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Peasant and Bureaucracy in Ba'thist Syria

Auteur :
Éditeur : Westview Press Date & Lieu : 1989, Boulder & San Francisco & London
Préface : Pages : 326
Traduction : ISBN : 0-8133-7591-6
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 150x210 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Hin. Pea. 2493Thème : Général

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Peasant and Bureaucracy in Ba'thist Syria

Peasant and Bureaucracy in Ba'thist Syria

Raymond A. Hinnebusch

Westview Press

Arguing that the nature of rural society and the role of the peasant are strategic keys to state formation, the author presents a wealth of empirical data on agricultural development policies in Ba‘thist Syria and their consequences for the nature of the Syrian state. He focuses first on policymaking in the agrarian bureaucracy, examining such factors as elite orientations, conflicts over ideology and technocratic planning, and the “lesser” politics of patronage and interest-group activities. The focus of the second section is “policy-implementation-in-action”—the structure, pathologies, programs, and actual performance of bureaucracy. Dr. Hinnebusch looks specifically at agrarian reform and its social consequences, the delivery of services, marketing and pricing policy, agricultural cooperatives, agricultural industrialization and hydraulic projects, and the overall economic performance of agriculture. His conclusion shows that the regime’s thrust remains poised between persistent statist populism and the development of capitalist forces.

Raymond A. Hinnebusch is associate professor and chairman of the Department of Political Science at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is the author of several books and articles, including Egyptian Politics Under Sadat: The Post-Populist Transformation of an Authoritarian-Modernizing State (1985) and Authoritarian Power and State Formation in Ba‘thist Syria: Army, Party, and Peasant (Westview, forthcoming).



Raymond A. Hinnebusch

Peasant and Bureaucracy in Ba'thist Syria


Westview Special Studies on the Middle East
Peasant and Bureaucracy in Ba'thist Syria
The Political Economy of Rural Development
Raymond A. Hinnebusch

Westview Press
Boulder, San Francisco, & London

This Westview softcover edition is printed on acid-free paper and bound in softcovers that carry the highest rating of the National Association of State Textbook Administrators, in consultation with the Association of American Publishers and the Book Manufacturers’ Institute.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Copyright © 1989 by Westview Press, Inc.

Published in 1989 in the United States of America by Westview Press, Inc., 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80301, and in the United Kingdom by Westview Press, Inc.,
13 Brunswick Centre, London WCIN IAF, England

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hinncbusch, Raymond A.
Peasant and bureaucracy in Ba‘thist Syria.
(Westview special studies on the Middle East)
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Peasantry—Syria. 2. Agriculture and state—
Syria. 3. Rural development—Government policy—Syria.
4. Syria—Politics and government. I. Title.
II. Series.
HDI537.S95H56 - 1989 - 30S.5'63 - 88-27965
ISBN 0-8133-7591-6

Printed and bound in the United States of America
© The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Cover design: Elaine Duncan

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