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Diaspora Global Politics: Kurdish transnational networks

Auteur :
Éditeur : Göteborg University Date & Lieu : , Göteborg
Préface : Pages : 248
Traduction : ISBN : 91 87380-64- 1
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 145x215mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Ema. Dia. N° 2230Thème : Politique

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Diaspora Global Politics: Kurdish transnational networks

Kurdish transnational networks and accommodation of nationalism

Ann-Catrin Emanuelsson

Göteborg University

Migrants and refugees are increasingly regarded as diasporas or transnational communities. They are described as actors creating new transnational spaces beyond nation states. As they engage in various types of activities across boundaries, they develop multiple identities and a sense of multi-locality. In terms of political ideas and activities directed towards countries of origin, however, they are often still characterised as nationalist actors using cross-border means to strengthen the nation state system. Sometimes they are even described in sharp contrast to transnational cosmopolitan social movements.

This thesis discusses diasporas as increasingly significant ‘transnational’ actors in emerging ‘global politics’ by describing and analysing changes in political ideas, strategies, activities and networks of Kurdish diaspora organisations. It shows that the case of the Kurds encompasses many issues of interest for increased understanding of diasporas / transnational communities within the complexity of transformations ‘between’ as well as ‘within’ nation states. As the Kurdish issue was internationalised and the Kurds were increasingly recognised as Kurds in the 1990s, the diaspora organisations not only increased their transnational networks, they also entered a process going from proposing outright Kurdish independence to successively accommodating ideas concerned with ‘universal’ human rights, cultural and political pluralism and post-sovereignty.

Table des Matières


Acknowledgements / 9
Abbreviations and glossary / 10

1. Introduction / 13
The problem-area / 13
The Kurdish case / 17
Purpose, research questions and delimitations / 21
Methodological considerations / 23
Abduction, interpretation and reflection / 23
Selection of organisations / 27
Methodological triangulation / 30
Outline of the thesis / 34

2. Global change and diaspora politics: A theoretical framework / 36
Processes of globalisation / 36
Diasporas, transnationalism and globalisation / 43
Definitions of diaspora / 45
Global/transnational processes involving diasporas/transnational communities / 47
Political transnationalisation/global politics by diasporas/transnational communities / 53
Political organisation, strategies, activities and networks / 54
Political principles/ideologies / 58
Political achievements by diasporas/transnational communities / 60
Analytical scheme / 61

3. The nation states and the Kurdish diaspora: A historical framework / 64
Nationalism, exile and migration at the turn of 2O'h century / 64
New states: official nationalisms, oppression and Kurdish resistance / 66
Internationalisation and beyond: the Gulf War, ‘humanitarian intervention and Kurdish self-rule / 72
Turkey and European régionalisation / 78
The Kurdish diaspora / 81
Internal and external migrants and refugees / 81
Political practices and networks / 85
Integration, return and beyond / 91

4. Diaspora organisations: political practices and networks in the 1980s / 100
Mobilisation for Kurdish national unity / 100
Organisation and co-operation / 100
The liberation of Kurdistan / 105
Rescuing the Kurdish identity and cultural heritage / 107
Newsletters, demonstrations and cultural events / 109
Linguistic rights for the Kurds in the diaspora / 112
Strategies to mobilise European support and solidarity / 114
Appealing to and inviting the public / 114
Developing contact with authorities, parties and organisations / 115
In search of support among third world counterparts / 117
The necessity of acknowledging living conditions abroad / 118
Possibilities and constraints in the diaspora / 121

5. After Halabja: Multi-layered strategies and networks across boundaries / 125
Transnational activities and networks / 126
Human rights conferences and the founding of new organisations / 126
Non-state actors — concerted actions / 128
New means: the media and internet / 133
‘Kurdish voices are rarely heard’: Time for change / 136
Encounters with representatives from the countries of settlement/asylum / 136
The European region / 152
The bodies of the United Nations / 157
The states in the region of origin / 159
Kurdish ‘transnational’ networks / 162
Increased co-operation between diaspora organisations / 162
Emerging networks with non-state actors in the 'countries of origin’ / 167
Contact and co-operation with Kurdish political parties / 170
The Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq / 174

6. Kurds in the world: Accommodating global realities and perspectives / 176
New foundations: ‘universal’ human rights and humanitarian standards / 176
Democracy as aim, democracy as means / 184
Non-violent humanitarian intervention, relief and long-term assistance / 187
Developing aspects of the right of self-determination / 192
Emphasising socio-economic living conditions in the diaspora / 201
Kurdish culture and integration within the framework of pluralism / 204

7. Conclusions / 209
Kurdish transnational networks / 210
Human rights, cultural and political pluralism / 212
Accommodation of nationalism / 213
(Kurdish) diaspora politics in globalising processes / 214
Future prospects / 221
References / 223

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