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The Economic History of the Middle East 1800-1914

Auteur :
Éditeur : University of Chicago press Date & Lieu : 1966, Chicago & London
Préface : Pages : 544
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 170x240mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Iss. Eco. N° 4999Thème : Économie

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Economic History of the Middle East 1800-1914

The Economic History of the Middle East 1800-1914

Charles Issawi

The University of Chicago

The nineteenth century marked a transition in the Middle East from centuries of stagnation and isolation to the modern world of political independence and a revolutionary transformation of the economic and social structure of the region.
This book of readings is the first systematic attempt to study the economic history of modern Turkey and its Arab neighbors. With sections on the Ottoman Empire, Iraq, Syria, Arabia, Egypt, and the Sudan, it covers the integration of the region in the international commercial and financial network; the investment of foreign capital; the development of mechanical transportation; the transition from a subsistence agriculture to a market-oriented one; the growth of the population; the decline of handicrafts; and the establishment of modern industries.
of the sixty-two readings, seven are published here for the first time, and two-thirds of the others are translations from French, Arabic, German, Russian, Turkish, Hebrew, and Italian publications. Introductory notes and essays draw the selections together into a more or less consecutive narrative, emphasizing the salient features of the economic history of the various countries discussed.
Anyone interested in the history of the Middle East or in general problems of economic and social development will welcome this body of material which was hitherto inaccessible to all but a few scholars.

Charles Issawi was born in Cairo, Egypt, of Lebanese parents. He has lived or traveled in most Middle Eastern and West European countries. A graduate of Oxford University, he has served as chief of the Research Department of the National Bank of Egypt, as chief of the Middle East Unit, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat; has taught at the American University of Beirut; and is now Ragnar Nurkse Professor of Economics, Columbia University. the research for the present book was supported in part by fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the Social Science Research Council. Among Mr. Issawi’s previous books are Egypt in Revolution, An Arab Philosophy of History, and the Economics of Middle Eastern Oil.

Table des Matières


Part I
General Introduction / i
Decline and Revival of the Middle Eastern Economy / 3

Part II
Ottoman Empire / 15
Introduction / 17
1 The Political and Social Background in the Eighteenth Century / 23
(A. H. Hourani, “the Fertile Crescent in the Eighteenth Century”)
2 Ottoman Trade with Europe, 1784 / 30
(“Etat du commerce du Levant en 1784,
d’aprbs les registres de la chambre de commerce de Marseille”)
3 Anglo-Turkish Commercial Convention of 1838 / 38
(Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers, 1839)
4 Decline of Ottoman Industry in the l840’s / 41
(M. A. Ubicini, Letters on Turkey)
5 Ottoman Industrial Policy, 1840-I914 / 46
(Omer Celal Sarç; “Tanzimat ve Sanayimiz”)
6 the Expansion of tobacco Growing in the Nineteenth Century / 60
(Ziraat Tarihine bin Bakis)
7 The Development of Agriculture in Anatolia / 65
(A. D. Novichev, Ocherki ekonotniki Turtsii)
8 Land Tenure Problems in the Fertile Crescent in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries / 71
(Doreen Warriner, “Land Tenure in the Fertile Crescent”)
9 Land Tenure in Egypt and the Fertile Crescent, 1800-I950 / 79
(Gabriel Baer, “the Evolution of Private Landownership in Egypt and the Fertile Crescent”)
10 Railway Projects in Turkey, 1872-1900 / 91
(W. von Pressel, Les chemins de fer de Turquie)
11 The Ottoman Debt, 1850-I939 / 94
(Rafii-^ukru Suvla, “Tanzimat Devrinde Istikrazlar”)
12 the Burden of Taxation on the Peasants / 107
(Rejat Aktan, “Agricultural Policy of Turkey”)
13 Ethnic Division of Labor / 114
(A. J. Sussnitzki, “Zur Gliederung wirtschaftslicher Arbeit nach Nationalitaten in der Tiirkei”)

Part III
Iraq / 127
Introduction / 129
1 Trade in 1800 / 135
(J.-B. Rousseau, Description du Pachalik de Baghdad)
2 Projected Railway to the Mediterranean, 1850’s / 137
(Count Edward de Warren, European Interests in Railways in the Valley of the Euphrates)
3 Steam Navigation on the Tigris and Euphrates, l86l-I932 / 146
(“The Story of the Euphrates Company”)
4 Population Movements, I867-I947 / 154
(M. S. Hasan, “Growth and Structure of Iraq’s Population, 1867-1947”)
5 Land Tenure in the Nineteenth Century / 163
(Saleh Haider, “Land Problems of Iraq”)
6 Production, Transport, and Foreign Trade in the I900’s / 179
(Adriano Lanzoni, “La Mesopotamia economica”)
7 Taxation in the I9Oo’s / 186
(Sa‘id Himadeh, Al-nizam al-iqtisadi fi al-Iraq)
8 Irrigation Projects in the 1900’s / 191
(Sir W. Willcocks, “Mesopotamia: Past, Present, and Future”)
9 The Struggle for Oil in Iraq / 198
(Karl Hoffmann, Oelpolitik und angelsdchsischer Imperialismus)

