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The Cambridge History of Iran - IV

Author :
Editor : Cambridge University Press Date & Place : 1975, Cambridge
Preface : Pages : 698
Traduction : ISBN : 13 978-0-521-20093-6
Language : EnglishFormat : 300x455mm
FIKP's Code : Liv. En.Theme : History

Table of Contents Introduction Identity PDF
The Cambridge History of Iran - IV

The Cambridge History of Iran - IV

R. N. Frye

Cambridge University Pres

The Muslim Arabs' disastrous defeat of the Sāsānian Empire opened a new chapter in the long history of Iran. In distant Hijaz in the city of Mecca, Muhammad b. 'Abd-Allah had given to an idolatrous and strife-ridden people a new religion, which inculcated monotheism, its message coming to Muhammad as Revelation, conveyed to his Community later in the Qur'an, and bade the Arabs to submit as people accountable to God and fearful of his wrath. Some of them were so inspired by this new teaching that they undertook the conquest of the world about them, to achieve at the same time in this holy war the reward of a share in the world to come, Paradise.

Muhammad's death in 11/632 was followed in his successor Abū Bakr's time by a crisis of apostasy, the Ridda, which put both the religion and the government of Medina in jeopardy. The faith and the polity which Muhammad had promulgated there were shaken, but nonetheless the new Islamic vigour was enough to achieve dominion over all the Arabian Peninsula. Once the apostasy had been suppressed, closer unity followed with greater zeal to sacrifice all in a larger struggle. The end of the Ridda wars left the Arabs poised for Holy War for the sake of Islam, ready to challenge even Byzantium and Iran.



R. N. Frye

The Cambridge History of Iran

Cambridge University

Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge History of Iran
The Period From The Arab
Invasion to the Saljuqs
R. N. Frye

In Eight Volumes
Volume 4

Cambridge Histories Online
© Cambridge University Press, 2008

by R. N. Frye
Professor of Iranian, Harvard University

Cambridge University Press
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo

Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK

Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this

© Cambridge University Press 1975

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and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without
the written permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 1975
Fifth printing 2007

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library

ISBN-13 978-0-521-20093-6 hardback

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Board of editors

Sir Harold Bailey (Chairman)
Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit
University of Cambridge

Basil Gray (Vice-Chairman)
Formerly Keeper of the Oriental Antiquities
British Museum

P. W. Avery
Lecturer in Persian
University of Cambridge

C. E. Bosworth
Professor of Arabic Studies
University of Manchester

J. A. Boyle
Professor of Persian Studies
University of Manchester

Ilya Gershevitch
Reader in Iranian Studies
University of Cambridge

L. Lockhart
Pembroke College, Cambridge

Sir Max Mallowan
Emeritus Professor of Western Asiatic Archaeology
University of London

Mahmud Sana'i
Professor of Psychology
University of Tehran

H. S. G. Darke (Editorial Secretary)
Lecturer in Persian
University of Cambridge


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