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Personalities: Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, Sulaimani

Editor : Government Press Date & Place : 1926, Baghdad
Preface : Pages : 113
Traduction : ISBN :
Language : EnglishFormat : 155x220 mm
FIKP's Code : Lp. Ang. 317Theme : History

Personalities: Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, Sulaimani

Personalities: Baghdad and Kadhamain [English, Baghdad, 1920]

Personalities in Kurdistan [English, Baghdad, 1919]

Personalities: Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, Sulaimani [English, Baghdad, 1926]

Personalities: Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, Sulaimani and frontiers. Note on Mosul town

Mosul town

The chief families in Mosul are: -
1. Bait al Julili, see Sulaiman al Jalili.
2. The `Umaris, see Rashid al `Umari. These trace their descent from the Khalif 'Umar al Khattab. Their most eminent representative is Hadi Pasha, living in Constantinople. His name rias mentioned as a possible candidate front the Amirate of 'Iraq, but lie is very old and seldom leaves his bouse.
3. The Sada, whose heand is the Naqib al Ashraf. At present they are in rather a commanding position in Mosul.

Nos. 2 and 3 are generally in opposition to each other.

With regard to recent political movements, in August, 1920, 'a maulud was field at the Nabi Jirjis mosque at the termination of which forty members to represent Mosul were elected in order to present their demands to the Government. Manv of the Forty elected had no knowledge of what was intended and joined after consultation with the P.O. No doubt it was intended that the presentation of the demands should be attended with the same discrders as occurred in Baghdad. That however was averted, and by the loyal co-operation of soma of the Ashraf, the committee of the Fort- was, in a very short time, reduced to impotence. It is fairly certain that the maulud was occasioned by the orders of the Baghdad extremists to the Jami'at al Ahd in Mosul. The local leaders of the Ahd are:—
Dr. Daud Chal'labi.
Yasin al 'Uraibi.
Muhammad 'Arab.
Mustafa ibn Haji Husain. Mustafa. al 'Umari.
Sa'id ibn Haji Thabit.

Most of the leading Ashraf are very large landowners who hardly ever visit their villages. In the last winter of the war mort of them amassed large fortunes by holding up grain. Ten thousand people are laid to have died of starvation.

Mosul town


Head of the Sadani Khel of the Sadani section of the Jaf.

Abbas Mahmud Agha, Plzhder
Head of the Mahmud Agita section of this tribe and brother of Haji Rasai Agha. He is a young man of flashy personality, not remarkable for brains or courage, but. being the head of a powerful section and advised and prompted by Haji Agha is a man to be reckoned with. He holds no oath or promise sacred and is a master cf facial control when lying. He is bitterly anti-Government at heart, but, like his brother, keeps his words and actions concealed. He became a runaway outlaw after the fall of Shaikh Mahmud (1919) and was pardoned and returned with his brother at the same time and fer the same reasons. He twice swore an oath to Babakr Agha not to have communication with the Rawanduz rebels and twice broke this oath. He is moderately rich but the greater portion of his wealth lies on the Persian side cf the frontier. 'Abbas to Government enemies is. as carrion to flies.

He is the rival of Babakr Agha for authority in the tribe and in opposition to him backed the Turks in 1922. His section was largely responsible for the retreat of the British column in August, 1922. He subsequently joined Shaikh. Mahmud at Sulaimani and took part in his intrigues with the Turks. On the fall of Shaikh Mahmud's government in March, 1923 he returued to Rania and appears te have come to terms with Babakr.

'Abdul 'Aziz Ibn 'Umar Misto, Haji.
Rais of the Hassenan tribe (Kurdish) on river at extreme north of Tall 'Afar district. At feud with the Miran, his father having been ousted by Mustafa Agha, father of present Miran chief. Went to Sharifian forces in Tall 'Afar in June, 1920, but probably under compulsion, and has shown himself on the whcle loyal to us. Raided Miran in September, 1920.

Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, Sulaimani and frontiers
Note on Mosul town


Printed at the government press,

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