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Nomads and the Outside World

Auteur :
Éditeur : University of Wisconsin Press Date & Lieu : 1994-01-01, Visconsin
Préface : Pages : 382
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat :
Thème : Sociologie

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Nomads and the Outside World

Nomads and the Outside World

Anatoly M. Khazanov

University of Wisconsin Press

Habent sua fata libelli. The manuscript of the first edition of this book wasfinished in Moscow at the end of 1979 and was immediately sent to Cambridge.I had many good reasons to hurry. In the worsening political and ideologicalclimate in the USSR, there was no chance to publish the book in the country-itwould be considered too revisionist (Khazanov, 1992a). Moreover, it was quitepossible that the Soviet authorities might attempt to prevent its publication in theWest. Two weeks after I received a message that my manuscript had reachedEngland safely, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Two weeks later, I appliedto emigrate.

Table des Matières


Foreword by Ernest Gellner / ix
Acknowledgments / xxvii
Introduction to the second edition / xxix

Introduction The phenomenon of nomadism: myths and problems / 1

1 Nomadism as a distinct form of food-producing economy / 15
What is nomadism? / 15
The basic forms of pastoralism / 17
The species-composition of herds / 25
Size of herds / 28
Nature of the utilization of ecological zones / 33
Character of pastoral migrations 36
Nature of the utilization of the products of pastoral economies and dietary systems / 38
The main types of pastoral nomadism / 39
Problems of balance and the non-autarky of the pastoral economy / 68

2 The origins of pastoral nomadism / 85

3 The social preconditions of the relations between nomads and the / 119
outside world
Native model, theoretical model and reality / 119
The problem of ownership in nomadic societies / 123
Family, household and community in nomadic societies / 126
Kinship and descent in nomadic societies / 138
Segmentary systems in nomadic societies / 144
The upper levels of sociopolitical organization in nomadic societies / 148
Property-inequality and social differentiation in nomadic societies / 152
Nomadic chiefdoms / 164
The theme and its variations / 169

4 Modes of nomadic adaptation to the outside world / 198
Sedentarization / 198
Trade and mediatory trade / 202
Submission and the different forms of the dependence of nomads on sedentary societies / 212
Subjugation and the different forms of the dependence of sedentary societies on nomads / 222
5 Nomads and the state / 228
Nomadic statehood and the conditions of its emergence / 228
Main types and tendencies of the emergence and evolution
of nomadic statehood / 231
The Eurasian steppes, semi-deserts and deserts / 233
The Middle East / 263
The Near East / 274
East Africa / 290
Conclusions / 295

By way of a conclusion: the outside world and nomads / 303

Abbreviations / 305
Bibliography / 307

Works in languages other than Russian / 307

Works in Russian / 331

Bibliography to the second edition / 356
Works in western languages / 356

Works in Russian / 369

Index / 372

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