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Saladin and the Saracens

Auteurs : |
Éditeur : Martin Windrow Date & Lieu : 1986, London
Préface : Pages : 52
Traduction : ISBN : 0-85045-682-7
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 180x245 mm
Thème : Histoire

Table des Matières Introduction Identité PDF
Saladin and the Saracens

Saladin & the Saracens

Armies of the Middle
East 1100-1300
(Men-at-Arms series; 171)

Readers may care to note that the original paintings from which the colour plates in this book were prepared are available for private sale. All reproduction copyright whatsoever is retained by the publisher. All enquiries should be addressed to: Scorpio Gallery

Table des Matières

Chronology :

The Middle East, AD 10711300

1071 - Saljuqs defeat Byzantines at Manzikert
1092 - Death of Great Saljuq Sultan Malik Shah
1097 - First Crusade; Crusaders defeat Saljuqs of Rum at Dorylaeum
1098 - Crusaders capture Antioch; Fatimids seize Jerusalem io99
1099 - 1105 - Crusaders capture Jerusalem
1102 - Saljuq civil war
1109 - Fatimids defeat Crusaders at Ramlah
1115-6 - Crusaders capture Tripoli
1119 - Crusaders occupy Transjordan
1122 - Atabeg force defeats Crusaders at 'Field of Blood'
1127 - Abbasid Caliph recruits own army for first time in many years Zangi made governor of Mosul
1138 - Probable birth of Saladin
1144 - Zangi captures Crusader-held Edessa
1146 - Assassination of Zangi
1147 - German Crusade defeated by Saljuqs of Rum
1148 - Second Crusade defeated outside Damascus
1153 - Crusaders capture Asqalan, last Fatimid stronghold in Palestine
1154 - Nur al Din seizes Damascus
1157 - Death of Sinjar, last effective Great Saljuq Sultan
1161 - Saljuqs of Rum acknowledge Byzantine suzerainty
1163-8 - Crusaders of Jerusalem unsuccessfully invade Egypt three times
1169 - Saladin seizes Egypt
1174 - Death or NW' al Din: Saladin seizes Damascus
1176 - Saljuqs of Rum defeat Byzantines at Myriokephalon
1182-3 - Renaud de Chātillon ravages Red Sea coasts
1183 - Saladin seizes Aleppo
1187 - Saladin defeats Crusader States at Hattin; captures Jerusalem but fails to take Tyre
I189-91 - Siege and capture of Acre by Third Crusade
1191 - Crusaders defeat Saladin at Arsuf
1192 - Richard the Lionheart leaves Palestine
1193 - Death of Saladin
1194 - Khwarazmshah defeats last Saljuq Sultan of Iran
1204 - Fourth Crusade captures Constantinople (Istanbul)
1218-21 - Fifth Crusade invades Egypt; death of Ayyubid Sultan al Adil; defeat of Fifth Crusade
1220-22 - Mongols invade eastern Islam
1228-9 - Emperor Frederick II reaches Palestine, signs treaty with Ayyubid Sultan al Kamil
1238 - Fragmentation of Ayyubid Empire
1243 - Saljuqs of Rum defeated by Mongols
1245 - Al Salih reunites Ayyubid Empire
1249-50 - St Louis Iii of France invades Egypt ; death of al Salih; Mamluk revolution in Egypt; surrender of Louis IX
I258 - Mongols sack Baghdad
126o - Mongols occupy Syria, are defeated by Mamluks at Ayn Jalut
1261 - Byzantines recapture Constantinople (Istanbul)
1268 - Mamluks capture Jaffa and Antioch
1289 - Mamluks destroy Tripoli
1291 - Mamluks capture Acre and all other Crusader possessions on Syrian-Palestinian mainland

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