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The Kurds and Kurdistan

Auteur :
Éditeur : Greenwood Press Date & Lieu : 1997-01-01, Connecticut
Préface : Pages : 374
Traduction : ISBN : 0-313-30397-5
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 90x135 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Ang. 3919Thème : Général

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The Kurds and Kurdistan

The Kurds and Kurdistan: A Selective and Annotated Bibliography

After nearly two years' labor, in collecting, reading, arranging, and classifying the material included in this work, I am at last able to publish the following bibliographical study. This work has been driven by two main considerations: First, the need to fill one of the major gaps in the world of bibliographies, namely, a general annotated bibliography on the Kurds and Kurdistan. Second, to assist researchers to locate their needed information on the Kurds in a more efficient way.

In the last few years, the Kurdish question has taken on more prominence in Middle Eastern politics, and attracted the interest of media, the academic community as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations. The years 1991 and 1992 are (and will be) remembered by all students of Kurdish topics as the ones during which they were swamped by the press and academic departments to supply answers to everything that needed to be known about the Kurds--and quickly.

Lacking comprehensive bibliographical studies, the Kurdologists have had little choice but to go to the Internet or DIALOG to search for material to complete their work, spending hundreds of hours and dollars in the process. They had to go over many databases, containing plenty of repetitious and misleading records. They have needed to survey all of the outputs for the needed material and yet with no definite positive end result. Soon also, they would discover that almost none of the databases cover materials published before the mid-1960s which certainly include many valuable works. Therefore, a manual search through a well-classified, annotated bibliography seemed to be more fruitful and presented a more economic and rapid method of communication research and retrieval of information. Had there been an up-to-date, multidisciplinary, annotated bibliography of the Kurds and Kurdistan, the researcher's task would have been much easier, less expensive and more rewarding. In short, no matter how much the Information Science field develops, we will always need to rely on printed bibliographies. This is due to their accuracy, their savings in time and money, and their multi-disciplinary character...


A Selective and Annotated Bibliography

Compiled by

Bibliographies and Indexes in World History,
Number 46

Westport, Connecticut • London

Library of Congess Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Meho, Lokman I., 1968-
The Kurds and Kurdistan : a selective and annotated bibliography /
compiled by Lokman I. Meho.
p. cm.—(Bibliographies and indexes in world history, ISSN 0742-6852 ; no. 46)
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
ISBN 0-313-30397-5 (alk. paper)
1. Kurds—Bibliography. 2. Kurdistan—Bibliography. I. Title.
II. Series.
Z3014.K85M44 1997
016.9566'7—dc21 97-9008

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.

Copyright © 1997 by Lokman I. Meho

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced, by any process or technique, without the
express written consent of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-9008

ISBN: 0-313-30397-5
ISSN: 0742-6852

First published in 1997
Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881
An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
The paper used in this book complies with the
Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National
Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984).

Fondation-Institut kurde de Paris © 2024
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