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Tribes and Personalities of Western Persia

Editor : Government Press Date & Place : 1918, Baghdad
Preface : Pages : 134
Traduction : ISBN :
Language : EnglishFormat : 140 x 210 mm
FIKP's Code : Liv. En. Pre. 297Theme : Sociology

Tribes and Personalities of Western Persia

Personalities: Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, Sulaimani [English, Baghdad, 1926]

Personalities: Baghdad and Kadhamain [English, Baghdad, 1920]

Personalities in Kurdistan [English, Baghdad, 1919]

Tribes and Personalities of Western Persia [English, Baghdad, 1918]

Tribes and Personalities of Western Persia

Government press

Compte d'auteur

'Abbas Khan
See Sardar Rashid

'Abbas Khan Kalhur, Amir i Mu'azzam

With Sulaiman, leader of the Kalhur, has been in correspondence with the Germans;' very turbulent. He is nephew of Sulaiman Khan (q.v.) His sister is wife of Salar Zafar, Sinjabi.

He has always been in close touch with 'Ah Akbar Jihan, Sinjabi, and till recently has been identified with enemy interests. 'Abbas Khan is intelligent and well-informed and has the makings of a better Chief of the tribe than his uncle.
Age (1918) about 20.



'Abbas Khan
See Sardar Rashid

'Abbas Khan Kalhur, Amir i Mu'azzam.
With Sulaiman, leader of the Kalhur, has been in correspondence with the Germans;' very turbulent. He is nephew of Sulaiman Khan (q.v.) His sister is wife of Salar Zafar, Sinjabi.

He has always been in close touch with 'Ah Akbar Jihan, Sinjabi, and till recently has been identified with enemy interests. 'Abbas Khan is intelligent and well-informed and has the makings of a better Chief of the tribe than his uncle.
Age (1918) about 20.

'Abbas Mirza
See Salar i Lashkar

'Abbas, Saiyid
A man of obscure origin. A leader of the Democrat party in Kirmanshah.

'Abdul Ghanah
Of Enzeli, rice and raism merchant. Head of Municipality. Active Jangali agent July 1918.

'Abdul Karim Beg
Agent of Wakil ul Mamalik and Sardar Eashid, entrusted with seeing to the peace of the Kirmaiishah-Sennah road. He owns the village of Aferian Bala immediately to the W. of the road.

'Abdul Karim, Saiyid
A mulla of the Galbaghi Kurds, a man of pleasant manners, 50 years old; promised to help us, but is suspected of being a Turkish agent.

'Abdul Karim of Salmas, Shaikh
Arrived Hamadan 26-3-18 from Constantinople. A mulla also known as Hajji Peshnimaj. Pro-German, and pro- Turk. Armed. Violently anti-British.

'Abdul Qasim Khan, Khani
Belongs to the Ardalan family of Saqiz. Cousin of Saifullah Khan. Is officially Governor of Saqiz, appointed by Sardar Eashid when the latter was Governor of Kirmanshah, but is weak, with little influence and uanble to make his authority felt. See Iftikhar us Sultan, who is his rival. He fled to Tehran in 1915 to avoid taking part in the Jihad, Heis chief of the Mukri at Saqiz.

'Abdul Qasim, Shaikh
A friend of the bank in Kazvin and strongly anti-Jangali.

'Abdullah Khan
Chief of the Chahardauli, has offered G.O.C. L. of C. Hamadan a force of 600 men to serve in Kurdistan. Lives at Kamak between Qurwah and Asadabad and has considerable influence in the district. Has kept order along the section of the Hamadan-Sennah road which passes through Chahardauli villages. Probably the strongest tribal chief along the road Seems to be a man of character.

'Abdullah Khan
Qaraguzlu, q.v. for family tree. Son of late Murtaza Quli Khan. Lives in England. Said to be married to an American actress, Miss Nellie Stanton.

'Abdullah, Shaikh.
Enemy agent. Left Hamadan Feb. 27, 1918, for Mosul via Sennah. Also known as Mirza 'Abdullah. An ex-deputy of Persian Mejlis. Short stature, eyes contracted, black beard and eyebrows.


Government Press

Tribes and Personalities of Western Persia

Compte d’auteur

Compte d’auteur
Tribes and Personalities of Western Persia
Government Press

Printed at the Government Press

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