Part IV
Syria / 203
Introduction / 205
1 Agriculture and Trade in the 1780’s / 213
(C. F. Volney, Travels through Syria and Egypt)
2 Handicrafts and Trade in the 1830’s / 220
(John MacGregor, Commercial Statistics)
3 From Subsistence to Market Economy, 1850’s / 226
(I. M. Smilianskaya, “Razlozhenie feodalnikh otnoshenii v Sirii i Livane v seredine XIXv.”)
4 Railways, 1888-1914 / 248
(M. Hecker, “Die Eisenbahnen in der asiatischen Tiirkei”)
5 the Frontier of Settlement, 1800-1950 / 258
(Norman N. Lewis, “the Frontier of Settlement in Syria, 1800-1950”)
6 Migration from and to Syria, I86O-I9I4 / 269
(A. Ruppin, Syrien als Wirtschaftsgebiet)
7 Syria in the 1900’s / 274
(E. Weakley, “Report on the Conditions and Prospects of British Trade in Syria”)

Part V
Arabia / 291
Introduction / 293
1 Trade of Southwestern Arabia in the Eighteenth Century / 305
(Carsten Niebuhr, Description de I’Arabie)
2 Economic Conditions in Muscat and Oman, 1904 / 308
(“Report on the Conditions and Prospects of British Trade in Oman
Bahrain and Arab Ports in the Persian Gulf,” 1905)
3 Pearling in the Persian Gulf / 312
(George Rentz, “Pearling in the Persian Gulf”)
4 the Trade of the Hijaz At the Turn of the Century / 317
(“Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance, Turkey”,
1898, and “Jcddah,” 1912-13)
5 Yemen, Aden, Bahrein in the 1900’s / 323
(I Handbook of Arabia)
6 Population in South Arabia in the 1900’s / 332
(Adolf Grohmann, Sudarabien als Wirtschaftsgebeit)
7 The Yemeni Jews in the Twentieth Century / 335
(Joseph Kafih, Halikliot Temati)
8 Railway Project in Yemen, I909-I912 / 339
(A. Beneyton, “Mission d’etudes au Yemen”)
9 The Nomad Economy / 342
(A. I. Pcrshits, “Khozyaistvcnny byt kochcvnikov saudovskoi Aravii”)
10 International Economic Rivalries in the Persian Gulf, I896-I914 / 350
(Eugene Staley, “Business and Politics in the Persian Gulf”)

Part VI
Egypt / 357
1 The Economic Development of Egypt, 1800-1960 / 359
(Charles Issawi, “Egypt since 1800: a Study in Lopsided Development”)
2 Agricultural and Industrial Techniques in 1800 / 375
(P. S. Girard, “Memoire stir l’agriculture, l’industrie, et le commerce de l’Egyptc”)
3 the Revolution in Land Tenure, 1801-1815 / 380
(‘Abd al-Rahinan al-Jabarti, ‘Ajaib al-athar fi al-tarajim u>a al-akhbar)
4 Agriculture Under Muhammad Ali / 384
(John Bowring, “Report on Egypt and Candia”)
5 the Commercial, Financial, and Industrial Policy of Muhammad Ali / 389
(Ali al—Giritli, Tarikli al-sina‘a fi Misr)
6 Public Revenue and Expenditure, 1790-1842 / 403
(Amin Sami pasha, Taqwim al-Nil)
7 the Development of Transport, 1800-1870 / 406
(Ahmad Ahmad al-Hitta, Tarikh Misr al-iqtisadi)
8 Egyptian Cotton and the American Civil War, 1860-1866 / 416
(E. R. J. Owen, “Cotton Production and the Development of the
Cotton Economy in Nineteenth-Century Egypt”)
9 Progress and Indebtedness Under Ismail, 1863-1875 / 430
(“Report by Mr. Cave on the Financial Conditions of Egypt”)
10 Public Finance Under the British Administration, 1882-1901 / 439
(“Report by H. M. Agent and Consul-General,” 1902)
11 the Movement of Cotton Prices, 1820-1899 / 446
(Mahmoud el Darwish, “Note on the Movement of Prices of Egyptian Cotton, 1820-1899”)
12 the Trend in Prices, 1800-1907 / 449
(Yacoub Artin Pacha, Essai sur les causes du rencherissement de la vie materielle au
Caire au courant du XIXe siicle)
13 Beginnings of Industrialization, 1916 / 452
(Rapport de la Commission du Commerce et de I'lndustrie)

Part VII
Sudan / 461
Introduction / 463
1 Foreign Trade: the Darfur Caravan, 1800 / 473
(P. S. Girard, “Memoire sur l’agriculture, l’industrie et le commerce de l’Egypte”)
2 The Sudan Under Egyptian Rule, 1821-1881 / 477
(M. Sabry, Le Soudan egyptien, 1821-1898)
3 Taxes, Trade, and Railway Projects on the Eve of Mahdist Revolt, 1882 / 480
(J. D. H. Stewart, “Report on the Soudan")
4 Economic Causes of the Mahdist Revolt / 485
(Na‘um Shuqair, Tarikh al-Sudan)
5 Economic Conditions Under Mahdism / 488
(General Report on the Egyptian Soudan, March 1895)
6 The Fiscal Administration of the Mahdist State, 1881-1898 / 491
(Makki Shibeika, Al-Sudan fi Qarn, 1819-1919)
7 Railway Projects, 1899 / 493
(“Report by H. M. Agent and Consul General,” 1899)
8 Land Policy, 1906 / 497
(“Report by H. M. Agent and Consul General,” 1907)
9 Preparations for the Gezira Scheme, 1904-1925 / 500
(Muhammad Mahmud al-Sayyad, Iqtisadiat al-Sudan)

Epilogue, 1961 / 503
Shifts in Economic Power / 505
(Charles Issawi, “Shifts in Economic Power, 1914-61”)

Reference Material / 515

I Weights and Mebasures / 517
II Currencies / 520
III Glossary / 525

Selected Bibliography / 527
Index of Place Names / 539
Subject Index / 542

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