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Elvis is Titanic: Classroom Tales from the Other Iraq

Auteur :
Éditeur : Alfred A. Knopf Date & Lieu : 2007, New York
Préface : Pages : 142
Traduction : ISBN : 978-0-307-26456-5
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 135x210mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Kla. Elv. N° 1679Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Elvis is Titanic: Classroom Tales from the Other Iraq

Elvis is Titanic: Classroom Tales from the Other Iraq

Ian Klaus

Alfred A. Knopf

In the spring of 2005, Ian Klaus, a twenty-six-year-old Rhodes Scholar, traveled eight hours from Turkey, ria broken-down taxi and armed convoy, to reach Salahaddin University in Arbil, the largest city in Iraqi Kurdistan. Elvis is Titanic is the poignant, funnv, and eve-opening story of the semester he spent there teaching U.S. history and English in the thick of the war for hearts and minds.
Inspired by the volunteerism of so many young Americans after 9/11, Klaus exchanges the abstraction of dutv for an intimate involvement with individual lives, among them Mahir, a rakish Kurdish pop star whose father, an imam, disapproves of music; Ali, an Anglomaniac professor of translation devoted to the BBC, with whom Klaus has a public showdown over Hemingway; and Sarhang, Klaus’s bodyguard, whose interest in American history is excited by Mel Gibson’s performance in The Patriot. Among the Kurds, a perennially oppressed but seemingly indomitable people, Klaus encounters both openhearted welcome and resentful suspicion—and soon learns firsthand how far even a trusted stranger can venture in this society. With assignments ranging from Elvis to Ellington, from the mysteries of baseball to the apergus of Tocqueville, Klaus strives to illuminate the American way for charges initially far more attuned to our pop culture than our national ideals.
These efforts occasion Klaus’s own reexamination of truths we hold to be self-evident, as well as the less exalted cultural assumptions we have presumed to export to the rest of the world. His story, as full of hope and discovery as he finds his students, offers a slice of life behind the headlines.

Ian Klaus, who now lives in New York City and Cambridge, wrote for publications across the United States while he was in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in history at Harvard.


Table des Matières


Introduction / 3

1. Beyond War / 7
2. How and Why: Feet on the Ground, Head in the Sky / 10
3. The First Day of Class: History in the Present / 26
4. Election Day in a Country Within a Country / 49
5. English I: Travel, Globalization, and Hollywood / 66

6. The Hemingway Lectures / 93
7. Spring Break in the Sheraton: A Country Comes to the Hotel / 113
8. History II: “Sitting in Judgment”-Can a Nation Move Forward? / 136
9. English II: Putting Out Fires-America, Democracy, Islam, and the Future / 158
10. Battles in the Universities / 186

11. English III: Finals-The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning? / 196
12. The National Enquirer Writes; and Ali Finally Calls Back / 210
13. History III: “Our Flowers Grew Up by Our Youth Blood for Getting Freedom’’ / 220

Acknowledgments / 233

Notes / 235

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