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The Impact of the Munzur Dams

Auteur :
Éditeur : Compte d'auteur Date & Lieu : 2003, London
Préface : Pages : 60
Traduction : ISBN : 1 900 175 57 6
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 210x295 mm
Code FIKP : Br. Eng. Kur. Imp. N° 1690Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Impact of the Munzur Dams

The Impact of the Munzur Dams

Kurdish Human Rights Project

Compte d’auteur

It is now commonplace to suggest that the Turkish state persecution of its Kurdish population, which has so disfigured the history of modern Turkey, derives its impetus from the ‘Kemalist’ project of unitary secular nationalism, implemented by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk during the founding of the Republic. Of course, such a view is far from inaccurate: Ataturks iconic status in Turkey is evident everywhere from his ubiquitous photos and busts to the reference in the Turkish Constitution to him as “the founder of the Republic of Turkey, its immortal leader and unrivalled hero”.2

A similar reverence is reserved for the principles of the Kemalist state, united as one against internal and external foes. In particular, the principle of the “indivisible integrity” of the state, territorially and politically, is absolutely fundamental to the ideology and self-perception of the Turkish polity. Article 3 of the Constitution puts it bluntly: “The Turkish State, with its territory and nation, is an indivisible entity. Its language is Turkish.”3 The assertion of an alternative ethnic or linguistic identity, whether by political intention or simply by growing up speaking another language, is thus seen by statist ideologues as striking at the most deeply embedded legal and ideological foundations of the Turkish republic. It is the overarching accusation of ‘separatism’, the state’s assumption that any form of Kurdish ...

Table des Matières

Table of Contents

Foreword / 4

Section I: Displacement / 5
1.1 Origins of Kurdish displacement: 1921-1934 / 5
1.2 The site of the proposed Munzur dams: 1935-1950 / 8
1.3 The Modern Era / 9

Section 2: Political and Hydro-Electric Power:The GAP Dams / 15
2.1 Official claims of GAP / 15
2.2 “The Oil of the Future”: Water and Regional Hegemony / 16
2.3 GAP, Ilisu and the Kurds / 17
2.4 GAP and Double Displacement / 18

Section 3: The Munzur Dams (Tunceli / 21
3.1 Origins and Corruption / 21
3.2 Background: the Turkish Energy Market / 21
3.3 The Munzur Dams: A Summary / 22
3.4 Building the Munzur Dams / 23
3.5 Official Claims and Admissions / 24
3.6 The Absence of Environmental Impact Assessments / 25
3.7 Concerns of the Local Communities / 26
3.8 Environmental Concerns and Domestic Environmental law / 28
3.9 Local Experience of Previous Dams / 29

Section 4: Conclusion and Recommendations / 32


A Memo from President Turgut Ozal to Prime Minister Derimel,
February 1993 / 33

B Turkey and Fulfilling the Copenhagen Criteria for Accession - - *
to the European Union: Theory or Practice? — Memo from the Kurdish Human Rights Project to the President of the European Union, EU Commissioner for Enlargement,
Permanent Representative of the Member States
(10 December 2002 / 36

C UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement / 46

D Munzur Valley Protection Association (MVPA) publication,
Munzur Valley and Dam Issues, including features: ‘Dams Planned
to be Constructed in Munzur Valley’;‘What will be lost due to
the planned dams in the Munzur Valley’; the demands of the
Tunceli Solidarity Council;‘Discussion of pros and cons’; and
“Munzur Valley National Park” Decree / 55

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