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The Kurds an Unstable Element in the Gulf

Auteur :
Éditeur : Westview Press Date & Lieu : 1984, Boulder & London
Préface : Pages : 220
Traduction : ISBN : 0-89158-689-X
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 140x210 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Pel. Kur. N°1253Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Kurds an Unstable Element in the Gulf

The Kurds an Unstable Element in the Gulf

Stephen C. Pelletiere

Westview Press

The Kurds have long been a subject of fascination. Books about them have been written by acting political officers in the British army, journalists, residents of the British East India Company, generals in the Iranian army (writing in English), Kurdish publicists for the Kurds, Armenian publicists for the Kurds, British officers who, having ridden overland from India to Europe, passed through Kurdistan, and secret agents (there have been many books about the Kurds by secret agents). But, with the exception of one or two fine anthropological investigations, there does not exist in English a scholarly treatment of the Kurds that covers all their various recent political involvements.

This omission is curious because the Kurds have been a significant political factor in the Middle East for centuries. Although statistics as to their actual numbers are notoriously unreliable, it still is within reason to assert that after the Arabs, Turks, and Persians, the Kurds are the most numerous of the Middle Eastern peoples. In addition, they inhabit one of the most strategic areas of the globe today: territory that separates the Soviet and Western spheres of influence in the Gulf region. And, if that were not enough, at the time ...

Table des Matières


Preface / 11

1 Introduction / 13
Kurdistan / 14
The Kurds / 15
The Ancient History of the Kurds / 20
The Kurds and the International Balance / 23
The Kurdish National Movement / 24

2 Detribalization and Anarchy and Expansion / 31
The Era of Detribalization / 31
The Era of Anarchy and Expansion / 41

3 The First Stirrings of Nationalism / 53
The Kurdistan Minorities / 53
British-Sponsored Kurdish Nationalism / 57
The Native Kurdish Nationalist Movement / 61
A Theory of Stability / 70

4 The Nation States and the Reactionary Challenge / 73
Iran / 73
Turkey / 79
Iraq / 84
Regional Cooperation and Kurdish Nationalism / 92

5 The Kurdish Republic and Russian Involvement / 95
The Barzanis / 96
Mahabad, Azerbaijan, and the USSR / 99
The Makeup of the Mahabad Republic / 106
The Last Days of Mahabad / 110

6 The Nationalist Movement in Crisis / 115
The International Situation / 117
The Communist-Kurdish Partnership / 119
The Return of Mulla Mustafa Barzani / 122
Mulla Mustafa Barzani’s Revolt / 125

7 An Assessment of the Crisis / 139
The Party’s Version of the Break / 140
Barzani’s Version of the Break / 148
An Assessment / 152

8 The Continuing Kurdish Question / 159
The Second Baathist Regime in Iraq / 160
The Iranian Factor / 165
An Assessment of the Kurdish Defeat / 171
The Aftermath of Defeat / 176
The Reversal of Kurdish Fortunes / 178
The Situation Today / 185

Appendix: The Twelve-Point Program of 1966 / 189

Notes / 193

Index / 209

Also of Interest

The Gulf and the Search for Strategic Stability: Saudi Arabia,
the Military Balance in the Gulf, and Trends in the Arab-Israeli
Military Balance, Anthony H. Cordesman

Local Politics and Development in the Middle East,
edited by Louis J. Cantori and Iliya Harik

Political Behavior in the Arab States, edited by Tawfic E. Farah

A Concise History of the Middle East, Second Edition,
Revised and Updated, Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr.

Ataturk and the Modernization of Turkey, Jacob Landau

The Modern History of Iraq, Phebe Marr

Middle East Politics: The Military Dimension, J. C. Hurewitz

Religion and Politics in the Middle East, edited by Michael Curtis

Iraq: International Relations and National Development,
Edith Penrose and E. F. Penrose

Profiles of The Contemporary Middle East:

Syria: Modern State in an Ancient Land, John F. Devlin

The Republic of Lebanon: Nation in Jeopardy, David C. Gordon

Jordan: Crossroads of Middle Eastern Events, Peter Gubser

South Yemen: A Marxist Republic in Arabia, Robert W. Stookey

Sudan, John Voll and Sarah Voll

United Arab Emirates, Malcolm Peck

Available in hardcover and paperback.



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