / 143
State-penetration / 152
Nation-building intentions and the control of the army / 156
Hegemonic control / 156
Sunni Arab hegemony / 159
Concluding remarks / 165
References / 167

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