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Water in the Arab World

Editor : The World Bank Date & Place : 2009, Washington
Preface : Pages : 554
Traduction : ISBN :
Language : EnglishFormat : 177x254 mm
Theme : Economy

Water in the Arab World


This book is the collective effort of the water team of the Middle East and North Africa (MNA) Region of the World Bank, which consists of staff members and consultants working on water issues in most countries of the Arab world and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The core team consisted of the three editors, N. Vijay Jagannathan (Sector Manager, Water), Ahmed Shawky Mohamed (Senior Water Resources Specialist), and Alexander Kremer (Senior Sector Economist), as well as Alicia Hetzner (Language Editor), and Georgine Seydi (Program Assistant).

Our debt of gratitude extends to a long list of colleagues in the MNA water team who have contributed chapters, often toiling long beyond their working hours and facing impossible deadlines imposed by the substance editors. Among the several consultants who have contributed, Chris Perry—who came up with the ABCDE approach, the organizing framework for the book’s chapters—is gratefully acknowledged.

The team would like to express appreciation for the guidance and support received from three colleagues in the World Bank: Nadereh Chamlou and Omer Karasapan, who gave us helpful advice; and Juan Diego Rodriguez, whose support made the production of this book possible. In addition, the two peer reviewers, Shawki Barghouti (Director General of the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai) and Rory O’Sullivan (Consultant to the Bank’s working group on Embedded Knowledge), spent hours plowing through hundreds of pages of the various papers and giving very insightful comments and guidance to the team.

Finally, the team would like to thank Laszlo Lovei, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Sustainable Development Department, for his unwavering support and confidence, without which this enterprise could never have been completed in the timeframe required; and Nadir Mohammed, Operations Director of the MNA Region, for his encouragement to include this volume as a contribution to the region’s Arab World Initiative.

The MNA Region gratefully acknowledges the generous cofinancing of this work by the Dutch government via the Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership Program (BNWPP).


Preface / xv
Acknowledgments / xvii
Acronyms and Abbreviations

1. Introduction: Beyond WRM— Unbundling Water
Management in MNA Countries
N. Vijay Jagannathan, Ahmed Shawky Mohamed, and
Christopher J. Perry / 1

2. Bridging the Practice Gap in Water Management:
Lessons from the “MNA Development Report on Water”
N. Vijay Jagannathan / 19

3. Egypt: Water Sector Public Expenditure Review
Ahmed Shawky Mohamed and N. Vijay Jagannathan / 37

4. Assessing the Efficiency and Equity of Water Subsidies:
Spending Less for Better Services
Ahmed Shawky Mohamed, Alexander Kremer, and Manish Kumar / 59

5. Applications of Latest Technologies and Hydrological Models
in Water Resources Management and Planning in MNA Region
Bekele Debele Negewo, Julia Bucknall, and
Ahmed Shawky Mohamed / 79

6. Water Resource Assessment in the Arab World:
New Analytical Tools for New Challenges
Christopher J. Perry and Julia Bucknall / 97

7. Egypt Case Study: Energy Efficiency CDM Program:
Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Sector
Abdulhamid Azad / 119

8. Accountable Water and Sanitation Governance:
Japan’s Experience
Satoru Ueda and Mohammed Benouahi / 131

9. Tunisia’s Experience in Water Resource Mobilization
and Management
Mohamed El Hedi Louati and Julia Bucknall / 157

10. Lessons from the Rehabilitation of the Water Supply
and Sanitation Sector in Post-War Iraq
Sana Agha Al Nimer / 181

11. Governance in Yemen’s Water Sector: Lessons
from the Design of an Anticorruption Action Plan
Maher Abu-Taleb and Richard Calkins / 191


12. Water Allocation Conflict Management: Case Study
of Bitit, Morocco Rachid Abdellaoui / 213

13. How Did a Small, Poor, and Remote Rural Village in Djibouti
Recently Become a Government Priority to Receive Water
Supply and Sanitation?
Sarah Houssein, in collaboration with Julia Bucknall and Nathalie Abu-Ata / 229

