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The Reconstruction and Economic Development of Iraqi Kurdistan

Auteurs : | |
Éditeur : Stichting Nederland-Koerdistan Date & Lieu : 1993, Amsterdam
Préface : Pages : 112
Traduction : ISBN : 90-74666-01-9
Langue : AnglaisFormat : 170x240 mm
Code FIKP : Liv. Eng. Hus. Rec. N°2507Thème : Général

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The Reconstruction and Economic Development of Iraqi Kurdistan

The Reconstruction and Economic Development of Iraqi Kurdistan

Fuad Hussein,
Michiel Leezenberg,
Pieter Muller

Stichting Nederland-Koerdistan

On behalf of the organizing committee of this conference, I have the honour to welcome you all and to express my deep gratitude towards you all for accepting our invitation to participate in this conference. A warm and special welcome to the Kurdish leaders and officials from the Kurdish government and parliament in Iraq.

The importance of this conference lies in the fact that this is the first time, as far as 1 know, that a meeting dealing with the economic aspects of the Kurdish question has been organized. These aspects are particularly important, now, because of the imminent threat of economic collapse in Iraqi Kurdistan. The Kurds have gained some political ...


Fuad Hussein
Michiel Leezenberg
Pieter Muller

The Reconstruction and Economic Development
of Iraqi Kurdistan

Stichting Nederland-Koerdistan

Stichting Nederland-Koerdistan
(Netherlands Kurdistan Society)
The Reconstruction and Economic Development
of Iraqi Kurdistan
Challenges and Perspectives
Proceedings of the international conference on the
reconstruction and development of Iraqi Kurdistan,
Zeist, The Netherlands, September 4-6,1992
Fuad Hussein
Michiel Leezenberg
Pieter Muller

Amsterdam, 1993

The conference was organized by:

International Dialogues Foundation
(Stichting RIOP/IDF)
P.O. Box 121
3970 AC Driebergen The Netherlands
Tel +(0)3438-32122
Fax +(0)3438-31910

Stichting Nederland-Koerdistan
(Netherlands Kurdistan Society)
Waterlooplein 205
1011 PG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel +(0)20-6221305
Fax +(0)20-6388345

Additional copies of this publication are available from the
Netherlands Kurdistan Society.

Design & Layout: Petra Veraar
Map: Michiel Hegener
Printing and binding: Copy Print 2000, Enschede, The Netherlands

Cip-Gegevens Koninkluke Bibliotheek, Den Haag


The reconstruction and economic development of Iraqi Kurdistan:
Challenges and perspectives: proceedings of the international conference
on the reconstruction and development of Iraqi Kurdistan, Zeist,
The Netherlands, September 4-6, 1992 / F. Hussein,
M. Leezenberg, P. Muller (ed.). - Amsterdam:
Stichting Nederland-Koerdistan. - III Met lit. opg.

ISBN 90-74666-01-9
NUGI 659
Trefw.: Koerdistan (Iraq): économie

Fondation-Institut kurde de Paris © 2024
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