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Muslim Cities in the Later middle Ages

Auteur :
Éditeur : Cambridge University Press Date & Lieu : 1988, Cambridge
Préface : Pages : 208
Traduction : ISBN : 0 521 26361 1 & 0 521 27762 0
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 145x220mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Lap. Mus. N° 1682Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Muslim Cities in the Later middle Ages

Muslim Cities in the Later middle Ages

Ira M. Lapidus

Cambridge University

Muslim cities in the later Middle Ages is one of the most influential works of recent years in the field of Islamic history.
Primarily a study of the main cities of the Mamluk state of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries AD, Professor Lapidus’ book serves to provide a framework for understanding the long evolution of Muslim political and social institutions and urban societies. The relationships between military rulers, the bourgeoisie and the common people are presented in a study of wide relevance to social history.
For this Cambridge edition the author has written a new introduction, and has added an up-to-date section on further reading. The notes and detailed references of the first edition have been omitted.
‘This book must be greeted as a major event in scholarship pertaining to the Muslim world. ... an astounding wealth of infor mation, observations and ideas … here is not merely a contribution to scholarship, but a step forward in knowledge.’ Journal of the American Oriental Society

Table des Matières


Preface / vii
Introduction / 1

Chapter I - A History Of / Cities In The Mamluk Empire / 9
The Pacification of Syria: 1260-1317
Prosperity and Security: The Fourteenth Century
The Time of Troubles: 1388-1422
The Fifteenth Century Restoration: 1422-1470
The Fall of the Mamluk Empire: 1470-1517

Chapter II - The Mamluk Regime in the Life of the Cities / 44
The State and the Privatization of Power
The Economic Powers of the Mamluk Household
Controls over Property, Labor, and Materials
The Emirs in the Functioning of the Urban Community

Chapter III - The Urban Society / 79
The Classes of the Population
The Organization of the Quarters
The Organization of Economic Life
Fraternal Associations on the Margin of Society
The Ulama and the Foundation of an Urban Society

Chapter IV - The Political System: The Mamluk State and the Urban Notables / 116
The Merchants
The Ulama

Chapter V - The Political System: The Common People Between Violence and Impotence / 143
Economic Grievances and the Protests of the Common People
The Roles of the Damascus Zu'ar
Mamluk Controls over Popular Military Actions
The Control of Lumpenproletarian Violence

Chapter Vi - Conclusion: Society And Polity In
Medieval Muslim Cities / 185
Bibliographical Notes / 192
Index / 198

The Mamluk Empire / 10
Aleppo at the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century / 45
Damascus and Environs / 47
Cairo / 49

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