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The lands of the Eastern Caliphate

Auteur :
Éditeur : Cambridge University Press Date & Lieu : 1905-01-01, Cambridge
Préface : Pages : 536
Traduction : ISBN :
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 125x185 mm
Code FIKP : Lp. Ang. 886Thème : Général

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The lands of the Eastern Caliphate

The lands of the Eastern Caliphate

G. Le Strange

Cambridge University Press

Mesopotamia and Persia, their provinces under the Abbasid Caliphs. The outlying provinces to the north-west and the north-east. The high roads from Baghdâd to the Moslem frontier. The Moslem geographers, and their works. Other authorities. Place-names in the Arabic, Turkish, and Persian provinces.

Mesopotamia and Persia had formed the kingdom of the Sassanian Chosroes, which the Arabs utterly overthrew when, after the death of Muhammad, they set forth to convert the world to Islam. Against the Byzantines, the other great power which the Moslems attacked, they achieved only a partial victory, taking possession, here and there, of rich provinces, notably of the coast lands to the south and east of the Mediterranean; but elsewhere the Emperors successfully withstood the Caliphs, and for many centuries continued to do so, the Roman empire in the end surviving the Caliphate by over two hundred years.


G. Le Strange

The lands of the Eastern Caliphate

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge geographical series
General Editor: f. H. H. Guillemard, M.D.
Formerly lecturer in geography in the University of Cambridge

Cambridge University press warehouse,
C. F. Clay, manager.
London: Ave. Maria Lane, E.C.
Glasgow: 50, Wellington Street.

Leipsig: F. A. Brockhaus.
New York: The Macmillan Company.
Bombay and Calcutta: Macmillan and co. ltd.

The lands of the Eastern Caliphate
Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia
From the Moslem conquest to the time of Timur

By G. Le Strange
Author of Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate,
Palestine under the Moslems etc.

Cambridge :
at the University Press

Printed by John Clay, M.A.
At the University Press

Abbreviations and chronological list of
Moslem geographers

A. H. / A.D.
I. K. Ibn Khurdâdbih 250 (864)
Kud. Kudâmah 266 (880)
Ykb. Ya'kûbî 278 (891)
I. S. Ibn Serapion 290 (903)
I. R. Ibn Rustah 290 (903)
I. F. Ibn Fakîh 290 (903)
Mas. Mas'ûdî 332 (943)
Ist. Iştakhrî 340 (951)
I. H. Ibn Hawkal 367 (978)
Muk. Mukaddasî 375 (985)
N. K. Nâşir-i-Khusraw 438 (1047)
F. N. Fârs Nâmah 500 (1107)
Idr. Idrîsî 548 (1154)
I. J. Ibn Jubayr 580 (1184)
Yak. Yâkût 623 (1225)
Kaz. Kazvînî 674 (1275)
Mar. Marâsid 700 (1300)
A. F. Abu-l-Fidâ 721 (1321)
Mat. Mustawfî 740 (1340)
I. B. Ibn Batûtah 756 (1355)
Hfz. Hâfiz Abrû 820 (1417)
A. Y. 'Alî of Yazd 828 (1425)
J. N. Jahân Numâ 1010 (1600)
A. G. Abu-l-Ghâzî 1014 (1604)

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