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Settlement Development in the North Jazira, Iraq

Auteurs : |
Éditeur : Methuen & Co Ltd Date & Lieu : 1978-01-01, London
Préface : Pages : 616
Traduction : ISBN : 0 416 71520 6
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 150x210 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Fis. Mid. N° 5165Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Settlement Development in the North Jazira, Iraq

Settlement Development in the North Jazira, Iraq

T.J. Wilkinson

D.J. Tucker

Methuen & Co Ltd

The original objective of the North Jazira Survey was to unravel the complex sequence of settlement, land use and communications that evolved within a modest-sized enclave of land contained between the Syrian border to the west, the Jabal Sinjar to the south and the river Tigris to the north and east. We thus hoped to describe the events that led up to, and followed, the growth of towns in Upper Mesopotamia and to relate them to changes in land use and systems of communication. The choice of area was not made solely because of its archaeological potential but partly because the area was designated to be a major irrigation project supplied by waters channelled from the recently completed Saddam Dam. Although, in terms of settlement, the north Jazira plain is not as spectacular as, for example, the Assyrian plains to the east of Mosul or the Tel'afar/Sinjar plain to the south, the area was liberally dotted with archaeological sites which focussed on a single major centre, the massive mound of Tell al-Hawa (Plate I .a), excavated in 1987 and 1988 by Warwick Ball for the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq (Ball, Tucker and Wilkinson 1989; Ball 1991).

Table des Matières


Preface / vii
Chronological Phases used in the Text / ix
List of Figures / xi
List of Plates / xiii
List of Tables / xv

Chapter 1 Introduction and Background to the Project / 1
The Project / 1
The North Jazira Plain Today / 2
Layout of the Report / 2
Geomorphology / 3
The Soils / 5
Mineral Resources / 6
Climate / 6
The Ecology of Dry Farming ih the Jazira / 7
Flora and Fauna / 9
Water Resources / I 0
Routes / 12
The North Jazira in the 19th and 20th Centuries / 12

Chapter 2 The Archaeological Landscape I: Sites and Artifact Scatters / 15
Introduction / 15
Site Recognition and Definition / 15
Topographical Classification of Sites / 15
Artifact Scatters / 16
Soil Colour / 16
Survey Coverage / 17
Sample Techniques / 17
Tulul al-Biyadir (Sites 104 and 106): An Example of a Non-habitation Site / 18
Interpretation / 18
Off-site Archaeology and "Field Scatters" / 19
Sampling Techniques / 20
Results of the Field Scatter Sample Survey / 21
Dating the Field Scatters / 22
The Distribution of Kiln Slag / 23

Chapter 3 The Archaeological Landscape II: Hollow Ways / 24
Introduction / 24
Hollow Ways in the North Jazira / 24
Radial Systems / 24
Long-distance Systems / 26
Discussion / 26

Chapter 4 Water Exploitation in Relation to Site Distribution and Morphology / 29
Introduction / 29
Stages of Wadi Flow / 29
Water-holes and Related Features / 30
Tell Hilwa: Site 86 / 30
Gar Sur: Site 39 / 31
Discussion / 31
Wells / 3 l
Sites with Enclosed Depressions / 32
Mowasha: Site 15 / 32
Distribution and Chronology of Enclosed Depressions / 32
Discussion / 34

Chapter 5 The Prehistoric Village Period: Neolithic to Uruk / 36
Introduction / 36
Natural Environment and Land Use / 36
Early Neolithic Settlement / 37
Hassuna / 38
Halaf / 39
Ubaid / 40
Excavations at Khanijdal East: Site 66 / 41
Archaeological Features and Structures / 41
The Finds / 42
The Faunal Remains from Khanijdal East and Tell Hilwa (Summary) / 42
Discussion / 42
Northern Uruk / 43
Discussion: Settlement Density and Land Use / 45

Chapter 6 The Development of Bronze Age Urban Centres / 48
Introduction / 48
Ninevite 5 / 49
Discussion / 50
The Later Third Millennium BC / 50
Discussion / 52
Khabur (Old Assyrian) / 53
Route Systems / 54
Ninevite 5 / 54
Later Third Millennium / 54
The Khabur Period / 55
Land Use During the Third and Early Second Millennium BC / 55

