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The Women of Turkey and Their Folk-Lore

Auteur :
Éditeur : Publisher’s Compliments Date & Lieu : 2005-01-01, London
Préface : Pages : 1104
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 125 x 185 mm
Code FIKP : Br. Eng. Gar. Wom. N° 2056Thème : Général

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
The Women of Turkey and Their Folk-Lore

The Women of Turkey and Their Folk-Lore

Lucy M. J. Garnett

Publisher’s Compliments

In the highest degree misleading is, T think, the hypothesis which dispenses with study of Ethnology as properly both an antecedent to, and a concomitant of, study of Folk-lore. This hypothesis, in the words of Professor Tylor, affirms that "it is both possible and desirable [in a scientific study of Folk-beliefs and-customs] to eliminate considerations of hereditary varieties or races of rnen, and to treat mankind as homogeneous in nature."' On this hypothesis are based all the presently popular ...

Table des Matières


The Semitic Women

I. The Jewish Women—their Social Status and Activities; Family Ceremonies;"&c.
II. The Dulme Women—their Social Status and Activities ; &:c.

The Moslem Women

I. The Kurdish Women—their Social Status and Activities; &c.
II. The Circassian Women—their Social Status and Activities; &c-
III. The Circassian Women—their Folk-poesy.
IV. The Albanian Women—their Social Status and Activities; &c.
V. The Albanian Women—their Folk-poesy.
VI. The Tatar Women—their Social Status and Activities; &c.
VII. The Gipsy Women—their Social Status and Activities; &c.
VIII. The Gipsy Women—their Folk-poesy.
IX. The Ottoman Women—Serailis: Sultanas, Odalisks, and Menials.
X. The Ottoman Women—their Social Status and Activities.
XI. The Ottoman Women—their Family Ceremonies.
XII. The Ottoman Women—their Beliefs and Superstitions.
XIII. The Ottoman Women—their Folk-poesy.
XIV. The Ottoman Women—Poetesses; of the Rise, Decline, and Fall.

General Table of Contents.

Preface to Inteoduction / xv

Inteoductoby Chaptee I.
The Ethnogeaphy of Tuekey / xvii
Note on the Ethnogeaphical Map / lii
Map. - Fasig / liv

Inteoductory Chapter II.
Folk-conceptions of Natuee / lv
Preface / lxxvi
Dedication / lxxix

Chap. I.—Vlach Women: theie Social Status and Activities—Family
Ceremonies—Beliefs and Superstitions—and Folk-Poesy / 3

Chap. II.—Geeek Women: theie Social Status and Activities / 30

Chap. III. —Geeek Womkn: theie Family Ceeemonies / 69

Chap. IV.—Geeek Women : theie Beliefs and Supbestitions / 103

Chap V. Geeek Women: theie Folk-poesy / 154
Note on the Identification of St. Gboege with Hoeus and Khidhe / 191

Chap. VI.—Armenian Women: their Social Status and Activities / 194

Chap. VII.—Armenian Women : their Family Ceremonies / 222

Chap. VIII.—Armenian Women: their Beliefs and Superstitions / 249

Chap. IX. —Armenian Women: their Folk-poesy / 270

Chap. X.—Bulgarian Women : their Social Status and Activities / 297

Chap. XI.—Bulgarian Women: their Family Ceremonies / 315

Chap. XII.—Bulgarian Women : their Beliefs and Superstitions / 327

Chap. XIII.—Bulgarian Women: Their Folk-Poest / 342

Chap. XIV.—Frank Women: their Social Status and Activities—Family
Ceremonies— Beliefs and Superstitions—and Folk-poesy / 366

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