14. Water Conflict in Yemen: The Case for Strengthening
Local Resolution Mechanisms
Christopher Ward / 233

15. Water Diplomacy in the 21st Century
N. Vijay Jagannathan / 269


16. Comparative Analysis of Water Laws in MNA Countries
Jackson Morill and Jose Simas / 285

17. Subsidies for the Poor: An Innovative Output-Based
Aid Approach Providing Basic Services to Poor Periurban
Neighborhoods in Morocco
Xavier Chauvot de Beauchêne and Pier Mantovani / 335

18. Use of Output-Based Aid to Jumpstart a Rural Water
Supply Service Market in Morocco
Xavier Chauvot de Beauchêne and Pier Mantovani / 345

19. New Approaches to Private Sector Participation
in Irrigation: Lessons from Egypt’s West Delta Project
Aldo Baietti and Safwat Abdel-Dayem / 355


20. Participatory Irrigation Management and Cost-Sharing
in Yemen
Naji Abu Hatim and Ahmed Shawky Mohamed / 367

21. Community Management of Rural Water Supply:
Evaluation of User Satisfaction in Yemen
Susmita Dasgupta, Craig Meisner, Andrew Makokha,
and Richard Pollard / 383

22. Rural Sanitation within an IWRM Framework:
Case Study of Application in the Delta Region, Egypt
Ayat Soliman, Ahmed Shawky Mohamed, Maged Hamed,
Wendy Wakeman, and Mohammed Mehany / 401

23. Water Management in Spain: Highlights Relevant for MNA Countries
Ahmed Shawky Mohamed, Abdulhamid Azad, and Alexander Bakalian / 421

24. Egypt: Irrigation Innovations in the Nile Delta
Jose Simas, Juan Morelli, and Hani El Sadani / 433

25. Water Reuse in the MNA Region: Constraints, Experiences,
and Policy Recommendations
Claire Kfouri, Pier Mantovani, and Marc Jeuland / 447

26. Desalination Opportunities and Challenges
in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Khairy Al-Jamal and Manuel Schiffler / 479

27. Enhancing the Socioeconomic Viability of Spate Irrigation
through Conjunctive Use in Coastal Areas in Yemen: Case Study of Wadi Ahwar
Arjen de Vries and Tarun Ghawana. Supervised by Ahmed Shawky Mohamed / 497

Appendix A1. List of Authors / 52


This volume is intended to serve as a water handbook. It represents the collective knowledge about water resources management acquired over recent years, both within the World Bank water team and with counterparts working in the Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East (MNA).

The chapters offer a cornucopia of ideas and themes. Some chapters are based on background papers prepared for the 2007 “MNA Development Report on Water.” Others draw on sector work prepared at the request of client countries. Yet others summarize observations based on study tours or other learning events sponsored by the World Bank.

Upon reviewing this lodestone of embedded knowledge, we realized that bringing together our observations and analyses could serve a useful purpose for public officials, other practitioners, academics, and students who are interested in learning more about the complexities of managing water resources management in one of the driest parts of the world.

N. Vijay Jagannathan
Ahmed Shawky Mohamed
Alexander Kremer

Water in the Arab World
N. Vijay Jagannathan
Ahmed Shawky Mohamed
Alexander Kremer

©2009 The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development/

The World Bank
Middle East and North Africa (MNA) Region
1818 H St., NW
Washington, DC 20433

All rights reserved.
This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/
The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in
this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World
Bank or the governments they represent.

The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The
boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work
do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank concerning the legal status of any
territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of
this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and
will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly.

For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with
complete information to the Office of the Vice President, Middle East and North Africa
Region, World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA.

Cover photographs: World Bank MNSSD staff, clients, and consultants.
Book design and typesetting: The Word Express.

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