Chapter 7 Assyrian Decline and Revival (Mid-2nd to mid-lst millennium BC) / 58
The Historical Background / 58
The Nuzi Period and Cultural Continuity / 59
Middle Assyrian Settlement / 59
The Late Assyrian Period / 60
Discussion / 62

Chapter 8 After the Assyrians: Stability and Decline / 63
Historical Background / 63
Post-Assyrian and Hellenistic Settlement / 64
The Settlement Pattern / 64
Routes / 65
Land Use / 66
Excavations at Khirbet 'Aloki: Site l 13 / 66
Discussion / 67
Parthian (100 BC - 250 AD) / 67
Discussion / 69
Sasanian and Islamic Settlement. / 69
Introduction / 69
Sasanian (c. 250 AD - early 7th century) / 69
Discussion / 70
The Islamic Period / 71
Land Use and Communications / 72
Discussion / 72

Chapter 9 Overview: Settlement, Land Use and Communications Through Time / 78
Introduction / 78
Settlement Change Through Time / 78
The Early Bronze Age Settlement Hierarchy / 81
Land-Use Intensity and Settlement Growth / 82
Settlement, Central Places and Travel Time / 85
The Settlement/Land-Use System and Environmental Change / 85
Transport, Trade and External Contacts / 86
Conclusions / 88

Appendix A, Part 1: Pottery Type Series / 89
Introduction / 89
Hassuna (Types 1, 2, 119, 124, 125, 126) / 90
Halaf (Types 3, 137) / 91
Ubaid (Types 4, 5, 135, 147, 148) / 91
Uruk (Types 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19A, 20, 21, 55, 106, 120,
121, 134, 138, 140, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153) / 92
Ninevite 5 (Types 18C, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 133) / 95
Later 3rd Millennium ("Akkadian/ Ur III") (Types 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 103, 154, 155) / 96
Khabur (Old Assyrian) (Types 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 109) / 97
Nuzi (Mitannian) (Types 43, 44, 45) / 98
Middle Assyrian (Types 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56) / 98
Late Assyrian (Types 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 105, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 132, 156) / 100
Post-Assyrian (Preliminary Assessment) (Types 102, 104, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 157) / 101
Hellenistic (Types64,65,66,67,68, 108,116,117,158, 159) / 102
Parthian (Types 76, 100, 107, 115, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 163, 164) / 103
Sasanian-Islamic / 105
Sasanian (Types 69, 70, 77, 78, 136) / 105
Sasanian-Early Islamic (Types 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 139) / 105
Early Islamic (Types 80, 81, 83, 84, 123, 160, 161) / 106
Middle Islamic (Types 82, 122) / 107
Middle-Late Islamic (Types 91, 94, 97, 98) / 107
Later Islamic (Type 92, 93, 95, 96, 101) / 10'.7
Undifferentiated Islamic (Types 85, 86, 87, 89, 90) / 108
Other Types Not Specific to Period (Types 18B, 19B, 46, 88, 99, 141) / 108

Appendix A, Part 2: Type Series Pottery Catalogue / 109
Conventions and Abbreviations / 109
Hassuna / 109
Halaf / 109
Ubaid / 110
Uruk / 110
Local Earlier Uruk / 110
Amuq F Chaff-tempered Wares / 111
Northern Later Uruk Types / 11 l
Southern Late Uruk Types / 112
Other Uruk Types / 112
Ninevite 5 / 113
Later 3rd Millennium BC / 114
Khabur (Old Assyrian) / 114
Nuzi (Mitannian) / 115
Middle Assyrian / 115
Late Assyrian / 116
?Post-Assyrian / 117
Hellenistic / 118
Parthian / 119
Sasanian / 120
Sasanian-Early Islamic / 120
Early Islamic / 121
Undifferentiated Islamic / 121
Middle-Late Islamic / 122

Appendix A, Part 3: Concordance of North Jazira Pottery Types / 123

Appendix B. Selected Surface Finds from Survey / 124

Appendix C. Site Catalogue: Survey Area Sites 1-184 / 125
Introduction and Conventions / 125
Sites Collected in 1986 / 125
Sites Collected in 1987 / 127
Sites Collected in 1989-90 / 129
Cross References to Additional Sites in the Outer Area (Table 17) / 134

Bibliography / 135

Figures 1-81 / 147

Plates 1 a-6b / 223

Arabic Summary / at end

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