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The Constitution of Iran

Auteur :
Éditeur : I.B.Tauris Date & Lieu : 1997, London & New York
Préface : Pages : 326
Traduction : ISBN : 1 86064 046 X
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 160x240 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Sch Con N° 3818Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Constitution of Iran

The Constitution of Iran

Asghar Schirazi


A milestone in our understanding of the ideology and practice of an Islamic state, this book chronicles and analyses political life in Iran since the revolution showing the gradual transformation of the state from intended theocracy and republic to a hierocracy in which Islam and the shari‘a play a subordinate role. Asghar Schirazi takes as his starting point the major contradictions inherent in the constitution - between its legalistic and democratic components and between the alleged potential of a legally and ideologically interpreted Islam as a means of solving social problems, and the growing evidence that this Islam is an inadequate legal and political basis for government in present-day Iran. Through a detailed examination of the genesis of the constitution, its content and its actual development since the inception of the Islamic Republic to the present day, this study charts the elimination in practice of the constitution’s democratic elements and the gradual replacement of Islamic legalism with the interest of the state as the key criterion for dealing with problems. Schirazi argues that in this manner a separation of state and religion is taking place. In the last chapters, he points to a growing crisis of the shar Shari‘a and the religious seminaries as the self-appointed guardians of the shari‘a. This has opened the way for criticism coming from religious circles outside the seminaries hinting at possible developments in the Islam of the future.

Asghar Schirazi is research associate in the Department of Political Science, Middle East Studies Section at the Free University of Berlin.

Table des Matières


Introduction / 1

Part I
Contradictions in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic

1 The Composition of the Constitution / 8
Islamic Legalist Elements / 8
Democratic Elements / 14
Secular Elements / 17

2 The Genesis of the Constitution / 22
The Preliminary Draft / 22
Uncertainties before the First Referendum / 24
A Constituent Assembly or an Assembly of Experts? / 27
The Public Propagation of velayat-e faqib 'kUf-i'u / 5°
Engineering Elections to the Assembly of Experts / 31
The Inclusion of velayat-e faqib in the Constitution / 3 3

3 The Clash over velayat-e faqih / 45
Criticism in the Assembly of Experts / 45
Opposition outside the Assembly of Experts / 47
The Exponents of Absolute velayat-e faqih / 52

Part 2
The Suppression of the Democratic Elements

4 The Power of the Leader / 61
Khomeini’s Power before the Advent of Parliament / 61
Khomeini’s Supremacy over the Constitution / 63
Khomeini’s Legislative Powers / 65
Khomeini’s Supremacy over the Executive / 68
The Representatives of the Imam / 73
The Veneration of velayat-e faqih / 74
Khamene’i’s Power as Leader / 76
The Limits of Obedience to Khomeini / 80

5 The Impotence of the People / 86
The Erosion of Parliament’s Representative Function / 86
Other Restrictions on the Sovereignty of the People / 104
The System of Councils and its Suspension / 111

6 The Suppression of Fundamental Rights / 124
The Ban on Political Parties / 124
Suppression of the Opposition Press / 135
The Violation of other Fundamental and Human Rights / 138
Ideological Justifications / 142

7 The Power of the Clergy / 150
The Clergy as Government Officials / 150
The Institutions of Clergy Power / 15 x

Part 3
The Fate of the Constitution’s Islamic Legalist Elements

8 The Unavoidable Acceptance of Laws Alien to the sharia / 161
The Attempt to Enforce the Islamic Ordinances / 161
The Preservation of Ancien Regime Laws / 162
The Promulgation of Laws Alien to the shari'a / 166
Legislation without an Islamic Content / 171

9 Circumventing the shari'a through the Rule of Emergency / 175
The Law on Urban Land / 176
Land Reform and the Rule of Emergency / 184
The Rule of Emergency and the Rent Law / 188
The Emergency in Domestic Trade / 192
The Emergency in Foreign Trade / 194
The Punishment of Speculators / 197
The Limitations of the Rule of Emergency / 198

10 Circumventing the shari'a through Secondary Contractual Conditions / 206
The Labour Law as a Secondary Contractual Condition / 206
The Marriage and Divorce Law / 215
The Problem of Secondary Contractual Conditions / 219

11 State Ordinances / 223
The Discretionary Punishments in Shi'i Law / 223
The Introduction of State Discretionary Punishments / 224
The Guardian Council and the State / 227
The Supremacy of State Ordinances over sharia Ordinances / 229

12 The Interests of the Ruling System as a Standard for Legislation / 233
‘Interest’ (maslahat) in Shi I Law / 233
The Council for Assessing the Interests of the Ruling System / 234
Precedents for the Rule of maslahat / 237

13 A Problematic Criterion of Legitimacy / 248

Part 4
The Crisis of the shari'a

14 An Awareness of Crisis / 257
The Shortcomings of Traditional Jurisprudence / 258
The Defects of the Religious Academies / 260
The Causes of the Crisis / 261
Who is to Blame? / 264

15 The Search for Solutions / 267
The Demand for Reform of the Academies / 267
Dynamic Versus Traditional Jurisprudence / 270
The Absence of Reform / 272

16 Criticism from Outside / 277
Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari / 278
‘Abdolkarim Sorush / 281
The Reaction to Shabestari and Sorush / 287

Conclusions / 291
The Constitution in Historical Perspective / 291
The Real Distribution of Power / 295
The Impotence of the People / 300
The Separation of the State and Religion / 301
The Hierocracy / 304

Bibliography / 309

Index / 316

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