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The Kurdistan Region: Invest in the Future

Nivîskar : Brendan O’Leary
Weşan : Buxton Press Tarîx & Cîh : 2009, Buxton
Pêşgotin : Rûpel : 172
Wergêr : ISBN : 978-1-905435-99-9
Ziman : ÎngilîzîEbad : 210x276 mm
Mijar : Aborî

The Kurdistan Region: Invest in the Future

The Kurdistan Region: Invest in the Future [English, Washington, 2007]

The Kurdistan Region: Invest in the Future [English, Buxton, 2009]


I AM VERY pleased to welcome this publication, which is addressed to our friends, to the curious, and to the prospective investor. As I do so, the people of the Kurdistan Region and its political parties are preparing for the next regional elections in our vibrant democracy. I hope the people will participate in this election in large numbers and freely vote for those they believe are best capable of serving the people: 40 political entities have registered with the Electoral Commission.

In the popular uprising of March 1991, in the town of Koye, I promised the people of Kurdistan that we would have elections so that the people could freely elect their representatives. For us, having elections is a fundamental principle. Everyone in Kurdistan enjoys this freedom and we are proud ofwhat we have accomplished.

I have full faith in the people of the Kurdistan Region. I am confident our people know what is best for their future. I have urged the Independent Iraqi Electoral Commission to invite independent and international observers to monitor our forthcoming election so that no one can later question the results. I have also requested that the election of the President of the Kurdistan Region occur through a direct popular vote, and I have asked the Parliament to make preparations for this...

Masoud Barzani


Forewords / 12-29
Interview / 30-37
Overview by Prof. Brendan O’leary / 38-47
Why Invest in Kurdistan ? / 48-51
Security, Law qnd Democracy / 52-61
Promoting Economic Growth / 62-73
Forging Partnerships / 74-75
Key Sectoral Developments / 76-77
Natural Sources / 78-113
Infrastucture and Development / 114-135
How to Invest in Kurdistan / 136-142
Culture and Society / 143-170



I AM VERY pleased to welcome this publication, which is addressed to our friends, to the curious, and to the prospective investor. As I do so, the people of the Kurdistan Region and its political parties are preparing for the next regional elections in our vibrant democracy. I hope the people will participate in this election in large numbers and freely vote for those they believe are best capable of serving the people: 40 political entities have registered with the Electoral Commission.

In the popular uprising of March 1991, in the town of Koye, I promised the people of Kurdistan that we would have elections so that the people could freely elect their representatives. For us, having elections is a fundamental principle. Everyone in Kurdistan enjoys this freedom and we are proud ofwhat we have accomplished.

I have full faith in the people of the Kurdistan Region. I am confident our people know what is best for their future. I have urged the Independent Iraqi Electoral Commission to invite independent and international observers to monitor our forthcoming election so that no one can later question the results. I have also requested that the election of the President of the Kurdistan Region occur through a direct popular vote, and I have asked the Parliament to make preparations for this.

Since 1991 there have been many changes in the world, especially in the Middle East. Objectively, our Region is now of significant importance, recognized and highly regarded around the world - an achievement that has not come cheap; it is the result of the struggle of our Peshmerga, the people of Kurdistan, and the sacrifices of our martyrs. We have major achievements to our credit in institutionbuilding, and the growth of peaceful prosperity. Safeguarding these gains is the responsibility of every person in Kurdistan, including the political parties.

It is true that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) have shouldered the lion's share of this responsibility. So they are responsible for any ills, as well as for any achievements, and they both need to work to uproot these ills. It is natural that complaints are leveled at these two parties. However, their role must be fairly assessed. Thanks to the freedom that has been consolidated, people are free to criticize these two parties and their leaders. These two parties obtained their mandate from the people of Kurdistan. They can maintain this mandate, or lose it, only by the will of the people...

Masoud Barzani



Editor: Professor Brendan O'Leary
Assistant to the Editor: Michelle Grajek
Group Editorial Director: Claire Manuel
Managing Editors: Lauren Rose-Smith - Suzy Robinson
Sub-Editor: Nick Gordon

Group Art Director: David Cooper
Art Editors: Nicky Macro - James White
Designer: Zac Casey

Group Sales Director: Andrew Howard
Sales Manager: Martin Cousens
Sales Executives: Laurie Pilate - Sandeep Philips

Client Relations Director: Natalie Spencer

Vice President
Business Development: Maysoon Kaibni
Deputy Chief Executive: Hugh Robinson
Publisher and Chief Executive: Alan Spence

Published by Newsdesk Media Inc.
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700 12th Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
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Newsdesk Media Group publishes a wide range of business and customer publications. For further information please contact Alan Spence, Chief Executive Officer or Maysoon Kaibni, Vice President Business Development. Newsdesk Media Inc. is a member of the Newsdesk Media Group of companies.

On behalf of the Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in the USA
1532 16th St., NW
Washington D.C. 20036
Tel: +1 202 797 7575
Email: us@krg.org

Pictures: Corbis, Getty, iSTOCK, Lonely Planet Images, PA Photos, Panos Pictures, Photolibrary, Reuters, Science Photo Library. Other images supplied by the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Printed by Buxton Press, UK
ISBN 978-1-905435-99-9

© 2009. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

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